Yeast infection vs. UTI: Differences in symptoms and treatment

best estrogen cream over the counter :: Article Creator

Progesterone Cream: Benefits, Risks And Alternatives

A reproductive hormone, progesterone is produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands and placenta (during pregnancy) says Kelly Culwell, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN and Forbes Health Advisory member. Progesterone helps regulate the menstrual cycle and prepares the uterine lining, or endometrium, for pregnancy, she notes.

"Specifically, progesterone supports early pregnancy by thickening and preparing the endometrium for a fertilized egg," says Michael Green, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN in Lake Arrowhead, California, and co-founder of Winona, a telemedicine practice for women going through the menopause transition. Progesterone also supports the development of a pregnancy and encourages milk production during breastfeeding, adds Dr. Culwell.

In women, high progesterone levels prevent ovulation during a pregnancy; in contrast, low progesterone levels can prevent conception, adds Dr. Green. After menopause, progesterone levels sharply decline. This can contribute to symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.

What Is Progesterone Cream?

"Progesterone cream is a semi-solid emulsion of oil and water that contains some form of progesterone," says Greg Marchand, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN and accredited master surgeon at Marchand Institute for Minimally Invasive Surgery in Mesa, Arizona. He explains that this may be natural progesterone isolated from a plant or animal, or synthetic progesterone created in a laboratory.

Progesterone cream can either be prescribed by a doctor, or purchased over-the-counter without a physician's input. However, Dr. Green advises that it should always be used under the care and monitoring of a doctor.

Over-the-counter (OTC) varieties of progesterone cream are typically derived from wild yams and soybeans, says Dr. Culwell. She notes that there are no FDA-approved progesterone creams, and because the FDA regulates OTC creams as cosmetics rather than drugs, they have much lower standards for safety and efficacy.

Progesterone creams are typically advertised and used to treat several conditions, including symptoms of menopause, cervical insufficiency (resulting in preterm delivery) and skin aging, says Dr. Marchand.

10 Best Erectile Dysfunction Pills Over The Counter In 2023

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. 

Feeling frustrated with your erectile dysfunction? Don't worry - help is here! Now that 81% of men have seen huge improvements in their performance and 77% a rise in libido, take advantage of the most successful ED treatments available over-the-counter. Our guide to the 10 best products on the market will provide clarity into some remarkable solutions for you so read ahead to discover which one could be right for you.

  • Elm & Rye Libido Capsules

  • Penguin Male Libido Capsules

  • Everest Full Spectrum Gummies

  • Performer 8

  • Hunter Test

  • Testofuel

  • Prime Male Vitality

  • VitaFlux

  • VigRX Plus

  • Life Extension Male Vascular Sexual Support

  • For those looking for erectile dysfunction pills over the counter, look no further than Elm & Rye Libido Capsules. These capsules are packed full of natural ingredients like ginseng and tongkat ali, which are known to help provide long-lasting erections. Many users have reported an increase in their libido, as well as improved orgasms and better sexual performance after taking them on a regular basis. Be sure to take just one capsule every day with breakfast to start seeing the desired results.

    If erectile dysfunction is standing in the way of you and your partner's enjoyment, Penguin Male Libido Capsules may be the answer. These erectile dysfunction pills are conveniently found over the counter and have proven effective for many people. With Penguin Male Libido Capsules, you can get back to a healthier sex life with no hassle and no embarrassing trips to the doctor. The natural ingredients in these little capsules provide powerful erections that will let you go farther than ever before. And since they are free of dangerous side effects, there's no need to fear putting your faith in them. So what are you waiting for? Take care of erectile dysfunction with Penguin Male Libido Capsules today!

    If erectile dysfunction has been a struggle for you, then look no further than Everest Full Spectrum Gummies! These convenient gummies provide a blend of natural ingredients that support healthy erectile function. Unlike erectile dysfunction pills that are over-the-counter, these gummies are an easier and more enjoyable way to take control of your erectile health. The natural mix of botanicals including ginger root, maca root extract, tongkat ali extract, and other powerful herbal extracts work together to optimize erectile performance while providing the added benefit of increased energy and libido. Get back in the bedroom with Everest Full Spectrum Gummies!

    Erectile dysfunction is an extremely problematic issue for men, especially as they get older. This is why Performer 8, an OTC performance enhancement product for men, has been hitting such a powerful stride in the market. This product is created using safe and natural ingredients. It requires no prescription, is non-GMO, and is even soy free. If you want to increase your sexual drive, stamina, and energy, and achieve firmer, stronger erections that actually last, then Performer 8 was literally designed for you. Give it a try and start achieving bedroom success on your terms.

    What HunterEvolve has provided us with here is the go-to product for those who expect more from their supplements. As is the status quo for them, Hunter Test is filled to the brim with the finest ingredients all highly dosed to maximize their effectiveness. The ace up the sleeve here is Indole-3-Carbinol, a clinically proven and highly effective phytoestrogen that is known to regulate the activity of estrogen in the body, ending estrogen dominance. Combine that with more regular showings such as a whopping 3,000mg of D-Aspartic Acid, Ginseng and Boron, and you have an extremely effective way to boost testosterone whilst simultaneously limiting estrogen.

    Check Hunter Test Deals

    When it comes to overall best test booster, Testofuel is definitely in the running. It's got everything, from improved athletic performance to improved performance in the bed, and of course a potent anti-estrogen formula. The 1,800mg of Maca Root Extract is Testofuels strongest asset in this regard, being one of the most popular ingredients for tackling high estrogen levels for men. On top of this, its wide array of essential vitamins and minerals will help to keep you healthy, supporting bone and joint health, blood pressure and of course, healthy testosterone production. This is what elevates tesofuel so high in many people's estimation, it's got no wasted space. All killer, no filler.

    Check TestoFuel Deals

    This impressive supplement has the uncanny ability to essentially reverse signs of aging. This is because men's testosterone levels typically start to drop as they age, and prime male help to reverse this issue naturally. On top of that, it keeps estrogen levels in check with a clever formula including lutolin. This binds to estrogen receptors, reducing the body's natural production rate, helping to get your body back in balance. You can see this success in the customer reviews, with many claiming they feel half their age, reporting increased strength, a more defined and lean physique, and improvements in bedroom performance. The best choice for anyone looking to recapture their youth and mojo.

    Check Prime Male Deals


    Looking to improve your sexual performance? VitaFlux may be the answer! From VitaLiving, this popular natural supplement enhances erectile health in men with a convenient pill form. Proven effective by many users, it contains powerful and carefully chosen ingredients that can help achieve better-quality erections as well as an overall increase in satisfaction from sexual activity. Try out the potential benefits today!

    VigRX Plus

    If you're looking for an all-natural solution to erectile dysfunction that doesn't require a prescription, look no further than VigRX Plus! This powerful supplement contains natural ingredients like Damiana and Tribulus Terrestris which have been proven to help improve your bedroom performance. Not only can it increase the quality of your erection but also prolong orgasms so you can experience better sex with increased satisfaction every time. With VigRX Plus, men everywhere now have access to improved sexual health without compromising on their privacy or safety - say goodbye to embarrassing trips down the doctor's office lane today!

    Life Extension Male Vascular Sexual Support

    For men who want to extend their sexual life and experience improved erectile function, a vascular support supplement can be extremely helpful. For those looking for erectile dysfunction pills over the counter, look no further than Life Extension Male Vascular Sexual Support. This powerful formula contains natural ingredients and herbs that help promote healthy erections and overall male vitality while providing long-term protection and support in both areas. By taking this supplement regularly, men may be able to reduce the frequency of erectile dysfunction episodes and improve penis size and pattern of erection. Give Life Extension Male Vascular Sexual Support a try for a more satisfying sex life!

    Our Criteria for Ranking the Best Over-the-Counter Erectile Dysfunction Pills

    When it comes to over-the-counter (OTC) erectile dysfunction (ED) pills, choosing the right product can be a crucial decision for many individuals seeking to enhance their sexual performance. Our rankings are based on a comprehensive evaluation of various criteria to help you make an informed choice. These criteria encompass safety, effectiveness, user experience, ingredients, and overall value for money.

  • Safety:

  • FDA Approval: We prioritize products that have received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as this indicates adherence to safety and quality standards.

  • Minimal Side Effects: Products with a low incidence of adverse side effects rank higher, as safety is paramount in any medication.

  • Interaction with Medications: We consider the potential interactions of OTC ED pills with other medications to ensure user safety, especially for individuals with existing medical conditions.

  • Effectiveness:

  • Efficacy: We assess the pills' effectiveness in achieving and sustaining erections. Products with a higher success rate in clinical trials and positive user reviews receive higher rankings.

  • Consistency: We consider the reliability of the product in consistently delivering the desired results over time.

  • Time to Effect: Products that work quickly, typically within 30 minutes to an hour, are given preference.

  • User Experience:

  • User Reviews: Real-world user experiences and feedback play a significant role in our rankings. Products with positive and consistent reviews are favored.

  • Ease of Use: We evaluate how convenient and discreet the product is to use, considering factors like packaging, dosing, and administration.

  • Discretion: Privacy is essential, so products that can be purchased discreetly and do not require a prescription rank higher.

  • Ingredients:

  • Transparency: We favor products that disclose their ingredients, including their active components. This allows users to make informed choices and avoid allergens or substances they may be sensitive to.

  • Natural Ingredients: Products containing natural or herbal ingredients known for their positive effects on ED may receive higher scores.

  • Scientific Support: We consider whether the product's ingredients have scientific backing for their efficacy in treating ED.

  • Value for Money:

  • Price: We assess the affordability of OTC ED pills in comparison to their effectiveness. Products that offer good value for the cost are ranked higher.

  • Dosage and Supply: We evaluate the quantity of pills included in each package and their recommended dosage, considering how long a supply will last.

  • Money-Back Guarantee: Products with money-back guarantees or return policies are favored, as they demonstrate confidence in their efficacy.

  • Brand Reputation:

  • Company History: The reputation and track record of the manufacturer are taken into account. Established and reputable companies tend to score higher.

  • Customer Support: We consider the availability and responsiveness of customer support services in case users have questions or concerns.

  • Conclusion

    Struggling with erectile dysfunction? You're not alone - millions of men experience the same issue. Fortunately, there are solutions available to help you take back control and restore your performance levels! Our guide showcases some top products on the market today that have been proven effective in 88% of users; 82% also noticed an improvement in their libido after taking them. But keep in mind: everyone is different, so be sure to research each product carefully before making a decision – what works well for one person may produce very different results for another. Best wishes as you embark upon this journey toward better sexual health!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Over-the-Counter Erectile Dysfunction Pills
  • What are over-the-counter (OTC) erectile dysfunction pills? OTC erectile dysfunction pills are non-prescription medications designed to help men achieve and maintain erections. They are available without a doctor's prescription and can be purchased directly from pharmacies or online retailers.

  • How do OTC ED pills work? OTC ED pills typically work by increasing blood flow to the penis, which helps in achieving and sustaining an erection. Many of them contain active ingredients that relax blood vessels, allowing for improved circulation.

  • Are OTC ED pills safe to use? OTC ED pills can be safe when used as directed. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. Some OTC ED pills may interact with certain drugs or have side effects.

  • Do OTC ED pills require a prescription? No, OTC ED pills do not require a prescription. You can purchase them directly from pharmacies or online retailers. However, it's still advisable to discuss their use with a healthcare provider to ensure they are appropriate for your situation.

  • What are the common ingredients in OTC ED pills? Common active ingredients in OTC ED pills include sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil. Some OTC options may also contain herbal or natural ingredients like L-arginine or ginseng.

  • How quickly do OTC ED pills work? The onset of action varies depending on the specific pill. Some OTC ED pills can start working within 15-30 minutes, while others may take up to an hour. It's essential to follow the recommended dosage instructions for the best results.

  • Are there any side effects associated with OTC ED pills? Side effects can occur with OTC ED pills, but they are generally mild and temporary. Common side effects may include headaches, facial flushing, upset stomach, and nasal congestion. If you experience severe or persistent side effects, seek medical attention.

  • Can I use OTC ED pills with alcohol? While some OTC ED pills may be taken with moderate alcohol consumption, excessive alcohol can reduce their effectiveness and increase the risk of side effects. It's best to limit alcohol intake when using these medications.

  • How long do the effects of OTC ED pills last? The duration of effect varies among different OTC ED pills. Some may last for up to 36 hours, while others may provide effectiveness for 4-6 hours. Read the product instructions for specific information.

  • Are OTC ED pills suitable for everyone? OTC ED pills may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, including heart disease, low blood pressure, or certain eye conditions. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if they are safe for you.

  • Can I combine OTC ED pills with other treatments for erectile dysfunction? Combining OTC ED pills with other treatments or lifestyle changes (e.G., exercise, stress management, counseling) is possible and may be recommended by a healthcare provider for comprehensive ED management.

  • Do OTC ED pills cure erectile dysfunction? No, OTC ED pills do not cure erectile dysfunction. They provide a temporary solution to help with erections. Addressing the underlying causes of ED through lifestyle changes and medical treatment may be necessary for long-term improvement.

  • Remember, the information provided here is for general guidance, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding OTC ED pills and their suitability for your specific situation.

    The Best Creams To Help You Repair Your Skin Barrier

    Does your skin feel or look dry, flaky, red, itchy or rough? You may have a compromised skin barrier, according to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Terrence Keaney. Instead of grabbing your usual body lotion or face moisturizer, try a cream made to support and repair your barrier. 

    "Repairing the skin barrier means giving it what it needs, which is replenishing the essential lipids and increasing water hydration," says Dr. Stacy Chimento, a board-certified dermatologist. Unlike your typical cream or lotion, barrier creams do more than just hydrate the skin; they also heal the barrier and protect against the loss of water and an influx of allergens and irritants, says board-certified dermatologist Dr. Stephen Suah.

    We spoke to board-certified dermatologists about what exactly your skin barrier is and how to shop for a barrier cream. We also rounded up expert-recommended and Select staff-favorite creams to consider. 

    SKIP AHEAD The best barrier creamsHow to shop for barrier creams

  • Ingredients: When choosing a quality moisturizer for your skin, you may find a combination of humectants, occlusives and emollients. However, it's important to find ingredients that target the skin barrier, whether it's supporting or repairing. Ceramides, a type of emollient that is also the foundation of your skin barrier, is found in a majority of barrier creams. 
  • Consistency: Barrier creams vary in thickness, with some being rich and thick while others are lightweight. Depending on your skin type or environment, you may be prone to choosing one consistency over another. For example, for those with dry skin or living in colder seasons, consider a thicker cream. If you are living in a hotter environment or have oily/acne-prone skin, you may want to choose a lighter consistency, according to experts.
  • Below is a compiled list of our experts' favorite barrier creams, some top-rated creams, as well as Select staff favorites.

    CeraVe Moisturizing Cream








    This cream is great for both the face and body since it's fast absorbing, non-greasy and has three essential ceramides and hyaluronic acid, says Chimento. The 2023 NBC Select Wellness Award winner is suitable for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin, since it's non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores. It's also great for those with sensitive skin because it's hypo-allergenic and fragrance-free, according to the brand. You can find this formula (which has the National Eczema Association's Seal of Acceptance) in two sizes, including 12 ounces and 19 ounces. 

    Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Skin Barrier Moisturizing Cream

    This fast-absorbing barrier-supporting cream comes recommended by board-certified dermatologist Dr. Stephen Suah. It has ingredients like ceramides to support the skin, panthenol to reinforce the barrier and prevent water loss and glycerin to add moisture to the skin, according to the brand. You can also purchase this moisturizer in a mini travel size.

    SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2







    This facial moisturizer helps mimic the natural levels of lipids in your skin, according to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Terrence Keaney. It happens because tThe cream has ceramides to support and add moisture to the skin, cholesterol to help speed up the recovery of the skin barrier and fatty acids to help with the structure and improve elasticity, according to the brand. For the most effective application, take a small amount and warm and melt the cream between your fingertips. Then apply it in patting motions to your face, neck and chest, according to SkinCeuticals.

    Tower 28 SOS Daily Barrier Recovery Cream






    Tower 28 Beauty

    A recent favorite of mine has been this moisturizer from Tower 28 because it's gentle enough for my dry, sensitive, eczema-prone skin. It has hyaluronic acid to hydrate the skin, ceramides to support the barrier and allantoin to reduce any irritation and lock in moisture, according to the brand. Although you can apply this morning and night, I love using it in the morning because the lightweight cream feels hydrating all day and layers nicely under my sunscreen and makeup. 

    La Roche Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer







    A go-to for Chimento is this facial moisturizer because it helps support the barrier with ceramides, and helps give the skin a hydrated appearance and feel while also calming down any redness and irritation with the help of niacinamide and prebiotic thermal water. You can apply this lightweight moisturizer in the morning and at night to both your face and neck, according to the brand. The fragrance-free and non-comedogenic cream is available in two sizes, including travel-size; it is also available in a sunscreen version.

    Skinfix Barrier+ Triple Lipid-Peptide Face Cream







    The Skinfix face cream, which has a 4.2-star average rating from over 2,900 ratings at Sephora, has a combination of humectants that include hyaluronic acid and glycerin, emollients like squalane and occlusives like shea butter. For the most effective results, apply one to two pumps in the morning and at night on clean and dry skin, according to the brand.

    Avene Cicalfate and Restorative Protective Cream





    This cream has zinc and copper sulfate, lipids and thermal water to soothe, hydrate and repair the skin and can go on both the face and body, according to Chimento. The rich, occlusive cream helps repair and hydrate the skin and protect it from external aggressors, according to Avene.

    Kiehl's Ultra Facial Advanced Repair Barrier Cream





    This rich barrier cream not only adds hydration and supports the barrier, but it also helps reduce the appearance of any redness with the help of ingredients like colloidal oatmeal, glycerin and niacinamide, according to the brand. You can apply this cream, which is a Select Wellness Award winner and also has a 4.8-star average rating from over 500 reviews at Ulta, on your face morning and night. You can also use this as a spot treatment for areas that are sensitized, dry, itchy or rough, according to Kiehl's.

    La Roche Posay Lipikar AP+M Triple Repair Moisturizing Cream







    If you're looking to repair your body's skin barrier, consider this moisturizer that comes recommended by Keaney. The cream has ceramides to retain moisture and support the skin barrier, shea butter to hydrate and replenish the lipids in the skin barrier, glycerin for moisture and hydration and niacinamide to help calm the skin, according to the brand. You can use this in the morning and at night by massaging the product onto your skin until it fully absorbs, according to La Roche Posay.

    Tatcha Indigo Overnight Repair







    If you have mildly irritated skin and are experiencing some acne outbreaks, Suah recommends this overnight repair cream because it's non-comedogenic. The moisturizer has hyaluronic acid and ceramides to hydrate and support the barrier, Japanese indigo to reduce irritation and mondo grass to support the skin's microbiome, according to the brand. For your final step in your nighttime skin care routine, apply a pearl-sized amount of this fragrance-free cream nightly to your face, neck and decolletage, according to Tatcha.

    SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator







    This SkinMedica moisturizer is a lightweight hyaluronic-based product that goes on before your daily face cream, according to Keaney. With five different types of hyaluronic acid, this helps the skin's overall health by adding hydration back to the skin, according to the brand. Apply this with wet fingertips all over your face, neck and chest, according to SkinMedica. 

    Etude House Soonjung Hydro Barrier Cream


    Soko Glam







    This fragrance-free cream, with a newly updated formula, comes recommended by Suah because it's a great option for those with irritated skin that isn't overly dry. The moisturizer has panthenol to support the barrier and maintain moisture. At the same time, the madecassoside helps reduce irritation and protects the skin from external aggressors and green tea extract acts as an anti-inflammatory, according to the brand. You can apply the non-comedogenic product in the morning before your sunscreen and at night as the last step in your routine. 

    Versed Sweet Relief Overnight Face Barrier Balm

    To help repair her combination skin, especially after using a drying acne treatment, Select associate updates editor Zoe Malin uses this thick and creamy balm because it's the only product that gets rid of dryness overnight. The moisturizer combines butters to lock in moisture, apricot kernel oil to protect the skin and pea extract to reduce redness and any irritation, according to the brand. "I also have sensitive skin, and I find this product particularly soothing when my skin is raw and stinging," says Malin. A little goes a long way, so melt the balm with your fingertips and apply it to your entire face at night, according to Versed Skincare. 

    When shopping for barrier cream, it helps to consider key factors like ingredients to ensure the efficacy of repair and support. Our experts recommend considering the following when shopping for one: 


    Although it's important to find ingredients that directly target the skin barrier, like emollients, other types of ingredients need to be in your barrier cream to help maintain and support its function, including humectants and occlusives. 

    Emollients: This type of ingredient tends to help repair the skin barrier and includes fatty acids, ceramides and more. One of the essentials in this category are ceramides, which are lipids that make up a significant portion of the skin's outer layer, says Keaney. They help to form a protective barrier, lock in moisture, and prevent water loss. 

    Humectants: Humectants are another common skin ingredient category that prevents water evaporation from the skin, says Keaney. Common humectants include hyaluronic acid, glycerin and linoleic acid, according to experts.

    Occlusives: Occlusive creams are insoluble to water and occlude the skin to form a protective layer, says Suah. This barrier helps physically lock in the moisture and avoid transepidermal water loss, according to experts. It also helps prevent the entrance of irritants and allergens, according to Suah. Some common occlusive ingredients that you should keep an eye out for include petrolatum, zinc oxide, plant oils and dimethicone, according to both Suah and Chimento. 


    The consistency of your barrier cream may depend on your current skin condition and the season that you are living in, according to Keaney. 

    Generally, the most common moisturizers have a combination of lipids and water. When you have a thicker moisturizer, it means it has more lipids and less water, according to Keaney. These thick moisturizers can be really effective at locking in moisture but can be more occlusive, says Keaney. The most occlusive options may come in the form of a rich salve or ointment and can be great for those with an underlying condition like atopic dermatitis, according to Suah. 

    If you have oily or acne-prone skin, consider a lightweight barrier cream that isn't as heavy, occlusive or thick since those can worsen the condition and can cause unwanted acne from forming, according to experts.

    Who can benefit from using a barrier cream?

    Everyone can benefit from using a moisturizer that focuses on supporting the skin barrier, according to our experts. However, some may need to use one more than others. Those with sensitive skin may not produce enough ceramides, one of the key essential lipids that create a healthy skin barrier along with cholesterol and fatty acids, says Chimento. Others with skin conditions like rosacea or eczema might also benefit from using one of these moisturizers because it helps fortify their barrier, creating less risk of infection and better healing, according to Chimento.

    Can you prevent a damaged skin barrier?

    Yes. It is always best to take preventative measures to keep your skin in check and healthy avoid premature aging, infections and irritant rashes, says Chimento. It is also easier to prevent skin barrier disruption than it is to correct it, according to Keaney. If the barrier gets too disrupted, an over-the-counter moisturizer may not be enough, and you may need a prescription, Keaney says.

    How often should you use a skin barrier cream?

    For maximum protection, it is always best to apply your barrier cream twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, according to Chimento. When you're applying your cream, it's always best to apply it after washing when the skin is still slightly damp, says Suah. This is because it allows the products to contain the water molecules within the skin.

    Is it possible to "over-repair" the barrier?

    "I don't really think you can truly over-hydrate yourself too much," says Chimento. However, for those who are more oily or have acne-prone skin, too much hydration or occlusion with thick products can lead to a worsening of acne, according to Chimento.

    At Select, we work with experts who have specialized knowledge and authority based on relevant training and/or experience. We also take steps to ensure all expert advice and recommendations are made independently and without undisclosed financial conflicts of interest.

  • Dr. Stacy Chimento is a board-certified dermatologist at Riverchase Dermatology. Her areas of expertise include pediatric and adult dermatology, hair restoration, chronic skin conditions, aesthetic treatments and more.
  • Dr. Terrence Keaney is a board-certified dermatologist and founder of SkinDC. He is also an Assistant Clinical Faculty of Dermatology at George Washington (GW) University and Howard University and is the Director of the Laser and Lipoatrophy Clinic at the Washington DC VA Hospital. His areas of expertise include medical and cosmetic dermatology, among others. 
  • Dr. Stephen Suah is a board-certified dermatologist at Foxhall Dermatology in Washington, DC. His areas of expertise include medical dermatology, surgical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology and skin of color. 
  • Bianca Alvarez is an associate reporter and has been covering beauty, including how to build a skin care routine, eye creams and sunscreens. For this piece, she interviewed three dermatologists and researched many barrier creams on the market. Bianca recommended products the dermatologists shared with us, met their shopping guidance and ones we have tried ourselves.

    Catch up on Select's in-depth coverage of personal finance, tech and tools, wellness and more, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok to stay up to date.


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