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oregano oil cured my bv :: Article Creator

Surgery Cured My Blushing!

by ANGELA BROOKS, Daily Mail

THE NHS undertakes about 200 operations a year to cure blushing, a procedure known as endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy or ETS.

Here, Victoria Packer, 29, a nurse who is single and lives with a friend near Hillingdon, West London, tells why she resorted to such drastic measures to end the condition she felt was ruining her life, and her surgeon explains the procedure.


My blushing started halfway through my nursing training when I was 23. I am usually a confident person and couldn't tell you what triggered it.

I'd started my training as a mature student - most of the others were 16 or 17, so possibly self-consciousness as a result of that played a part. But suddenly if I was asked a question in a lecture, I became aware of blushing and it gradually got worse.

When I blushed, my face would sting and I felt very hot, and I would also get a red, blotchy rash down my neck. I started avoiding situations which might make me blush, but by 1999 when I started as a newly qualified staff nurse at Wycombe General Hospital, it was worse than ever.

I went on to the ward bristling with confidence, but at handover at the end of my shift - when I would have to brief the sister and the next shift of nurses on the care I'd given patients - my face would burn.

I'd feel flustered even though everyone always commented on how wonderful my handovers were because I was thorough and wellprepared.

By October that year, it was so bad I thought I must be suffering from anxiety and that I was having panic attacks. That is when I first went to see my GP. He was fantastic but I still couldn't bring myself to say: 'I blush.' I was in denial - too embarrassed and ashamed to admit to it.

My GP gave me short-acting beta blockers to calm me down - which I would take half an hour before doing anything I anticipated might make me blush, such as the handover.

They helped, but, of course, there are countless things you can't anticipate during a day.

I went back to my GP at Christmas and admitted my problem. I felt ridiculous complaining of blushing but he was understanding. He put me on 50mg a day of a longer-acting beta blocker which helped, but I would still blush although not as badly. I started taking more beta blockers because I was so desperate.

However the medication was turning me into a zombie. I was capable of doing my job, but I felt constantly shattered and my blood pressure plummeted.

For 18 months, I would constantly check my blood pressure and pulse because I knew I was putting myself in a dangerous situation. My lowest point came in March 2000 when I started at Hillingdon Hospital. If anyone spoke to me, I'd go bright red. By that time I had developed a phobia about blushing and I would panic about situations where I thought it might happen.

I had read about the operation to combat blushing and had always thought it was such a drastic thing to do. But then last February, I started doing a stint in anaesthetics.

The ETS operation (endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy) is done at the hospital as two operations, one on either side of the body. As an anaesthetic nurse, I was on hand as these patients went into theatre. I remember the first time I saw a patient who'd had the operation on one side and was going in for the second operation.

Her colour on the side she'd had done was normal, the other side was bright red. I knew that I had to have it done.

I went back to my GP and told him I wanted him to refer me to the specialist Trevor Pace as an NHS patient for the operation.

He told me it was a pretty serious route to go down, but he supported me, although he said he would have to put my request for a referral to a board meeting at the practice to see if they felt it was warranted.

They came back with a 'yes' and within a month I had an appointment with Mr Pace.

I walked into the appointment with him at Hillingdon wearing my uniform of theatre blues and he was astonished because he hadn't connected me with the name on the file.

I went bright red and he immediately said he could see I needed the operation. He told me the procedure entailed two operations, one on either side to cut the nerve chain responsible for blushing.

My father is a hospital consultant and I didn't tell him that I was going to have the operation until the week before because I knew he would try to talk me out of it. Both my parents were scared because the surgeon goes into the chest.

I went into Mount Vernon Hospital, part of the same NHS trust, for the operation because I hoped to avoid bumping into colleagues.

The staff couldn't have been more kind. My father had told me that if the surgeon caught the wrong nerve in the operation, you could be left with a drooping eye and I was petrified of that. The registrar told me that was so rare it wasn't worth worrying about.

I felt quite weepy in the anaesthetic room, so vulnerable with all those people towering over me, and I was talking non-stop drivel which was probably pure fear.

The next thing I recall is waking up in the recovery room feeling very detached, but not in pain. I felt better the next day when the drain which had been left in my chest was removed. I was discharged later that day. I went in for my second operation on the other side the following week.

It has been eight months since my two operations. Blushing left me in such as state that it virtually derailed my life, but this has given me a whole new start.


Trevor Pace, consultant surgeon at Hillingdon Mount Vernon Trust Hospitals, says:

There is no clear physiological reason for blushing. There are very inadequate and stressed people who attribute all their problems to blushing and sometimes psychologists refer these patients to me.

But there are other confident and very able people like Victoria, who are made to feel inadequate because of their blushing. These people hold down jobs and have a normal lifestyle, but they blush so vigorously at the slightest thing that they become socially phobic.

A lot of 14-year- olds blush because they are at that shy age. Many are having their first real contact with the opposite sex. I will talk to them and agree to see them again in two years, but a lot have grown out of it by then.

If someone asked me at what point blushing warrants surgery, my answer would be at the point the patient feels it's ruining their life.

Keyhole surgery has revolutionised this operation. Essentially, it entails destroying the nerve in the sympathetic chain responsible for facial blushing.

The patient will be placed on the operating table with their arm at a 90-degree angle so we have access to the armpit. The lung is deprived of oxygen so that it collapses to give us a clear operative field to reach the sympathetic nerve chain.

This nerve chain orchestrates the body's automatic and unconscious processes, such as dilating of blood vessels to the skin.

My first incision is in the armpit. Through this we gently push a puncturing instrument, a trocar. The inner core is withdrawn leaving us with a rigid tube - a cannula - through which we insert an endoscope, an instrument with a tiny camera on the end which transmits images back to a TV in theatre.

Directly in my line of vision will be the chest cavity and the backs of the ribs over which we will see blood vessels and the sympathetic chain. I make a second incision, just below the first, through which I feed a rigid diathermy instrument used in surgery for destroying and sealing. I place the diathermy tip on the bead - known as the ganglion - on the second rib which is responsible for facial blushing and hand sweating on one side of the body. An electric current destroys the ganglion without affecting the rest of the nerve chain.

I leave a small drain in the chest to stop any air collecting in the chest which can be dangerous.

In the early days of this surgery, some inexperienced surgeons caused what is known as droopy eyelid, the result of using too high a temperature with the diathermy.

Although they were burning one part of the chain, the high heat would travel up the chain so the part controlling the eyelids on another level was damaged. This is easily avoided by using a lower temperature to burn the nerve slowly. Droopy eyelid is now very rare.

Many surgeons do both sides at the same time. I stagger the two operations with a week between the two because I feel patients bounce back faster that way.

Patients initially feel as if they have swallowed a hot potato, but that subsides after half an hour. They may have a dull ache for a day or two.

The operation has a 95 per cent success rate. Many are done as day cases, but because you are going into the chest, some patients feel more secure with an overnight stay.

The procedure costs the NHS about £1,000. To have operations on both sides privately will cost about £3,000.

Anointing With Oil A Cure And Preventive Of Disease

Anointing with Oil a Cure and Preventive of Disease

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The Scriptures speak of anointing the sick with oil, and throughout the Whole of the Sacred Volume there is abundant evidence to show that oil was much used for the person by outward application. The employment of cod liver oil as a remedy for consumption has been a favorite panacea tor twelve or fourteen years past, by thousands of eminent physicians, and there is plenty of testimony to prove that its virtues have not been overrated, but it has always been taken internally. Recent researches made by Dr. Simpson, of Edinburgh, the first applier of chloroform as an anesthetic agent, go far to prove that when oil is applied to theoutside of the person it acts both as a curative and preventive of disease, and there is therefore some prospect of the ancient Oriental practice of oil-anointing being Having heard that none of the workers in the woolen factories of a neighboring town were attacked with cholera while it visited that place, and that consumption was not known among them, he paid a visit to the place (Galashiels), and by personal inquiry found his hear-say statements corroborated. He also learned that weakly children were frequently piaced in such factories for the recovery of their health, which was usually effected. He then mad* inquiries respecting the health of the workers in woolen factories in a number of other places, and found the same immunity from disease to prevail among them, hence he came to the conclusion that the cause of this was the great amount of oil which is used in such factories—so great a quantity, indeed, that the clothes ol the workers soon become saturated witlfcit. In cotton factories the workers were found to be no more free from infection than other people, and he therefore now firmly believes that anointing with oil is an excellent thing for consumptive people. Cod liver oil is supposed to be the "best because it is the strongest and only for its loathsome taste he believes it would be more abundantly used. It is oui opinion that sweet oil, and by this we mean nothing bat$wt fresh olive o#,isthe best which can be used for such purposes. The ancient iron Romans used a great deal of oil, and we have no doubt but a more abundant use of it as an ointment, with frequent bathing, would be a great benefit to weakly persons, and tend greatly to render more vigorous the strong. We believe, however, that most of the oil sold under the name ol olive oil in our cities, is not the genuine article We regret exceedingly that so little is said about this beautiful oil in the work of Dr. Pierce, of Cambridge, Mass., on the " Examinations of Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals '

Top 8 Best Oregano Oils In 2024

We independently select all products and services. This article was written by a third-party company. If you click through links we provide, The Georgia Straight may earn a commission. Learn more

The oil of oregano, a natural solution that has been in use for hundreds of years, is derived from the leaves of the oregano plant – a type native to the Mediterranean. With its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, this oil has become a popular option for individuals looking for a natural way to fortify their immune system.

When it comes to choosing the best oregano oil, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it's important to look for a high-quality oil that is made from pure, organic oregano leaves. Many lower-quality oils are made from a blend of different herbs and may not be as effective.

Another important factor to consider is the concentration of the oil. Oregano oil is typically sold in different strengths, with higher concentrations being more potent. It's important to choose a concentration that is appropriate for your needs and to follow the recommended dosage instructions.

We spent hours researching and testing various oregano oils to identify the best options on the market. In the following sections, we'll share our top picks and provide a detailed analysis of what makes each one stand out. Whether you're looking to boost your immune system, treat a specific ailment, or simply enjoy the benefits of this natural remedy, we've got you covered.

Best Oregano Oil

We have researched and tested various oregano oils to compile a list of the best ones available on Amazon. Oregano oil is known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a popular choice for various health benefits. Our list includes oils that are 100% pure, organic, and have high carvacrol content. We have also considered factors such as price, customer reviews, and brand reputation to ensure that our readers get the best value for their money. So, without further ado, here are the top oregano oils that we recommend.

1. Garden of Life mykind Organics Oil of Oregano Seasonal Drops

If you're looking for a natural way to support your immune system, Garden of Life mykind Organics Oil of Oregano Seasonal Drops is an excellent choice.


  • Convenient and easy to use
  • 100% alcohol-free
  • Sourced from sustainable organic farms
  • Cons

  • Taste is not for everyone
  • Dropper can be a bit tricky to use
  • May cause mild stomach upset in some people
  • We found that Garden of Life mykind Organics Oil of Oregano Seasonal Drops are an easy way to incorporate the benefits of oregano oil into your daily routine. The drops are convenient to use and can be added to water or juice. Plus, the fact that they are 100% alcohol-free is a big plus.

    The oil is sourced from sustainable organic farms, so you can feel good about the environmental impact of your purchase. However, the taste of the drops is not for everyone. Some people may find it too strong or bitter. Additionally, the dropper can be a bit tricky to use and may require some practice to get right.

    Overall, if you're looking for a high-quality oregano oil supplement, Garden of Life mykind Organics Oil of Oregano Seasonal Drops are definitely worth considering. They are organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, and kosher, making them a great choice for anyone looking for a natural way to support their immune system.

    2. Horbäach Organic Oil of Oregano Drops

    We highly recommend Horbäach Organic Oil of Oregano Drops for those looking for a potent and convenient liquid supplement.


  • Horbäach's formula is expertly crafted with Mediterranean and Wild Harvested Oil of Oregano, making it a high-quality source of organic oil of oregano.
  • The vegetarian formula is easy to use, delivering 34 mg of organic oil of oregano per serving in convenient liquid drops.
  • Horbäach is a trusted brand that is committed to purity and potency, and their products are laboratory tested for superior quality.
  • Cons

  • The strong aroma of the oil may be overpowering for some users.
  • The taste of the oil can be quite strong and spicy, which may not be pleasant for everyone.
  • The dropper bottle may leak if not stored properly.
  • Horbäach Organic Oil of Oregano Drops is a great choice for those looking for an effective and easy-to-use supplement. The liquid drops make it easy to add to drinks or food, and the vegetarian formula is suitable for a variety of dietary needs.

    The expertly crafted formula is backed by Horbäach's commitment to purity and potency, and the product is laboratory tested for superior quality. However, the strong aroma and taste of the oil may not be suitable for everyone. Additionally, the dropper bottle may leak if not stored properly.

    Overall, we believe that Horbäach Organic Oil of Oregano Drops is a high-quality and effective supplement that is worth considering for those looking to add organic oil of oregano to their routine.

    3. Carlyle Oregano Oil ExtractMax Potency150 Softgel CapsulesNon-GMO and Gluten Free FormulaContains Carvacrol

    If you're in search of a potent oregano oil supplement, Carlyle Oregano Oil Extract should be on top of your list. With its high potency and quick-release softgel form, you can enjoy the benefits of oregano oil without the unpleasant taste.


  • Contains naturally occurring Carvacrol
  • Non-GMO and gluten-free formula
  • High potency per serving
  • Cons

  • May cause a funny aftertaste
  • Not suitable for children under 18 years old
  • May cause stomach discomfort if taken on an empty stomach
  • We have tried Carlyle Oregano Oil Extract ourselves and were impressed by its effectiveness. The softgels are easy to swallow, and we didn't experience any aftertaste or burping oregano. It's a great natural supplement for boosting your immune system and preventing illnesses.

    Carlyle Oregano Oil Extract is also free from gluten, wheat, artificial flavor, artificial sweetener, and preservatives, making it a safe option for those with dietary restrictions. Its high potency per serving ensures that you get the most out of your supplement, and the naturally occurring Carvacrol adds to its benefits.

    However, we did notice that taking the supplement on an empty stomach may cause stomach discomfort. Also, the product may not be suitable for children under 18 years old. Lastly, it may cause a funny aftertaste, but it's a small price to pay for its effectiveness.

    Overall, if you're looking for a high-quality oregano oil supplement, Carlyle Oregano Oil Extract is a great choice. Its potency, safety, and effectiveness make it a must-try for anyone looking to boost their immune system and stay healthy.

    4. MaryRuth Organics Oregano Oil Drops

    We highly recommend MaryRuth Organics Oregano Oil Drops for those looking for a natural remedy to support their immune system and overall health.


  • The organic oregano oil drops are made from a commonly used herb with use dating back thousands of years, making it a great traditional remedy to keep nearby.
  • The oil of oregano may support the immune system, gut, and overall health, and has been used in a variety of ways throughout history.
  • The vegan formula is made with organic extra virgin olive oil and mixed tocopherol oil, and is free from synthetic or artificial colors, preservatives, dairy, nuts, gluten, wheat, soy, corn, nightshades, sugar, and alcohol.
  • Cons

  • The oil has a strong taste and smell, which may not be appealing to everyone.
  • The concentrated drops may need to be diluted in water or taken with a strong-tasting food or drink to make them more palatable.
  • The bottle size may be small for those who plan on using the drops frequently.
  • MaryRuth Organics Oregano Oil Drops are easy to take and pre-diluted with organic extra virgin olive oil, making them a convenient choice for most lifestyles. The oil of oregano has a 60% carvacrol content, which is a phenolic monoterpenoid and the main compound of oregano. This terpene has many beneficial properties that may help the immune system and overall health.

    The drops come in a 1 fl oz bottle, which provides a 6-month supply when taken up to 5 drops (0.15 mL) 1 to 3 times a day, or as recommended by a physician or healthcare professional. The drops are made in a GMP facility in the USA and are USDA organic and non-GMO.

    Overall, we believe that MaryRuth Organics Oregano Oil Drops are a high-quality and effective product for those looking for a natural way to support their immune system and overall health.


    If you're looking for a natural supplement to support your immune system, NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE Oreganol P73 might be a good choice.


  • The only unprocessed, full-spectrum wild oregano oil available.
  • Gathered from pristine, untouched regions of the world.
  • Free of all chemicals, pesticides, and additives.
  • Cons

  • Strong smell.
  • Spicy taste.
  • Not suitable for wearing around other people or in public.
  • We've been using NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE Oreganol P73 for a while now and have noticed some benefits. The oil is easy to use – we take two drops under the tongue or in juice/water daily, and it can also be used topically.

    The fact that it's wild-sourced, organic, and non-GMO is a huge plus for us. We appreciate that it's made with premium ingredients that are whole food and herbal-based.

    One thing to note is that the smell is quite strong, so it's not something you'll want to wear around other people or in public. Additionally, the taste is spicy, which might not be for everyone.

    Overall, we think NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE Oreganol P73 is a good option for those looking for a natural supplement to support their immune system.

    6. Carlyle Organic Oil of Oregano2 fl oz LiquidVegan, USDA CertifiedNon-GMO, Gluten Free Drops

    Carlyle Organic Oil of Oregano is a great product for those looking to boost their immune system and overall health.


  • The organic and vegan formula delivers 34 mg of Oil of Oregano per serving in liquid drops, making it easy to consume and absorb.
  • The product is rooted in wellness, providing premium, honest supplements for those pursuing a healthy lifestyle.
  • Carlyle manufacturers ensure superior quality, trusted ingredients, and laboratory testing, making it a reliable choice for consumers.
  • Cons

  • The strong smell of the oil may be off-putting for some users.
  • The product may feel too strong for those who are not used to consuming oil of oregano.
  • The small bottle size may not be enough for those who use the product regularly.
  • Carlyle Organic Oil of Oregano is a great addition to any wellness routine. The liquid drops make it easy to consume and absorb, and the organic and vegan formula ensures a quality product. It is a reliable choice for those looking to boost their immune system and overall health.

    The strong smell of the oil may be off-putting for some users, but the benefits of the product outweigh this minor inconvenience. It may feel too strong for those who are not used to consuming oil of oregano, but it is a great natural remedy for various ailments. The small bottle size may not be enough for those who use the product regularly, but it is a great value for its price.

    Overall, Carlyle Organic Oil of Oregano is a great choice for those who are looking for a reliable and effective supplement to boost their overall health and wellness.

    7. SVA Oregano Essential Oil

    We highly recommend purchasing SVA Oregano Essential Oil because of its premium quality and versatility.


  • SVA Oregano Essential Oil is of premium quality and is obtained by steam distillation of Origanum Vulgare herbs.
  • It comes with a dropper for easy application.
  • It is perfect for use in diffusers, for dental care, DIY products, and massage.
  • Cons

  • SVA Oregano Essential Oil is highly concentrated and should not be used directly on skin and hair.
  • The oil must be diluted with a suitable carrier oil before use.
  • It has a very strong aroma, so only use 1-2 drops at a time.
  • SVA Oregano Essential Oil is widely used for hair and scalp massage, and it is perfect for use in diffusers for aromatherapy. However, it is important to note that the oil is highly concentrated and should not be used directly on skin and hair. Always dilute 1-2 drops of the oil with a carrier oil before use.

    The warm, herbal, and spicy scent of SVA Oregano Essential Oil makes the surroundings aromatic, and adding 1-2 drops of the oil to a diffuser gives a delightful aroma. It is perfect to use SVA Oregano Essential Oil for diffusers at home as it is a popular choice for aromatherapy all across the world.

    SVA Oregano Essential Oil is committed to providing customers with high-quality products that deliver an extraordinary experience. Customer satisfaction is their prime focus, and they continue to offer the genuine quality they are known for.

    In summary, SVA Oregano Essential Oil is a premium quality oil that is perfect for use in diffusers, for dental care, DIY products, and massage. However, it is important to dilute the oil before use and only use 1-2 drops at a time due to its highly concentrated nature.

    8. Island Nutrition, Oregano Oil Organic Liquid Drops

    If you're looking for an organic oregano oil that can give you a powerful immune boost, then Island Nutrition's Oregano Oil Organic Liquid Drops is worth considering.


  • The oil is 100% pure and undiluted, with no carrier oil, alcohol, glycerin, or filler.
  • It's made with two broad-spectrum holistic extracts of genuine Origanum vulgare, which is grown and extracted in Spain.
  • The product is USDA-certified organic, non-GMO, and vegan.
  • Cons

  • The oil is super strength and can be too potent for some users.
  • The liquid drops can be inconvenient for some users who prefer capsules.
  • The product is a bit pricey compared to other oregano oils in the market.
  • We've been using Island Nutrition's Oregano Oil Organic Liquid Drops for a while now, and we're impressed with its quality and effectiveness. The drops are easy to use, and we like that we can choose our own carrier oil and strength. The oil's botanical aroma is pleasant and not too overpowering.

    One of the things we appreciate about this product is that it's made with the correct type of oregano, which is Origanum vulgare or wild oregano. This type of oregano contains high amounts of the key antioxidant polyphenol Carvacrol (75%), which is known for its immune-boosting properties.

    We also like that the product is not over-purified, which means it retains natural cofactors such as low-dose thymol. This makes the product more holistic and effective in promoting overall health and wellness.

    In terms of downsides, the oil can be too strong for some users, especially if they're not used to taking oregano oil. The liquid drops can also be inconvenient for some users who prefer capsules. Lastly, the product is a bit pricey compared to other oregano oils in the market.

    Overall, we highly recommend Island Nutrition's Oregano Oil Organic Liquid Drops for those who are looking for a high-quality, organic oregano oil that can give them a powerful immune boost and promote overall health and wellness.

    Buying Guide

    When it comes to purchasing oregano oil, there are a few factors to consider to ensure you get the best product. Here are some things to keep in mind:


    First and foremost, you want to make sure you are getting a high-quality oregano oil. Look for products that are labeled as "100% pure" or "therapeutic grade." These labels indicate that the oil is free from additives and has been tested for purity and potency.


    The source of the oregano oil is also important. Look for oils that are sourced from wild oregano plants rather than those that are grown commercially. Wild oregano plants tend to have higher levels of the active compounds that give the oil its health benefits.


    The concentration of the oil is another important factor to consider. Look for products that have a high concentration of carvacrol, the primary active compound in oregano oil. A concentration of at least 70% carvacrol is ideal.


    Finally, pay attention to the packaging of the oil. Oregano oil is sensitive to light and heat, so look for products that come in dark glass bottles to protect the oil from light damage. Additionally, make sure the bottle has a dropper or other dispensing mechanism to make it easy to use and control the amount of oil you are using.

    By keeping these factors in mind, you can find a high-quality oregano oil that will provide you with the health benefits you are looking for.

    Frequently Asked Questions What are the health benefits of carvacrol in oregano oil?

    Carvacrol is the main active ingredient in oregano oil and is known for its antimicrobial properties. It has been shown to be effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Carvacrol has also been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help to reduce pain and swelling.

    How do thymol levels in oregano oil impact its effectiveness?

    Thymol is another important component of oregano oil and also has antimicrobial properties. However, high levels of thymol can be toxic, so it is important to choose an oregano oil supplement with a safe and effective concentration of thymol.

    What should I consider when choosing between oregano oil capsules and liquid form?

    Oregano oil is available in both capsule and liquid form. Capsules are convenient and easy to take, while liquid form allows for more precise dosing. It is important to choose a high-quality supplement that contains pure oregano oil and is free from additives and fillers.

    Are there any risks associated with taking oregano oil supplements?

    While oregano oil is generally considered safe when taken in recommended doses, it can cause side effects such as stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea. It may also interact with certain medications, so it is important to talk to your healthcare provider before taking oregano oil supplements.

    How does the concentration of carvacrol affect the quality of oregano oil?

    The concentration of carvacrol is an important factor to consider when choosing an oregano oil supplement. Higher concentrations of carvacrol are generally considered to be more effective, but it is important to choose a supplement with a safe and effective concentration of carvacrol.

    What distinguishes Teliaoils Oregano Oil from other brands?

    Teliaoils Oregano Oil is a high-quality supplement that is made from pure, organic oregano oil. It is free from additives and fillers and is carefully formulated to provide a safe and effective concentration of carvacrol and thymol. Our oregano oil is also third-party tested for purity and potency to ensure the highest quality product for our customers.


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