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What Can Cause Vaginal Itching During A Period?

Sometimes, a person may experience an itchy vagina during their period. Hormonal changes or allergies may be why.

Vaginal itching during a menstrual period can occur from normal hormonal changes during menstruation. It may also signal a sensitivity or allergy to pads, tampons, or other products a person may use.

This article outlines some potential causes of vaginal itching during a period and at other stages of the menstrual cycle. It also covers some home remedies and treatments for vaginal itching and provides information about when to talk with a doctor.

Two causes of vaginal itching during a period are hormonal changes and sensitivities or allergies to period products, such as tampons.

Hormonal changes

The vagina contains a delicate balance of bacteria and yeasts. Changes in hormones can lead to changes in the relative levels of these microorganisms in the vagina. This can lead to vaginal itching.

Hormonal changes can occur due to several reasons, including:

Sensitivities and allergies

Vaginal itching can occur from sensitivities or allergies to products that come into contact with the skin around the vagina.

Some period products that could cause vaginal itching during a period include:

Other products that could cause vaginal itching more generally include:

  • soaps and deodorizing sprays
  • underwear made from synthetic fibers
  • underwear washed in harsh laundry detergents or fabric softeners
  • lubricants
  • latex condoms
  • spermicides
  • Vaginal itching may become worse with repeated exposure to a product that causes sensitivity or irritation.

    The following conditions can cause vaginal itching at any stage of the menstrual cycle.

    Vaginal yeast infections

    A vaginal yeast infection is a type of fungal infection from the yeast Candida. This yeast usually lives harmlessly inside the vagina.

    However, certain factors can cause the yeast to multiply excessively. These factors include:

    A vaginal yeast infection may cause the following symptoms:

  • itching and irritation around the vagina
  • soreness or stinging during urination or sexual intercourse
  • white vaginal discharge that has the consistency of cottage cheese
  • Bacterial vaginosis

    Bacterial vaginosis is an infection that occurs when there is an imbalance of "good" and "bad" bacteria in the vagina. Symptoms include vaginal itching and gray or white vaginal discharge that has a fishy odor.

    Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection among females ages 14–49 years. According to the Office on Women's Health, it is twice as common among African American females than it is among white females.


    Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is the result of the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.

    Experts estimate trichomoniasis accounts for around 15–20% of vaginitis cases. "Vaginitis" is the medical term for inflammation and irritation of the vagina.

    Around 70% of people who have trichomoniasis do not experience any symptoms. However, if symptoms do occur, they may include:

  • genital itching, burning, or soreness
  • redness or other discoloration around the genitals
  • discomfort when urinating
  • an increased volume of vaginal discharge
  • vaginal discharge that has a fishy odor
  • Dermatitis

    "Dermatitis" is the medical term for a group of conditions that cause skin inflammation.

    A 2014 review notes that around half of all cases of chronic vulvovaginal itching are due to allergic or irritant contact dermatitis. These types of dermatitis can occur due to poor hygiene or exposure to harsh chemicals and other irritants.


    Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes skin cells to divide and multiply at a rapid rate. These cells then build up on the skin, resulting in patches of irritation.

    Psoriasis can develop anywhere on the body, including on the vulva and inside the vagina. Two main types of psoriasis can affect the genitals: plaque psoriasis and inverted psoriasis.

    Plaque psoriasis involves red, purple, discolored, and crusty or flaky skin covered with silvery scales. The patches can be itchy or sore.

    Inverse psoriasis typically develops in the folds of the skin. The affected skin may appear red or discolored, smooth, and tight.

    Lichen sclerosus

    Lichen sclerosus is an inflammatory skin condition that causes itchy white patches on the genitals or anus. It can affect people of all ages. It is most common among females between 40 and 60 years old.

    The exact cause of lichen sclerosis is unknown. Topical steroid creams can usually help alleviate itching and other symptoms.

    Lichen planus

    Lichen planus is an autoimmune condition in which inflammatory cells attack a protein within the skin and mucous membranes. The condition affects moist areas of the body, such as the:

  • mouth
  • vagina
  • area around the vulva
  • People with lichen planus of the vulva may experience the following symptoms:

  • an itchy rash
  • a pattern of lacy white streaks
  • painful and persistent ulcers
  • scarring
  • yellow or blood-stained vaginal discharge
  • painful intercourse
  • Atrophic vulvovaginitis

    Atrophic vulvovaginitis is a condition in which the vaginal tissues become dry, tender, and easily inflamed. The condition develops as a result of low estrogen levels. It is common among postmenopausal females.

    Some potential symptoms of atrophic vulvovaginitis include:

  • vulvar or vaginal itching
  • vulvar or vaginal dryness
  • vaginal burning
  • spotting
  • pain during sex
  • skin splitting at the entrance of the vagina
  • Cancer

    Vaginal itching can also be a symptom of the following gynecologic cancers:

    If cancer is the cause of vaginal itching, the itch is unlikely to go away after a person's period has ended.


    In some cases, extensive use of the following medications can also lead to vaginal itching:

    Certain home remedies can help treat and prevent vaginal itching. These remedies aim to:

  • limit sources of irritation
  • reduce excess moisture and associated fungal growth
  • maintain an optimal balance of microorganisms inside the vagina
  • Some specific home remedies include:

  • not douching, as douching can cause an imbalance in the amount of "good" and "bad" bacteria in the vagina
  • taking probiotic supplements to help restore levels of "good" bacteria in the vagina
  • wearing cotton underwear, which is less likely to trap moisture against the skin
  • not using soaps that contain perfumes and other irritants
  • using fragrance-free laundry detergent and avoiding the use of fabric softeners
  • bathing in warm water, as opposed to hot water, to avoid irritating the sensitive skin around the vagina
  • soaking in a lukewarm bath with 4–5 tablespoons of baking soda to help soothe vaginal itching
  • The treatment options for vaginal itching during a period depend largely on what is causing the itching.

    Some potential treatment options include:

  • antibiotics for itching caused by bacterial vaginosis or other bacterial infections
  • antifungal creams and pessaries for yeast infections
  • topical steroids for irritant dermatitis
  • topical estrogen for atrophic vulvovaginitis
  • antihistamines for contact dermatitis and psoriasis
  • Often, vaginal itching during a period clears up on its own within a few days. If there is no improvement after a couple of weeks, a person may wish to talk with a doctor.

    A person should also talk with a doctor if they have any of the following:

  • repeated bouts of vaginal itching
  • vaginal discharge that has a foul smell or an unusual color or consistency
  • sores or inflamed skin around the vagina or vulva
  • a preexisting health condition, such as diabetes
  • People who are pregnant should see their doctor about vaginal itching or any other vaginal symptoms that they experience during pregnancy.

    Experiencing vaginal itching during a period is common.

    This symptom may be linked to normal hormonal changes that occur during menstruation. It may also signal a sensitivity or allergy to certain products a person uses during their period.

    Some other causes of vaginal itching include imbalances of bacteria and yeasts inside the vagina, certain skin conditions, and some medications.

    Vaginal itching during a period tends to go away on its own within a few days. However, if the itching persists, it may be best to talk with a doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

    What Is Normal Vaginal Discharge?

    When should I worry about vaginal discharge?

    Laura Corio, MD

    Vaginal discharge, per se is not abnormal. Only if it is itching, burning, odor or irritating to your vagina do I then say to you, you possibly could have an infection. But to have a vaginal discharge is normal and it's because you have hormones in your system that you have bacteria sharing your vagina area that are normal to that area.

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    When should I worry about vaginal discharge?

    Laura Corio, MD

    Vaginal discharge, per se is not abnormal. Only if it is itching, burning, odor or irritating to your vagina do I then say to you, you possibly could have an infection. But to have a vaginal discharge is normal and it's because you have hormones in your system that you have bacteria sharing your vagina area that are normal to that area.

    Why Is My Vagina Itchy? 10 Potential Reasons—And How To Fix It, According To Doctors

    Have you ever shoved your hand down your pants and went to town … on scratching, that is? There's nothing worse than feeling irritated in your undies and thinking, Why is my so vagina itchy? Whether you're scratching through your pubic hair or feel a creeping itch on your vulva (the outer part of female genitalia), vaginal itching is nothing short of uncomfortable.

    That said, it's a pretty common occurrence, says Alyssa Dweck, MD, an ob-gyn in Westchester County, New York. In fact, it's one of the main reasons people go see their gynecologist, notes Katharine O'Connell White, MD, an ob-gyn and associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Boston University.

    From external irritants like using a new soap to urinary tract infections (UTIs) and beyond, here are all the reasons you're urging to scratch down there—plus treatment options and when to see a doc. But remember, vaginal itching is highly individualistic, so don't hesitate to check in with your if you have a health concern, big or small.

    Meet the experts: Alyssa Dweck, MD, is an ob-gyn in Westchester County, New York. Katharine O'Connell White, MD, is an ob-gyn and associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Boston University. Carroll Medeiros, MD, is an ob-gyn with Partners in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mary Jane Minkin, MD, an ob-gyn and a clinical professor at Yale University School of Medicine. Suzanne Bovone, MD, is an ob-gyn at Pediatrix Medical Group. Natasha Chinn, MD, is an ob-gyn with Brescia and Migliaccio Women's Health. Leah S. Millheiser, MD, is a clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford Medicine. Kimberly Langdon, MD, is a retired ob-gyn with 19 years of clinical practice.

    10 Causes Of Vaginal Itching 1. You have bacterial vaginosis (BV).

    Bacterial vaginosis is a condition caused by bacterial overgrowth and a pH imbalance in the vagina, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Itching isn't the primary symptom of BV—the hallmarks are typically loose, gray discharge, a strong vaginal odor, and general irritation—though it definitely can make you itchy, too.

    To treat it, you can try an OTC medication like RepHresh to up the acidity of your vagina, according to says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, an ob-gyn and a clinical professor at Yale University School of Medicine. It sounds counterintuitive, but acidity in the vagina is a good thing since it kills off bad bacteria, she explains. If OTC meds don't work, schedule a visit with your doc because you might need prescription antibiotics.

    And while BV is not sexually transmitted (researchers don't know its exact cause, per the CDC) you should refrain from sex and avoid douching if you have or are being treated for BV, says Suzanne Bovone, MD, an ob-gyn at Pediatrix Medical Group.

    RepHresh Vaginal Gel

    RepHresh Vaginal Gel Credit: Amazon 2. You could have a skin condition.

    Eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis might be making that itch in your pants run wild. "Eczema and psoriasis can occur due to an allergy or autoimmune issue," says Natasha Chinn, MD, an ob-gyn with Brescia and Migliaccio Women's Health. Eczema often appears in the crevices of arms, folds, the groin area, and on the labia, she explains, and psoriasis can also emerge on the skin around the vagina.

    You may also be dealing with contact dermatitis, says Dr. Minkin. "Soaps, detergents, bubble baths, a new kind of underwear, or any new products at all that come in contact with your vagina [can cause itching]," she says. Pads and tampons, condoms, lubricants, shaving products, and even toilet paper may also be to blame (stick to hypoallergenic stuff if you're sensitive).

    Psoriasis sometimes warrants a prescription for an oral pill, Dr. Chinn says. You can also treat the itch with an Epsom salt bath or a hydrocortisone cream applied externally, and wait a few days to see if the itch resolves.

    Related Story 3. You might have a yeast infection.

    Vaginal yeast infections—which occur due to overgrowth of the yeast (a type of fungus) called Candida—are probably the first thing people think of when they feel discomfort down there. "A cottage cheese-like discharge, redness around the labia and vulva, and itching are all classic signs of a yeast infection," Dr. Minkin says.

    That said, only about one-third of women who experience itching and irritation truly do have a yeast infection, she says. The easiest way to tell which category you fall into is to use an OTC treatment like Monistat. You can try a 3-day or 7-day yeast infection treatment over a 1-day course, Dr. Bovone says, but if symptoms persist, visit your doctor.

    Monistat Complete Therapy, 3 Ovule Inserts

    Monistat Complete Therapy, 3 Ovule Inserts 4. You could have a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

    Itching isn't really a classic symptom of most STIs, though it can sometimes be a first sign that something is up, says Dr. Minkin. From there, symptoms may progress to burning, painful urination, smelly discharge, genital sores, or painful intercourse, at which point you should definitely head to your ob-gyn for a vaginal culture.

    Here are the STIs most commonly associated with vaginal itchiness:

  • Genital warts. Genital warts are small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps that appear on the skin, resulting from exposure to the human papillomavirus. "This type of STI can shift the pH in the vagina, which then causes dryness and itching," says Dr. Chinn.
  • Herpes. Genital herpes causes clusters of red, blistery bumps on the vulva, which come and go as outbreaks. You may experience itching in the areas the sores appear in even before they show up.
  • Chlamydia. Chlamydial infections will usually not show any symptoms. But in rarer cases, chlamydia can lead to itching and irritation of the genital area, discomfort when urinating, and an unusual discharge.
  • Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is an infection of the genitals, rectum, or throat. Symptoms can include itching, increased vaginal discharge, and a painful or burning sensation when peeing.
  • Trichomoniasis. This STI is caused by an infection from a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Only about 30 percent of people with the infection show symptoms, but they can include itching, burning, redness, or soreness of the genitals.
  • There are many ways to treat STIs, and you should consult a trusted medical professional if you suspect you have one, says Dr. Minkin. Some STIs require antibiotics, like cefatriaxone for gonorrhea, or azithromycin and tetracycline for chlamydia. Herpes, on the other hand, can be treated with valacyclovir, an antiviral medication. The best ways to avoid getting HPV are to wear condoms during sex, get vaccinated, and make sure your partner does the same.

    Related Story 5. You're going through hormonal changes.

    Hormone fluctuation during your menstrual cycle means you might end up with drier vaginal tissue than normal, which can cause itching. Pregnancy can cause vaginal itchiness and dryness, too, since the vaginal biome's typical pH is disrupted, says Dr. Dweck. Discomfort can also occur during perimenopause thanks to the drop in estrogen, says Dr. Minkin.

    An OTC moisturizer like Replens might provide relief for internal itching for about three days, Dr. Minkin says. Your provider can also give you a prescription estrogen cream for any external itching. (And if vaginal dryness is impacting your sex life, adding lube down there can help).

    Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Feminine Moisturizer

    Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Feminine Moisturizer 6. You have a urinary tract infection (UTI).

    A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that crops up anywhere in your urinary tract (read: kidneys, urethra, ureters, and bladder), and will commonly cause pelvic pain, a strong urge to pee, a burning sensation while urinating, an inability to release all urine at once, and cloudy or foul-smelling urine.

    But it can also cause itching in the form of a tingling, irritated sensation, especially if the infection is located near your urethra, says Dr. Minkin. If you're concerned, book an appointment with your doctor ASAP and get a urinalysis to check for the presence of bacteria (which an antibiotic can clear up).

    Related Story 7. Your beauty treatments are to blame.

    Women have grown more preoccupied with the appearance of their vulvas over the past few decades, says Dr. Minkin. Beauty treatments like charcoal vulva masks (basically a facial for your vagina) and vaginal steaming are popular, but they could cause irritation, she says. "The vulva tissue is the most sensitive, delicate tissue in the body," she adds. "Treat it with respect and a gentle hand. The less stuff you do to it, the better."

    If you regularly shave your bikini area, you're prone to razor burn and razor bumps. "When we wax or shave anywhere on the body, we disrupt the skin's integrity," says Dr. Chinn. "Redness, itching, and burning can occur if you're sensitive to it." Keep your skin dry and clean and use hypoallergenic creams and lotions if you must use a product, Dr. Chinn says. You may also need to stop waxing, wax less frequently, change up your shaving products, or try a different method, like sugaring hair removal.

    Finally, step away from the tanning beds—they up your risk of developing skin cancer, and tanning in the nude can burn the skin around the vagina. "Redness and peeling of the skin causes itching—that's what tends to happen when women go to a tanning bed," says Dr. Chinn.

    Take Care Down There 8. You have vulvar cancer.

    Vulvar cancer—which is caused by an abnormal growth of cancerous cells in the vulva—is a rare cancer typically diagnosed in older women, says Carroll Medeiros, MD, an ob-gyn at Partners in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Most women don't notice they have it until a doctor sees an irregularity, like a lesion on their skin, she explains.

    The discomfort also tends to be localized, Dr. Medeiros says. "The kind of itching you have from a vulvar malignancy tends to turn into pain really quickly. As the cancer grows superficially and deeply, it pinches upon nerves and causes pain," she adds.

    Although vulvar cancer may cause itching, you'll probably experience other symptoms like skin changes, too. The condition is rare, but if you're concerned, it's best to consult your doctor who can take a closer look.

    Related Story 9. You have lichen planus or lichen sclerosus.

    Lichen planus is "a condition that happens when your immune system attacks cells of the skin or mucous membranes (like the vagina)," Dr. White explains. Swelling, itching, and irritation are prevalent symptoms, especially when they occurs in the vaginal area, says Dr. Medeiros. People with lichen planus may also notice painful sores and blisters.

    Similarly, lichen sclerosus is a patchy white rash that causes intense itching in your genital area (though it can appear on other parts of the body, too). People in their 40s and 50s are most often affected, but it's pretty rare, and it impacts just one to two percent of the world's population, Dr. White says.

    A lichen sclerosus rash can often mimic vulvar cancer, so its appearance may complicate things a little, says Dr. Minkin. "In young women, it's more likely to be lichen sclerosus than cancer, but I'll often bring patients back in a few weeks to see how it's looking, especially if they are older," says Dr. Minkin. "We want to make sure we're not missing cancer, so if it hasn't cleared up with steroids, I may do a biopsy to scan it."

    While medical professionals still don't know why it happens, the good news is that it isn't contagious. A topical low-potency or high-potency steroid is the mainstay treatment for lichen planus and lichen sclerosus, but Dr. Medeiros recommends consulting a dermatologist to figure out the best treatment.

    Related Story 10. You might have pubic lice.

    No one wants to think about bugs crawling around on any part of their body, but especially not down there. Unfortunately, that's exactly what pubic lice (a.K.A. Crabs) is: an easily transmittable infestation of little bugs in your genital area—specifically on your pubis—that cause a major itch. There are two reasons for the sensation: the bites from the crabs and the eggs (nits) they lay on your skin, both of which cause irritation, Dr. Chinn says.

    Having sex isn't even the only way to get pubic lice. "They're passed from skin to skin," says Dr. Chinn. "[For example], you go to a dirty hotel and there are nits or lice in the sheets you slept on, and then you go home to your partner and have sex. Or maybe you loan your sister your pants and [she] had them, then you wear the pants and the crabs crawl into the vaginal area." Like head lice, this condition can be treated with an OTC medication like permethrin cream.

    Related Story How Vaginal Itching Is Diagnosed

    If you're concerned about vaginal itching, the following symptoms are indicators that you need to check in with your gyno, according to Kimberly Langdon, MD, a retired ob-gyn, and Leah S. Millheiser, MD, a clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford Medicine.

  • An abnormal vaginal discharge associated with itching
  • Any sort of rash or lumps
  • Burning or pain
  • Changes in the appearance of the vulvar skin associated with itching
  • Excoriation of the labia minora, perineum
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Lesions of the vulva that cause itching
  • Moderate to severe persistent itching
  • Swelling of the labia minora
  • White cottage cheese-like discharge
  • If vaginal itchiness does not go away with washing, drying, and a change of panties, Dr. Langdon says you should see your doctor ASAP. From there, your doctor will discuss each symptom and inquire how many days you've noticed each sensation, says Dr. Dweck. Your provider will also address medical history, such as diabetes, immune problems, and infections to diagnose the itch as well, Dr. Dweck adds.

    Finally, your doctor will examine any patterns related to your itchiness to diagnose potential allergies or dermatological issues. Should there not be a pattern, they will likely perform a urinalysis. In rare instances, should the itching persist for a long time, your doctor may perform a biopsy, according to Dr. Minkin.

    Treatment For Vaginal Itching Home Remedies For Vaginal Itching
  • Use coconut oil. Massage a thin layer of coconut oil post-shower (or when your skin is damp and clean) to moisturize and soothe the skin, says Dr. Bovone. "This is not a treatment for yeast, but it is an option to use in the event that itching is from dryness," she says.
  • Use a cold compress. Applying an ice pack to the vulva can sometimes relieve itching, but do not put ice directly on your skin and make sure you place a clean cloth in-between, Dr. Dweck says.
  • Try an oatmeal bath. Doing a baking soda soak or oatmeal bath for 10 to 15 minutes at a time (a few times a day) can help, Dr. White says. For the soak, just add four to five tablespoons of baking soda to lukewarm water and relax.
  • Related Story Medical Treatment For Vaginal Itching
  • For A Yeast Infection: OTC creams like Monistat can get rid of the infection in most cases, Dr. Dweck says.
  • For Rash Caused By External Irritant: An OTC hydrocortisone cream can be helpful, Dr. Dweck says. You'd only need prescription-strength cortisone if your symptoms are severe.
  • For UTIs: See your doctor for a prescription antibiotic.
  • For STIs: See your doctor for a prescription antibiotic.
  • For Hormonal Changes: An OTC moisturizer such as Replens can bring relief, says Dr. Minkin. Additionally, your doctor can prescribe an estrogen cream.
  • For Bacterial Vaginosis: An OTC medication like RepHresh to up the acidity of your vagina, recommends Dr. Minkin.
  • For Lichen Planus: Your doctor will likely prescribe a topical low-potency or high-potency steroid, says Dr. Medeiros. Though, a dermatologist might have a more specialized treatment plan.
  • How To Prevent Vaginal Itching

    Avoid harsh cleansers and body washes, says Dr. Medeiros. Instead, go for products like a Dove fragrance-free wash. Her rule of thumb is, if you wouldn't put it on your face, don't put it near your vagina. You also only need your fingers, soap, and water—no washcloths or loofahs, Dr. White adds.

    When getting out of the shower, be sure to pat your vulva dry—don't rub, Dr. White says. And make sure you buy soft, white, unscented toilet paper. You don't need to use any powders, sprays, or scented wipes on your vulva either, as it's normal for your vagina to have its own natural scent, Dr. White says.

    Related Story

    If you find that you're sensitive to menstrual hygiene products, try swapping out your usual ones for organic cotton tampons and pads, or a medical-grade silicone menstrual cup, Dr. Dweck says. And yes, your undies can cause vaginal itchiness, too. Opt for 100 percent moisture-wicking panties, and don't let yourself linger in any wet workout clothes or bathing suits when you wear them, Dr. Dweck advises.

    Try not to use fabric softener or dryer sheets on your underwear, Dr. White advises. Instead, opt for a fragrance-free detergent. Finally, if your vagina is already itchy and it gets worse after condom use, try polyurethane condoms instead of latex, Dr. White says.


    Maria Serra is a freelance writer at Women's Health. With a never-ending curiosity about all things sex, relationships, and wellness, she is always on the hunt for the latest studies and even sexy tech advancements. When not reading or writing *spicy* articles, she can be found performing comedy in Cleveland or chilling with her old pug-chihuahua Bobbie—who is definitely a source of joke material. Follow her on Twitter/X.


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