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9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Oral Thrush And Manage Symptoms

Oral thrush is treated with antifungal medication, but you can also ease uncomfortable symptoms with home remedies such as salt water, yogurt, clove oil, apple cider vinegar, and more.

Oral thrush, also called oral candidiasis, is a yeast infection of the mouth. It happens when there's a buildup of the Candida albicans fungus in the lining of the mouth.

Oral thrush may occur in adults or children.

If you have oral thrush, you'll need antifungal medication to clear the yeast. But you may also be able to help manage bothersome symptoms with home remedies.

Read on to learn how you can help treat the symptoms of this condition at home.

It's important to treat oral thrush as soon as possible to contain the infection. Doctors often prescribe antifungal medications in the form of mouthwashes, pills, or lozenges.

Mild cases of oral thrush may go away on their own.

The following home remedies, used in addition to antifungal medications, may help relieve symptoms of the infection.

1. Salt water

Salt has antiseptic, cleansing, and soothing properties. This makes it a common home remedy for many oral problems.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water could help relieve symptoms of oral thrush and prevent future oral disease.

To use:

  • Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon salt in 1 cup warm water.
  • Swish the solution throughout your mouth.
  • Spit out the salt solution.
  • 2. Baking soda

    Rinsing your mouth with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) may help treat oral thrush.

    This 2021 research — focused on the use of sodium bicarbonate to treat the yeast that causes vaginal infections — noted that it does help treat that Candida albicans fungus, which leads not only to vaginal infections but also to oral thrush. It compliments older research that looked at the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate as a disinfectant of Candida albicans, and concluded that baking soda was a "viable alternative."

    To use:

  • Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in 1 cup warm water.
  • Swish the rinse throughout your mouth.
  • Spit out the rinse.
  • 3. Yogurt

    Probiotic yogurt contains live, "good" bacteria cultures that may help treat oral thrush.

    The cultures don't kill Candida. Instead, they stop its growth. They may also help restore the proper balance of good to bad bacteria in the mouth.

    Since it's soft, yogurt is also a great food to eat if you're having trouble swallowing due to painful mouth and throat lesions.

    To use:

  • Eat yogurt a couple times daily at the first sign of oral thrush.
  • Choose unsweetened varieties of yogurt since Candida thrives on sugar.
  • If you don't like yogurt, you can get the same benefits by taking a daily probiotic supplement.
  • 4. Lemon juice

    Lemon juice is thought to have antiseptic and antifungal abilities that help it fight against the fungus that causes thrush.

    Lemon juice was found to be an effective treatment for oral thrush.

    To use:

  • Add the juice of half a lemon to 1 cup warm or cool water.
  • Drink the mixture, or use as a mouth rinse.
  • Some people apply lemon juice directly to thrush lesions, but the lemon's acidity may cause burning and irritation.

    5. Turmeric

    Turmeric gets its vibrant yellow color from curcumin, which is a powerful compound thought to have anti-inflammatory abilities.

    Research points out how curcumin may treat oral thrush because of its antifungal poperties. This is particularly true when combined piperine, a compound found in black pepper that helps the body absorb turmeric. Further research is needed.

    To use:

  • Make "golden milk" by combining 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon turmeric paste (store-bought or homemade) with a dash of black pepper and 1 cup filtered water or milk of your choice.
  • Heat in a saucepan until warm.
  • Swish the mixture throughout your mouth as you drink it.
  • 6. Clove oil

    People have used clove oil as a folk remedy for oral problems for centuries. It's still used in dentistry today as an antiseptic and pain reliever.

    The main compound in clove oil (eugenol) is just as effective in treating oral thrush as the antifungal drug nystatin (Mycostatin). More research on humans is still needed, but it may work as a beneficial addition to treatment.

    To use:

    Take clove oil as a dietary supplement as directed by the manufacturer or your doctor. You can also make a clove mouth rinse:

  • Steep 1 teaspoon whole ground cloves in 1 cup boiling water for at least 5 minutes.
  • Strain the solution, keeping the liquid.
  • Swish the liquid around your mouth.
  • Spit out the solution.
  • Cloves may causean allergic reaction or numbing effect in the mouth in some people.

    7. Oregano oil

    Oregano oil is used to flavor foods, but it also has antimicrobial and antifungal abilities.

    Research has found oregano oil to be effective against Candida albicans, although more research is needed.

    To use:

  • Combine 2 drops oregano oil with 1 cup water.
  • Swish the mixture throughout your mouth.
  • Spit out the solution.
  • Never use undiluted oregano oil orally or topically.

    8. Apple cider vinegar

    People with dentures have a higher risk of oral thrush. Dentures that don't fit properly or that aren't cleaned well provide the ideal environment for Candida to thrive. This may cause a condition similar to thrush called denture stomatitis.

    According to this research from 2015, apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties against Candida and may be a good alternative treatment option for people with denture stomatitis.

    To use:

  • Add 1 teaspoon raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to 1 cup water.
  • Swish the rinse throughout your mouth for at least 15 seconds.
  • Spit out the mixture.
  • If you rinse with undiluted apple cider vinegar, be aware that this may cause a painful burning sensation in your mouth.

    9. Vitamin C

    Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) is necessary for proper immune system function. It does this by encouraging white blood cell production, which helps protect your body against infection.

    It also helps these cells function more effectively and protects them against harmful molecules.

    A healthy immune system helps bring balance back to your body. Increasing your intake of vitamin C if you're deficient may help boost your body's immune system to fight the infection.

    11 Home Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infections

    1. Greek yogurt

    Probiotics can be effective against Candida Albicans — and yogurt can be considered a probiotic because it contains live bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. These bacteria help promote a healthy environment in your vagina, and they can help address an overgrowth caused by an imbalance.

    A 2017 study suggests that eating yogurt helps expand your gut microbiome, which can help reduce yeast in your body. If you don't like yogurt, you can take a probiotic supplement or try other probiotic foods.

    When it comes to using yogurt for a yeast infection, opt for plain Greek yogurt.

    Warning: It's vital that the yogurt doesn't contain any added sugar, flavoring, or fruit. Added sugar can fuel the growth of the Candida fungus.

    To reap the benefits, try:

  • eating the yogurt
  • applying it to your vulva around your vagina
  • inserting it vaginally using a clean tampon applicator or your fingers
  • 2. Boric acid

    Boric acid is a powerful antiseptic, and some people claim it can help clear up yeast infections resistant to other remedies.

    Boric acid vaginal suppositories may be used in combination with medications to treat vaginal infections.

    However, boric acid is toxic in large amounts. It can lead to:

  • kidney damage
  • acute circulatory system failure
  • death if you absorb too much
  • Warning: Avoid using boric acid on broken skin, and never take it orally.

    If you're pregnant, don't use boric acid in any form. You may also want to consider another remedy if you have sensitive skin.

    Discontinue use if you notice any discomfort.

    3. Essential oil of oregano

    Oil of oregano is not the same as common oregano or Origanum marjoram, which you'll usually find in your grocery store's spice section.

    To ease a yeast infection, you could search for oregano oil made from wild oregano or Origanum vulgare.

    A 2017 study suggests oregano essential oil may prove effective for altering the growth of Candida Albicans.

    To use, mix three to five drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil, such as olive or sweet almond oil. Then, apply it to your skin by massaging or inhaling it using a diffuser. Don't apply this essential oil near your vagina.

    Warning: Never ingest essential oils. Essential oils are meant to be inhaled as part of aromatherapy or diluted with massage oil to use during massage. They're also not meant to be used internally — external use only!

    4. Probiotic suppositories and supplements

    Probiotics can help restore the bacteria-yeast balance throughout your body.

    Taking oral probiotics that contain strains of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria can offer a number of health benefits, including helping bring your digestive tract and vaginal flora back into alignment.

    Oral supplements can take several days to a few weeks to reach full effect, so some people use probiotics as vaginal suppositories to get results more quickly.

    Evidence suggests probiotic suppositories can also help treat bacterial vaginosis (BV).

    5. Coconut oil

    Coconut oil is a fatty oil derived from the flesh of the coconut. The oil has many health benefits, including antifungal properties.

    Research suggests coconut oil is effective against C. Albicans, making this home remedy one of the few with supportive evidence behind it.

    To treat a vaginal yeast infection using coconut oil, be sure to buy pure, organic coconut oil. You could apply the oil directly to the affected area.

    6. Tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil is an essential oil used to help:

  • kill fungi
  • bacteria
  • viruses
  • In fact, research supports tea tree oil's antifungal properties.

    Research from 2016 suggests a combination of probiotics and vaginal suppositories containing tea tree oil may help treat vaginal infections.

    More recent lab findings continue to support the antimicrobial activities of tea tree oil.

    Tea tree oil is an incredibly powerful essential oil. So, you'll always want to make sure you dilute it with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, if it's going to touch your skin — undiluted tea tree oil should never touch your skin. And just as a reminder, essential oils should never be used internally!

    If you can, opt to purchase prepared tea tree vaginal suppositories — this is the safest option.

    Warning: Only use tea tree oil occasionally, and never swallow it. If you have sensitive skin, you'll generally want to avoid using tea tree oil. Discontinue use if you experience any discomfort or irritation after using it.

    7. Apple cider vinegar

    One popular yeast infection remedy is an apple cider vinegar bath.

    Vinegar has many medicinal uses, some more supported by research than others.

    But when you add a half cup of apple cider vinegar to a lukewarm bathtub and soak for 20 minutes, the acidic component of the vinegar may help eliminate any harmful microorganisms, including yeast.

    An apple cider vinegar bath is not the same as douching, which was designed to flush out all bacteria (but actually eliminates good and bad) from your vagina. Douching leaves you more prone to a recurrence of the yeast infection, so avoid douching with apple cider vinegar — or any other substance.

    You'll want to dilute vinegar in water before it touches your skin. In addition, you could also try adding apple cider vinegar to your diet.

    8. Garlic

    Evidence suggests garlic may also help kill Candida, though some strains may prove more effective than others.

    While more studies are needed, research from 2019 examined the effect of using a garlic solution on sores of the mouth and found it could effectively help curb the growth of Candida. That said, garlic was less effective than nystatin (Nystop), an antifungal medication.

    If you want to try garlic to treat a yeast infection, it's best to simply add more garlic to your diet.

    Warning: Some websites recommend inserting garlic into your vagina, but we do not recommend this approach. That's because the active compounds in garlic can cause burns and pain when applied to your skin or mucosa. Mucosa, or mucous membrane, is the type of moist tissue that lines your mouth — and yes — the walls of your vagina.

    9. Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic that can kill bacteria and yeast. Lactobacillus bacteria in your vagina produce hydrogen peroxide as part of natural biological activity.

    Some people swear by using hydrogen peroxide topically when they get a yeast infection.

    Adding it to a bath or diluting it in water before applying it to your skin may help with yeast growing on the genitals. You can dilute by combining equal amounts of water and hydrogen peroxide.

    Just keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide may not work on every species of yeast, and no strong research supports the use of hydrogen peroxide to treat vaginal infections.

    Warning: It's recommended to avoid douching with hydrogen peroxide, never use hydrogen peroxide internally, and avoid using it for an extended period of time.

    10. Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is an immune system booster that also has a role in skin health. A strong immune system allows your body to bring itself back into balance.

    Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, has antimicrobial components, so some people add it to their diet to treat Candida overgrowth.

    You can try increasing your intake of vitamin C to boost your body's ability to beat the yeast infection.

    Warning: Do not apply the acidic vitamin C to the sensitive vaginal tissue.

    11. Vitamin E

    Some doctors recommend vitamin E for certain types of vaginal inflammation. In fact, lab research suggests vitamin E can help reduce inflammation caused by Candida albicans.

    Evidence also suggests vitamin E suppositories may help address atrophic vaginitis (aka, vaginal atrophy), which is the thinning of the vaginal walls caused by a lack of estrogen. Atrophic vaginitis causes changes to the vagina's acidic environment, increasing the risk for bacterial and yeast infections.

    You can also purchase vitamin E suppositories intended for vaginal use, or apply vitamin E oil to your vulva or vagina. Vitamin E may help soothe:

  • itching
  • burning
  • inflammation
  • If vitamin E doesn't seem to help, a good next step involves asking a healthcare professional for more guidance.

    Vaginal Thrush 'a Growing Problem Worldwide'

    The common vaginal infection thrush can make life "hell" for millions of women worldwide, particularly if it keeps coming back, scientists are warning.

    According to University of Manchester research, recurrent thrush is a growing problem which can feel "like torture" if it isn't treated.

    Three out of four women are thought to develop thrush at least once and 6% suffer repeatedly, scientists say.

    More than a million women in the UK are affected by the painful infection.

    But for many women it is a taboo subject, says Dr Riina Rautemaa-Richardson, clinician and lead Manchester researcher of a review in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

    "Thrush is often thought of as an embarrassing problem women should accept, rather than a medical problem which needs to be dealt with.

    "But for millions of women, it can have a massive impact on their quality of life."

    Marriage wrecker

    She says the itching, pain and discomfort of chronic thrush can make women feel neurotic and desperate.

    For some, it causes a serious loss of confidence which can make exercise and sex very difficult.

    Dr Rautemaa-Richardson says it can affect absolutely every aspect of a woman's life.

    "They say, 'Life is hell', 'I can't go on holiday because of it' and 'I can't do this or that'.

    "Female patients have told me I saved their marriage by getting rid of thrush."

    Most cases occur in women aged 25 to 34, but a growing female population using hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) - to alleviate menopause symptoms and improve sexual experience - is thought to be behind the rise in the numbers affected.

    Thrush symptoms in women:

  • white discharge (like cottage cheese), which doesn't usually smell
  • itching and irritation around the vagina
  • soreness and stinging during sex or when you pee
  • Thrush can affect other areas of skin, such as the armpits, groin and between the fingers, causing a red, itchy or painful rash.

    Sometimes thrush causes no symptoms at all.

    Source: NHS Choices

    Why does thrush occur?

    Vulvovaginal candidiasis - known as thrush - is caused by the overgrowth of the fungus candida.

    It often arises in the week before a period starts and is most common in sexually active women taking the pill or those on HRT or antibiotics.

    There are other causes for vaginal itching, such as eczema, so women should be properly examined before starting treatment.

    Why does it come back?

    Although thrush is treatable, using over-the-counter tablets, creams and pessaries, it often returns and can become a chronic problem which won't go away.

    In some cases, after 20 or 30 episodes, the infection can become resistant to standard drugs, leaving women with few treatment options.

    Special infection centres can provide treatment even if your own GP cannot.

    Does yoghurt really work?

    Dr Riina Rautemaa-Richardson says there isn't any scientific evidence that putting yoghurt on vaginal thrush makes it go away.

    But it could have a cooling effect - and is likely to be more beneficial for thrush on the tongue.

    The yoghurt must contain live bacteria to work.

    Any other myths?
  • there is no magic diet solution - stopping eating different foods won't make any difference
  • men don't get thrush - they get balanitis which is a skin irritation on the head of the penis
  • it can't be washed away - this just dries the skin and disturbs the bacterial-fungal balance.

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