STD Awareness: Is Bacterial Vaginosis a Sexually Transmitted Disease?

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Can Yeast Infection Spread Through Sex? Expert Answers And Shares Measures To Take

Yeast infection, also known as vaginal candidiasis, is a fungal infection that often leads to irritation, discharge, and intense itchiness in the vagina and the vulva. More women suffer from it, with 75% of the female population developing the infection at least once in their lifetime, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In a study published in the BMC Women's Health, researchers even concluded that nearly all of the females (97.1%) had a candida infection compared to only 2.9% of the males.

But how does a yeast infection occur in the first place? Can it spread through sexual activity? Is it treatable or prevented? Here's what an expert tells us.

Also Read: Yeast Infection On Skin: Are They Preventable?

What Causes A Yeast Infection?

Yeast is a fungus typically present on human skin, in your digestive system, and around the vaginal area of women. When there's an overgrowth of yeast on the skin or other tissues, it can result in an infection called candidiasis.

Discussing the causes of yeast infection, Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Gynaecologist, Obstetricianm and IVF Expert, Nurture IVF Clinic, New Delhi, says that it can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Skin damage
  • Warm, humid environments
  • Weak immune systems
  • Antibiotic usage: this is because antibiotics destroy the good bacteria in your body that ordinarily maintain the equilibrium of yeast.
  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Can Yeast Infection Spread Through Sex?

    Yeast infections are not classified as Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) as they may occur without having intercourse, says Dr Bajaj.

    However, yeast infection might be transmitted through a sexual relationship, the doctor adds, sharing that using dental dams and condoms can help stop the spread of yeast infections during anal, oral, or vaginal intercourse.

    Additionally, seeking a diagnosis and treatment from a healthcare expert is advised for anybody who believes they may have a yeast infection.

    "Prescription drugs such as oral pills or antifungal lotions are often given. Treatment options for symptoms include dietary modifications, avoiding triggers, and practising excellent hygiene. Other possible benefits include probiotics and safe sexual behaviour," advises Dr Bajaj, adding that a conversation with a healthcare professional to address underlying concerns should be prompted by recurring infections.

    Also Read: What Are Sexually Transmitted Infections? STIs Explained

    How To Prevent Yeast Infection?

    Here are some ways to prevent a yeast infection from occurring in the first place:

  • Wear cotton underpants, as they help keep you dry and don't hold in warmth and moisture.
  • Always wipe from the front to the back after using the restroom. 
  • Skip the hot tubs and very hot baths. 
  • Take care of your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes.
  • Refrain from douches; the natural bacteria in your vagina that guards against infection is partially removed by douching. 
  • Tampons, pads, sprays, bubble baths, and other scented feminine items should not be used. 
  • Replenish pads, tampons, and underwear frequently. 
  • Wearing pantyhose, jeans, trousers, or tight underwear is not advised as they may raise body temperature and moisture levels in your vaginal area.
  • Bottomline

    Unfortunately, yeast infections can spread through sex, and therefore, certain measures need to be taken to prevent them. While it isn't an STI, if you suspect a yeast infection, it is best to refrain from sexual intercourse until your infection clears up. Speak with your healthcare provider for proper management tips and ways to curb the spread.


    All possible measures have been taken to ensure accuracy, reliability, timeliness and authenticity of the information; however Onlymyhealth.Com does not take any liability for the same. Using any information provided by the website is solely at the viewers' discretion. In case of any medical exigencies/ persistent health issues, we advise you to seek a qualified medical practitioner before putting to use any advice/tips given by our team or any third party in form of answers/comments on the above mentioned website.

    Here's How Zinc Can Help You Combat Vaginal Yeast Infections

    Vaginal yeast infections, caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans fungus, can be uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life. While conventional treatments exist, eating a zinc-rich diet or topical application regularly may offer additional benefits in managing and preventing yeast infections. Let's explore the role of zinc in treating vaginal yeast infections and its potential benefits for vaginal health.

    How Zinc Helps Combat Vaginal Yeast Infections

    Vaginal yeast infections occur when the natural balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina is disrupted, according to the Centres of Disease Control and Prevention, leading to symptoms such as itching, burning, discharge, and discomfort during urination or intercourse. Factors like antibiotics, hormonal changes, weakened immune systems, and high sugar intake can contribute to yeast overgrowth.

    Here's How Zinc Can Help You Combat Vaginal Yeast Infections

    The UK Research & Innovation cited a small study conducted in women dealing with vaginal yeast infection. The results found that 5 out of six women, after applying a zinc-rich topical moisturiser, didn't experience reinfection. Here's how a diet rich in zinc can help you fight such infections:

  • Antifungal Properties: Zinc exhibits antifungal properties that can help inhibit the growth of Candida albicans fungus, the culprit behind most vaginal yeast infections. By targeting the fungus, zinc contributes to the restoration of vaginal flora balance.
  • Immune Support: Zinc plays a vital role in immune function, helping the body combat infections more effectively. A strong immune system is crucial for fighting off yeast overgrowth and preventing recurrent infections.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and irritation in the vaginal area, providing relief from symptoms like itching and redness associated with yeast infections.
  • Skin Healing: Zinc promotes wound healing and skin regeneration. In cases where vaginal yeast infections cause skin irritation or small tears, zinc can aid in the healing process and soothe discomfort.
  • Ways to Incorporate Zinc for Vaginal Health

    If you are dealing with vaginal yeast infections, here's how you can add zinc to your diet:

  • Dietary Sources: Include zinc-rich foods in your diet, such as oysters, red meat, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. A balanced diet ensures adequate zinc intake for overall health.
  • Supplements: Consult with a healthcare provider before starting zinc supplements. They can recommend the appropriate dosage based on your individual needs and health status.
  • Topical Application: Some zinc-based creams or ointments are available for topical use in managing vaginal discomfort and supporting skin healing. Follow product instructions and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.
  • Hygiene Practices: Maintain good hygiene practices, such as wearing breathable cotton underwear, avoiding harsh soaps or douches, and practising safe sex to reduce the risk of vaginal infections.
  • Cautionary Notes and Conclusion

    While zinc offers potential benefits for treating vaginal yeast infections, it's essential to approach its use with caution:

  • Consultation: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or treatment, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Dosage: Follow recommended dosages and guidelines for zinc supplementation to avoid excessive intake, which can have adverse effects.
  • Holistic Approach: Zinc should be part of a holistic approach to vaginal health, including proper hygiene, a balanced diet, stress management, and regular medical check-ups.
  • Zinc's antifungal, immune-supporting, and anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable ally in managing and preventing vaginal yeast infections. By incorporating zinc into your vaginal health routine responsibly and under professional guidance, you can promote a healthier, more comfortable vaginal environment and overall well-being.


    All possible measures have been taken to ensure accuracy, reliability, timeliness and authenticity of the information; however Onlymyhealth.Com does not take any liability for the same. Using any information provided by the website is solely at the viewers' discretion. In case of any medical exigencies/ persistent health issues, we advise you to seek a qualified medical practitioner before putting to use any advice/tips given by our team or any third party in form of answers/comments on the above mentioned website.

    What Is A Vaginal Self-Exam?

    As long as you're getting routine vaginal exams with Pap smears, you don't need to do vaginal self-exams. But you may want to check for any unusual changes if you miss your regular checkup. If you do find a problem, you can start treatment sooner, and you'll probably have a better outcome.

    A self-exam can also give you a better understanding of the vagina anatomy and how this part of your body works. Everyone's body is different, and a self-exam can help you learn what's normal for you. 

    Your vagina is the canal between your uterus and the outside of your body. The vulva and labia form its entrance, and the cervix connects it to the uterus

    The vulva is the name for the external parts of your genitals. It includes the pubic mound (mons pubis) and the outer and inner lips of the vagina, called the labia majora and labia minora.

    It also includes:

  • The vestibule, the delicate area between the two sets of vaginal lips.
  • The clitoris, a fleshy bump at the front of your labia covered by a hood of skin. Underneath the hood is the glans of the clitoris, which is responsible for much of the sensation during sexual activity. The clitoris also has a shaft, and is surrounded by sensitive tissue that swells when you're aroused. 
  • The urethra, the hole where pee leaves your body. It's located below the spot where the inner lips attach to the underside of the clitoris. 
  • The vagina is an elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation. The vagina connects the uterus to the outside of your body. The vulva and labia form its entrance. The cervix, or neck, of the uterus protrudes into the vagina to form the interior end.

    The vagina receives the penis during sexual intercourse. It also allows menstrual blood to flow out of the uterus. During childbirth, the baby passes through the vagina, which is sometimes called the birth canal.

    The hymen is a thin membrane of tissue that surrounds and narrows the vaginal opening. It may be torn or ruptured by sexual activity or by exercise.

    This vagina diagram shows the parts of the vulva, including the clitoris, urethra, and outer and inner labia.

     You can do a vaginal self-exam any time, but it's best when you're between periods. Don't use any vaginal creams or douches for at least 24 hours before doing the exam.

    Helpful tools for a vaginal self-exam

    Here are some things that will help:

  • A mirror, either handheld or on a stand
  • A flashlight or other small light
  • A detailed diagram of the genitals with all the parts labeled (so you'll know what you're looking at)
  • Pillows and a towel
  • How to prepare for a vaginal self-exam

    Make sure your hands are clean or that you're wearing sterile gloves. Be mindful of your fingernails.

    Remove your clothes from the waist down. Sit on your bed or on a towel on the floor against a wall with your back propped up by pillows. Pull your feet toward your butt and spread your legs. Try to relax your pelvic muscles.

    What to look at during a vaginal self-exam

    Examine the parts of the vulva: the clitoris and the outer and inner labia. Take note of the color and size of each part, so if anything changes you'll notice it easily. You may need to pull back slightly on the hood of the clitoris. You might also have to spread apart your pubic hair to get a clear view of the area.

    To do a more complete self-exam, gently spread the labia apart and angle the mirror and light so you can see into the vagina. The walls should be pinkish. If you're comfortable doing so, place your finger inside your vagina and feel along the vaginal wall. You may notice it feels a little like the roof of your mouth. If you push deeply enough, you may feel your cervix. It feels like the tip of your nose.

    What should my vagina look like?

    Vaginas are as individual as the people who have them. Healthy labia come in many different shades, from pink to brown to purple to black. The two sides of your labia may or may not be symmetrical. The inner lips can be longer than the outer ones or vice versa. Your clitoris, labia, and vulva may be large, small, or in between. A normal vaginal opening can also vary in size.

    Doing vaginal self-exams can let you see you what's normal for you and may help you notice when something looks or feels different.

    What should my vagina feel like?

    You should feel pressure, but not pain, when you insert a finger. You'll feel soft folds along the vaginal walls. The walls will likely feel more sensitive to touch in some areas than others. 

    The vaginal walls can be nearly dry, very moist, or somewhere in between. The moisture level of your vagina is affected by your menstrual cycle and pregnancy as well as sexual arousal.

    Alternatives to vaginal self-exam

    If you're not comfortable with this much probing, it's OK. You can do a simple visual inspection. Just be sure you see your gynecologist for regular pelvic exams. How often you have pelvic exams may depend on your age, health history, and other factors. Ask your doctor about what's right for you. Your doctor can also show you how to do a genital self-exam.

    A self-exam isn't as in-depth as a pelvic exam done by your gynecologist. You should still get routine pelvic exams to check for ovarian cysts, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), uterine fibroids, early-stage cancer, and other signs of health problems. But a self-exam may help you find signs of an STD or changes to your vulva (the outer part of your genitals) that could signal other health problems

    Look for any changes to the skin of your vulva, including lumps, sores, and differences in texture or color. Pay special attention to any issues that don't heal or keep coming back. If you use an IUD for birth control, you should be able to see the string that indicates it's still in place.

    Bumps on vulva

    Most bumps on your vulva are harmless. The hair follicles on your pubic mound may feel or look like bumps. You can also get skin tags, pimples, ingrown hairs, or cysts in this area. Another common issue is atopic dermatitis, a rash you can get due to irritation from soaps, detergents, or feminine products.

    But bumps could also be a sign of conditions such genital warts, a viral skin infection, or, in rare cases, cancer of the vulva. 

    Spots on vulva

    You can get darker areas on your vulva because of hormone changes due to pregnancy, menopause, or hormonal birth control. Skin changes that come with age may also cause your vulva to look darker. 

    Darker spots could also be a sign of inflammation from an infection or irritation. Or they could mean you have a skin condition called acanthosis nigricans (AN), which is usually harmless but can be a sign of other health conditions.

    A small red or purplish spot on your vulva or in the vagina could be an angioma or hemangioma. These are generally harmless growths made up of small blood vessels.

    It's not common, but white, red, or brown patches can be symptoms of vulvar cancer or changes that could lead to it.

    Sores on vulva

    Sores, ulcers, or blisters on your vulva or vagina could be a sign of a few different sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Genital warts, which are pale, red, dark, or flesh-colored bumps that often don't hurt 
  • Genital herpes, which are painful blisters filled with clear or yellowish liquid 
  • Syphilis, which can cause a firm, round sore that usually doesn't hurt
  • Chancroid, a bacterial infection that causes a red, painful ulcer
  • Changes to vaginal wall or cervix

    If you can see or feel tissue hanging out of your vaginal opening, you could have a prolapsed vagina. This can happen when the top part of your vagina slips out of position due to weak tissues or muscles in your pelvic area. 

    A bulge in your vaginal wall next to your bladder or rectum could be a cystocele or rectocele. You can get these conditions when the muscles around your vagina weaken, usually due to childbirth.

    A lump or bump on the wall of the vagina could be a cyst or, more rarely, a sign of endometriosis. 

    You might feel your cervix in a slightly different place from time to time. That's because your menstrual cycle, as well as hormones due to puberty or menopause, can cause changes to the position of your uterus. 

     Other symptoms

    Be aware of any other symptoms, like itching, pain, soreness, or redness, especially if they last for a while. Some discharge from the vagina is normal, but look for unusual changes in its appearance, texture, or smell. 


    Your doctor should check any new or unusual bumps, sores, spots or other skin changes on your vulva or in your vagina, especially if you also have other symptoms such as pain. The same is true if you notice a smelly discharge.

    If you do find a problem during your vaginal self-exam, remember: The earlier it's diagnosed and treated, the sooner you'll feel better and find peace of mind.

    Genital warts

    These look like pale, reddish, dark, or flesh-colored bumps around your vulva or anus. You might have a single wart or a group of them, which can look like the texture of a cauliflower.

    Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). While this virus can lead to some types of cancer, the types that cause genital warts don't usually cause cancer. 

    They don't usually hurt, but they can be itchy, painful, or bleed during sex. You can also spread them to your sex partners. Genital warts often go away on their own after a while. If they bother you, a doctor can remove them. But even if get them removed, you'll likely still carry the virus that caused them for a while. 

    Vaginal discoloration

    it's normal for your vulva and the opening of your vagina to get gradually darker as you age or during pregnancy. But if discoloration happens suddenly or if you also have other symptoms like pain or itching, see your doctor.  

    Skin on the vulva that looks lighter or darker than in the past, or patches of lighter skin, can be signs of vulvar cancer. Other symptoms include:

  • Rough or thicker patches of skin
  • Lumps or sores that don't heal
  • Unexplained bleeding
  • Itching or burning 
  • Pain when you pee or have sex
  • See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

    Vulvar psoriasis can also cause discoloration that may look reddish, purple, gray, or dark brown, depending on your skin tone. You'll likely also see scaly or flaky-looking skin, and the area may itch or hurt. Your doctor can recommend treatments for psoriasis.

    Smelly vaginal discharge

    A small amount of non-smelly discharge is normal. It might be lighter or heavier, depending on where you are in your cycle. But see a doctor if your discharge has a strong odor you haven't noticed before. Bad-smelling discharge is often a sign of an infection.

    Also tell your doctor if you see:

  • More discharge than usual
  • Discharge that looks gray, green, or yellow
  • Texture changes, such as discharge that's foamy  
  • Vaginal self-exams can't take the place of regular pelvic exams done by a doctor. But they can help you better understand your vagina anatomy, and learn what's normal for you. If you do spot a problem, you may be able to get a diagnosis and treatment sooner. 

    How do you self examine your cervix?

    To see your cervix, you'll need a vaginal exam tool called a speculum. This device opens the vaginal walls to allow you to see further inside. You'll also need a flashlight and handheld mirror. Apply lubricant to the speculum or to your vagina, then position yourself as you would for a vaginal exam. Using clean hands, then:

  • Hold the speculum in a closed position with the handle pointing up, and insert it as far as possible.
  • Keep in mind that your vagina is angled toward the back.
  • Once the speculum is in place, open the bills and use the mirror to look at your cervix.
  • Your cervix is shaped like a flat knob. It's about the size of a quarter. You may see a dark spot in the middle, which is the opening to your uterus.

    Once you're familiar with how your cervix usually looks, you can be aware of any changes. Your cervix may shift position somewhat at different phases of your menstrual cycle.

    How do you know if something is wrong down there?

    See a doctor when you have:

  • Bleeding between periods or after menopause
  • Redness or itching in the vaginal area
  • Pain during sex
  • A bump or bulge in your vagina
  • Discharge that smells bad or looks unusual
  • Is it normal to have small bumps inside your vagina?

    The ridges inside your vagina are normal and help it expand during sex and childbirth. You can also get cysts in your vagina, which are often harmless. But it's always a good idea to see a doctor if you notice any changes to your vaginal area, especially if you also have other symptoms.   



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