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A Doctor Reveals 5 Things She Would Never Do, Which Will Save You Money And Stress

  • Dr. Raj Arora is a family doctor who specializes in skincare.
  • She recently shared the things she would never do as a doctor in a TikTok video.
  • They include never using certain feminine hygiene and skincare products.
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    A doctor shared five things she would never do, from using feminine hygiene products to needlessly taking antibiotics.

    Below is what Dr. Raj Arora, a general practitioner for the UK's National Health Service and skincare specialist, advised against in a TikTok video, which was viewed 1.5 million times.

    Use a physical exfoliant or scrub

    Arora advises against using any scrubs or physical exfoliant products for the skin that you can buy in drugstores. 

    She says "most of these products are way too abrasive for your skin, and can cause micro-tears and early skin aging."

    Insider previously reported that most dermatologists recommend chemical exfoliators over physical ones.

    Use female hygiene products

    "Womanly parts are self cleansing," and some feminine hygiene products can actually do more harm than good, says Arora.

    Arora says that she would not use perfumed products and sprays or douche. That's because they can alter the body's natural pH, which can lead to bacterial vaginosis.

    "Just leave it alone, use simply water," she advises.

    Waste money on branded painkillers

    Arora says she would never buy over-the-counter painkillers, saying "the active ingredient is exactly the same" in cheaper unbranded products.

    "Save your money and go for the non-branded options," Arora says.

    Take antibiotics for a viral illness

    Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, but they will not work on viruses. For viral illnesses, you will generally get better with time if you have a cough or cold, or you might need antivirals for conditions such as the flu, shingles, or HPV. 

    "If you take antibiotics when they're not needed, you're going to do more harm than good," Arora says. This is because "antibiotics can deplete the normal healthy gut bacteria that you need for immunity and for wellness," she said. 

    Overusing these drugs can also contribute to antibiotic resistance, which can make infections harder to treat, as Insider previously reported. 

    Rely on Google for medical advice or diagnoses

    Arora does not recommend typing your symptoms into a search engine, because "this can come up with lots of different diagnoses, and most of them will be anxiety-inducing and stressful to read."

    "If you have symptoms, it's important to go to your doctor and to get the advice you need from a medical professional."

    Of course, if you have been given resources by your doctor or a health professional, Arora says it's totally okay to find those online.

    Where To Buy Adrafinil Online: A Comprehensive Review

    Curious…where to buy Adrafinil online?

    Do you wonder about the best Adrafinil vendors, with the highest quality products and cheapest prices?

    Then you've come to the right place!

    In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you MUST know about the best places to buy Adrafinil online.

    We'll dive into the science behind Adrafinil, its benefits, and how it compares to other popular nootropics on the market.

    We even answer your most important questions, including:

    By the end of this review, you'll have all the information you need to make an informed decision regarding where to buy Adrafinil online.

    Now let's dive in!

    P.S: Here is our top recommendation!

    What is Adrafinil?

    Adrafinil is a synthetic nootropic compound that was first developed in the 1970s. Sense then, it has since been extensively researched for its benefits for mood and overall cognitive performance.

    Adrafinil is technically a prodrug for modafinil. This means it is metabolized by the liver into modafinil, which is widely considered one of the most powerful nootropics available [1].

    Adrafinil works by affecting several neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and histamine. It primarily targets the brain dopamine transporter, which leads to increased levels of dopamine in the brain [2].

    This results in improved cognitive function, including enhanced focus, motivation, and attention [3].

    Other key features of Adrafinil include:

  • Cognitive Performance: Adrafinil is commonly used as a cognitive enhancer and productivity aid, particularly among students, professionals, and individuals in high-pressure jobs.

  • Reduced Fatigue: Adrafinil has been shown to reduce fatigue and improve mood, making it a popular choice for people with sleep disorders like narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Long Lasting: Adrafinil has a relatively long half-life, with effects lasting up to 10-15 hours for most users.

  • Overall, Adrafinil is a powerful nootropic and ideal for anyone looking to maximize their overall cognitive performance.

    Of course, side effects are possible when taking Adrafinil, so it's important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines for this product (we cover them in more detail below).

    (Adrafinil.Com, sponsored) Of course, side effects are possible when taking Adrafinil, so it's important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines for this product (we cover them in more detail below).

    Forms of Adrafinil

    Before purchasing Adrafinil online for personal use, it's important to consider the different forms of Adrafinil and their respective advantages.

    Adrafinil is currently available in capsule, liquid, or powder form.

    While capsules are most popular overall, they each have unique advantages that make them worth considering.

  • Capsules: Adrafinil capsules are the most popular option, as they are extremely convenient, easy to use, and allow for relatively precise changes in dosing protocols. Capsules generally contain 300mg - 600mg of Adrafinil per serving.

  • Liquid: Adrafinil liquid offers the fastest absorption rate, and can be taken sublingually or added to a beverage. Liquid Adrafinil is often sold in a small dropper bottle and can contain up to 30 servings per bottle.

  • Powder: Adrafinil powder offers the most flexibility in terms of dosing, as you can adjust your dose by as little as 1 mg per dose. Adrafinil powder is also more cost effective than powders or liquids.

  • Overall, Adrafinil and its variations offer a range of benefits for those looking to improve cognitive function and promote wakefulness.

    It has quickly become one of the most popular nootropics among students, researchers, and high-performance individuals.

    Where To Buy Adrafinil Online?

    When it comes to buying Adrafinil online, it's critical that you choose the right online Adrafinil vendor. Most vendors pump out low-quality products that are filled with cheap ingredients, fillers, and even heavy metals…

    Fortunately, our team of experts has identified several Adrafinil vendors that exceed all of our expectations: Science.Bio and Pure Rawz. Science.Bio is our #1 overall choice, but Pure Rawz is a close second - especially if you are interested in purchasing Fladrafinil tablets.

    Here are our top recommendations for ordering different types of Adrafinil:

    As you can see, Science.Bio is our preferred choice for most options, but based on our first-hand testing we can confidently say that the Adrafinil tablets manufactured by Pure Rawz are the best in the business.

    Now let's take a closer look at what makes these online Adrafinil vendors stand out from the competition…

    1. Science.Bio

    Science.Bio is our #1 choice for a high-quality Adrafinil vendor. They offer a wide selection of high quality products, including Adrafinil, nootropics, and other research chemicals.

    No matter what you are looking for, Science.Bio has you covered! They also have some of the strictest quality control measures in place of any Adrafinil vendor. When you order from Science.Bio, you know you are getting the highest quality product available anywhere in the world.

    Other benefits of Science.Bio include:

  • Product selection: Science.Bio is our preferred vendor that offers a wide variety of high-quality nootropics, including Adrafinil liquid, Fladrafinil liquid, Hydrafinil powder, Flmodafinil, and more.

  • Quality control: Science.Bio manufactures their products with rigorous 3rd-party testing that ensures they are free of contaminants and other fillers.

  • Lab reports: Science.Bio includes a certificate of analysis for every product, so you can rest easy knowing you are getting the highest quality and most powerful Adrafinil that money can buy.

  • Free Shipping: Science.Bio offers free shipping on all orders over $100, including on all domestic and international orders.

  • Overall, Science.Bio is the clear #1 choice for anyone looking to buy Adrafinil and other powerful nootropics. They have a reputation for producing premium quality products that produce results in the real world. Ready to place your first order with Science.Bio?

    2. Pure Rawz

    Pure Rawz is our #1 recommendation for anyone looking to buy high-quality Fladrafinil tablets and other nootropics.

    Pure Rawz manufactures high-quality products that are rigorously tested for purity, identity, and potency, ensuring that you receive nothing but the highest quality product for your money.

    Benefits of buying Fladrafinil from Pure Rawz include:

  • High-quality Adrafinil capsules: Pure Rawz manufactures the highest quality Fladrafinil capsules, making them our #1 choice for anyone interested in testing their effects.

  • Certificates of analysis: Pure Rawz provides lab reports and certificates of analysis for all of their products. You can rest easy knowing their products are every bit as pure and potent as they claim them to be.

  • Fast shipping: Pure Rawz offers fast and reliable shipping to domestic and international customers.

  • Superior customer service: With Pure Rawz, you are getting access to some of the best customer service in the industry. Their helpful staff is always ready to answer your most important questions.

  • Overall, we strongly recommend Pure Rawz for anyone interested in purchasing high-quality Adrafinil tablets.

    Understanding the Mechanism of Action of Adrafinil

    Adrafinil is a wakefulness-promoting nootropic compound that is converted into Modafinil in the liver. The exact mechanism of action of Adrafinil is not fully understood, but it is believed to work by increasing levels of key neurotransmitters in the brain.

    Here is an overview of how Adrafinil increases levels of key neurotransmitters in the brain:

  • Dopamine: Adrafinil may increase total brain dopamine levels inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine, and promoting the release of dopamine from nerve cells [4]. Dopamine plays a critical role in regulating mood and overall cognitive abilities.

  • Histamine: Adrafinil may increase histamine levels in the brain, which can promote wakefulness and alertness [5].

  • Glutamate: Adrafinil may increase glutamate levels in the brain, which can enhance overall cognitive function and improve memory [6].

  • Orexin: Adrafinil may stimulate the production of orexin, a neuropeptide that is involved in regulating wakefulness and arousal [7].

  • While Adrafinil's exact mechanism of action is not fully mapped out, researchers believe its ability to boost key brain neurotransmitters is responsible for most of its benefits.

    Further research is required to fully flesh out the different ways that Adrafinil exerts its powerful nootropic effects.

    (Adrafinil.Com, sponsored) Further research is required to fully flesh out the different ways that Adrafinil exerts its powerful nootropic effects.

    Adrafinil Benefits

    Adrafinil is a nootropic compound that has been shown to have several potential benefits for cognitive function and wakefulness.

    Some of the benefits associated with Adrafinil include:

  • Increased wakefulness: Adrafinil is a wakefulness-promoting agent that has been shown to reduce feelings of fatigue and promote alertness in users [8].

  • Improved cognitive function: Adrafinil may enhance cognitive function, including memory retention, focus, and concentration [9].

  • Increased productivity: Adrafinil can help increase motivation and productivity, allowing users to stay focused on tasks for longer periods of time [10].

  • Improved mood: Some users report feeling more positive and motivated after taking Adrafinil [11].

  • Fewer side effects: Adrafinil may have fewer side effects compared to other wakefulness-promoting drugs, such as Modafinil [12].

  • Overall, Adrafinil offers a wide range of benefits for users looking to elevate their mood and cognitive performance for up to 10-15 hours at a time. However, additional research is still needed to identify all possible benefits of this nootropic powerhouse.

    Adrafinil Side Effects

    While Adrafinil has a wide range of powerful benefits, it also has some side effects that you need to be aware of.

    Some of the most common side effects from Adrafinil use include:

  • Insomnia: Adrafinil is a stimulant and may prevent the user from falling or staying asleep. This is especially true if the user does not take their Adrafinil dose first thing in the morning [13].

  • Headaches: In rare cases, Adrafinil may cause headaches or migraines - especially when taken at excessively high doses [14].

  • Nausea: Adrafinil use may cause gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea [15].

  • Elevated Blood Pressure: Adrafinil has the potential to increase blood pressure in some individuals, especially those with pre-existing hypertension [16].

  • It's important to note that side effects from Adrafinil use are extremely rare – especially when following the recommended dosage guidelines.

    However, additional research may be required to identify all possible side effects of Adrafinil.

    Adrafinil Dosage Calculator and Chart

    Determining the appropriate dosage can be tricky, as it can vary depending on numerous factors such as body weight, user tolerance, and Adrafinil sensitivity.

    Here's an overview of how to calculate an appropriate Adrafinil dosage, plus additional information for low, medium, and high Adrafinil doses…

    Dosage Calculator:

    To calculate an approximate dosage based on body weight, you can use the following formula:

    For example, here are some sample calculations for individuals with different body weights:

  • 150 lbs x 1-3 = 150 - 450 mg per day

  • 200 lbs x 2 = 200 - 600 mg per day

  • 250 lbs x 2 = 250 - 750 mg per day

  • If you use these dosage calculators, you will receive a relatively conservative dosage recommendation with low risk of side effects. If you tolerate the initial dose well, you can always increase it to assess your body's tolerance.

    Dosage Chart

    Looking for general dosing guidelines for Adrafinil? If so, this chart is what you need:

  • Low dose: 200 - 400 mg per day

  • Moderate dose: 400 - 800 mg per day

  • High dose: 800 - 1,200 mg per day

  • Again, it is important to note that these dosages are only approximations.

    We recommend starting with a relatively low dose to assess your tolerance, and increasing from there depending on your results.

    Adrafinil vs. Modafinil

    Adrafinil and Modafinil are closely related nootropic compounds that are commonly used to enhance cognitive function and promote wakefulness. While they share some similarities, there are several key differences between the two.

    Here are some of the main differences between Adrafinil and Modafinil:

  • Legal Status: Adrafinil is not a prescription drug and is legal to purchase in many countries, including the United States. On the other hand, Modafinil is often classified as a controlled substance and requires a prescription in the US.

  • Potency: Modafinil is somewhat more potent than Adrafinil, meaning lower doses are needed to achieve similar effects vs Adrafinil.

  • Onset Time: Modafinil has a faster onset time than Adrafinil, meaning that it takes effect more quickly after ingestion.

  • Duration of Effects: Adrafinil can have longer-lasting effects than Modafinil, with some users reporting effects lasting up to 10-15 hours.

  • Side Effects: Adrafinil has a higher risk for side effects vs Modafinil, including headaches and nausea.

  • Overall, both Adrafinil and Modafinil are effective nootropic compounds for promoting wakefulness and enhancing cognitive function.

    However, the choice between the two will depend on individual factors such as legality, potency, and tolerance to side effects.

    Adrafinil vs. Flmodafinil

    Adrafinil and Flmodafinil are two wakefulness-promoting drugs that have some similarities, but also have key differences that users should be aware of.

    Here are some differences between the two:

  • Chemical structure: Adrafinil is a prodrug that is metabolized into Modafinil in the liver. In contrast, Flmodafinil is a modified version of Modafinil itself.

  • Potency: Flmodafinil is significantly more potent than Adrafinil, with many sources reporting Flmodafinil to be up to 3-4 times stronger.

  • Duration of effects: Fladrafinil has a longer overall half life, with effects lasting as long as 12-16 hours.

  • Mechanism of action: Adrafinil works by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, while Flmodafinil works by blocking the reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and histamine.

  • Availability: Adrafinil is not regulated as a controlled substance in the United States or most western countries, while Flmodafinil is typically unavailable without a valid prescription.

  • Overall, both Adrafinil and Flmodafinil are wakefulness-promoting drugs that can improve cognitive function and promote alertness. However, Adrafinil is generally considered the better option, thanks to its legal status and slightly shorter half life.

    Adrafinil vs. Fladrafinil

    Adrafinil and Fladrafinil are closely related nootropics that help promote wakefulness and improve overall cognitive function. They share many similarities, but they also have some key differences that you must be aware of:

  • Chemical structure: Adrafinil is a prodrug that is metabolized in the liver to produce Modafinil, while Fladrafinil is a modified version of Adrafinil.

  • Potency: Fladrafinil is slightly more potent than Adrafinil overall, meaning it requires a lower dose to achieve similar effects.

  • Duration of effects: Adrafinil has a longer half-life than Fladrafinil, with effects lasting up to 10-15 hours. On the other hand, effects from Fladrafinil last up to 8-12 hours.

  • Mechanism of action: Adrafinil works by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain, while Fladrafinil works by increasing levels of dopamine and histamine.

  • Overall, both Adrafinil and Fladrafinil are wakefulness-promoting nootropics that offer numerous benefits.

    However, Adrafinil has a longer overall half-life and reduced potency, while Fladrafinil's effects are more pronounced and shorter-lived.

    Adrafinil vs. Hydrafinil

    Adrafinil and Hydrafinil are two popular nootropics that can help promote wakefulness and improve cognitive performance.

    While they have many similarities, there are also key differences between Adrafinil and Hydrafinil that you MUST be aware of:

  • Chemical structure: Adrafinil is a prodrug that is converted to Modafinil in the liver, whereas Hydrafinil has a distinct chemical structure.

  • Potency: Adrafinil is generally considered to be less potent than Hydrafinil, and requires a larger dose to achieve similar benefits.

  • Duration of effects: Adrafinil has a longer half-life than Hydrafinil. The effects of Adrafinil last up to 10-15 hours, while Hydrafinil's effects last approximately 6-8 hours.

  • Mechanism of action: Adrafinil increases brain dopamine and norepinephrine levels, while Hydrafinil works by increasing levels of histamine and hypocretin.

  • Overall, both Adrafinil and Hydrafinil are wakefulness-promoting drugs that can improve cognitive function and promote alertness.

    However, Adrafinil is slightly less potent, and has longer-lasting effects in the body.

    (Adrafinil.Com, sponsored) Overall, both Adrafinil and Hydrafinil are wakefulness-promoting drugs that can improve cognitive function and promote alertness.

    Is Adrafinil Legal?

    Adfinil's legal status can vary depending on the specific country and its regulations regarding nootropic compounds. However, as a general rule of thumb it is legal to purchase without a prescription in the United States and most western countries.

    Here are some general guidelines on Adrafinil's legality:

  • United States: Adrafinil is not regulated by the FDA. It is legal to purchase and possess Adrafinil with the US.

  • Canada: Adrafinil is not classified as a controlled substance in Canada, and is legal to purchase and possess.

  • United Kingdom: Adrafinil is not a prescription drug. However, it is regulated by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. In the UK, Adrafinil can be legally purchased and possessed for personal use, but it cannot be sold as a dietary supplement.

  • Australia: Adrafinil is not listed as a controlled substance, and is legal to purchase and possess in Australia.

  • It's important to note that while Adrafinil may be legal in these countries, it's important to familiarize yourself with the legal status of other nootropics like Modafinil to better understand their legal status.

    Is Adrafinil Safe?

    Adrafinil is generally considered to be an extremely safe nootropic compound – especially when taken at the recommended dosages. However, it's important to be aware of the risks and safety profile of the nootropic before ordering Adrafinil online.

    Here's what you need to know:

  • Side Effects: Adrafinil can cause side effects such as headaches, nausea, stomach discomfort, and even elevated liver enzyme levels. These side effects are generally mild and go away once you discontinue using the nootropic.

  • Overdose: In rare cases, Adrafinil overdose can occur, leading to symptoms such as agitation, confusion, increased heart rate, or increased blood pressure.

  • Withdrawal: Adrafinil can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms, especially if used regularly over a long period of time. Adrafinil withdrawal symptoms can include fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

  • Overall, Adrafinil can be safe when used appropriately and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

    However, it is important to be aware of potential risks and to discontinue use if any negative side effects occur.

    Adrafinil For SaleReview

    Adrafinil is one of the most powerful and effective nootropic compounds currently available. Adrafinil is technically a modafinil prodrug, meaning it converts into Modafinil after being ingested.

    If you are interested in purchasing Adrafinil online, then it's critical that you only purchase from a high-quality vendor that performs extensive testing on all of their products. We recommend purchasing from Science.Bio or Pure Rawz, as they consistently manufacture the highest quality Adrafinil and nootropics products available anywhere in the world.

    So what are you waiting for?

    Make your first purchase from Science.Bio today and get ready to experience the powerful benefits of this breakthrough nootropic compound!

  • Ameline A, Gheddar L, Raul JS, Kintz P. Identification of adrafinil and its main metabolite modafinil in human hair. Self-administration study and interpretation of an authentic case. Forensic Sci Res. 2020 Jan 29;5(4):322-326. Doi: 10.1080/20961790.2019.1704482. PMID: 33457050; PMCID: PMC7782130.

  • Volkow ND, Fowler JS, Logan J, Alexoff D, Zhu W, Telang F, Wang GJ, Jayne M, Hooker JM, Wong C, Hubbard B, Carter P, Warner D, King P, Shea C, Xu Y, Muench L, Apelskog-Torres K. Effects of modafinil on dopamine and dopamine transporters in the male human brain: clinical implications. JAMA. 2009 Mar 18;301(11):1148-54. Doi: 10.1001/jama.2009.351. PMID: 19293415; PMCID: PMC2696807.

  • Kim D. Practical use and risk of modafinil, a novel waking drug. Environ Health Toxicol. 2012;27:e2012007. Doi: 10.5620/eht.2012.27.E2012007. Epub 2012 Feb 22. PMID: 22375280; PMCID: PMC3286657.

  • Punzi M, Gili T, Petrosini L, Caltagirone C, Spalletta G, Sensi SL. Modafinil-Induced Changes in Functional Connectivity in the Cortex and Cerebellum of Healthy Elderly Subjects. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Mar 30;9:85. Doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00085. PMID: 28424611; PMCID: PMC5371677.

  • Ishizuka T, Murotani T, Yamatodani A. Action of modafinil through histaminergic and orexinergic neurons. Vitam Horm. 2012;89:259-78. Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394623-2.00014-7. PMID: 22640618.

  • Ferraro L, Antonelli T, O'Connor WT, Tanganelli S, Rambert F, Fuxe K. The antinarcoleptic drug modafinil increases glutamate release in thalamic areas and hippocampus. Neuroreport. 1997 Sep 8;8(13):2883-7. Doi: 10.1097/00001756-199709080-00016. PMID: 9376524.

  • Salerno M, Villano I, Nicolosi D, Longhitano L, Loreto C, Lovino A, Sessa F, Polito AN, Monda V, Chieffi S, Messina A, Monda M, Zammit C, Tafuri D, Messina G, Carotenuto M. Modafinil and orexin system: interactions and medico-legal considerations. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2019 Jan 1;24(3):564-575. Doi: 10.2741/4736. PMID: 30468674.

  • Rosenberg R, Bogan R. Armodafinil in the treatment of excessive sleepiness. Nat Sci Sleep. 2010 Jul 8;2:95-105. Doi: 10.2147/nss.S6728. PMID: 23616702; PMCID: PMC3630938.

  • Siwak CT, Callahan H, Milgram NW. Adrafinil: effects on behavior and cognition in aged canines. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2000 Jul;24(5):709-26. Doi: 10.1016/s0278-5846(00)00103-2. PMID: 11191710.

  • Siwak CT, Tapp PD, Milgram NW. Adrafinil disrupts performance on a delayed nonmatching-to-position task in aged beagle dogs. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2003 Aug;76(1):161-8. Doi: 10.1016/s0091-3057(03)00211-9. PMID: 13679229.

  • Kumar R. Approved and investigational uses of modafinil : an evidence-based review. Drugs. 2008;68(13):1803-39. Doi: 10.2165/00003495-200868130-00003. PMID: 18729534.

  • Dubey S, Ahi S, Reddy IM, Kaur T, Beotra A, Jain S. A novel study of screening and confirmation of modafinil, adrafinil and their metabolite modafinilic acid under EI-GC-MS and ESI-LC-MS-MS ionization. Indian J Pharmacol. 2009 Dec;41(6):278-83. Doi: 10.4103/0253-7613.59928. PMID: 20407560; PMCID: PMC2846503.

  • Billiard M, Broughton R. Modafinil: its discovery, the early European and North American experience in the treatment of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia, and its subsequent use in other medical conditions. Sleep Med. 2018 Sep;49:69-72. Doi: 10.1016/j.Sleep.2018.05.027. Epub 2018 Jun 6. PMID: 30174215.

  • Rugino T. A review of modafinil film-coated tablets for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2007 Jun;3(3):293-301. PMID: 19300563; PMCID: PMC2654790.

  • Mignot EJ. A practical guide to the therapy of narcolepsy and hypersomnia syndromes. Neurotherapeutics. 2012 Oct;9(4):739-52. Doi: 10.1007/s13311-012-0150-9. PMID: 23065655; PMCID: PMC3480574.

  • Rao RN, Shinde DD. Enantioselective separation and determination of adrafinil and modafinil on Chiralcel OJ-H column in rat serum and urine using solid-phase extraction followed by HPLC. Biomed Chromatogr. 2009 Aug;23(8):811-6. Doi: 10.1002/bmc.1190. PMID: 19353685.

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    Overall – 4.9/5

    The Lotter does one thing, and it does it well — it sells lottery tickets.

    Not only will you find a wealth of options for buying your Powerball lottery tickets, but you'll have access to a wide range of lotteries from around the world, though which ones you can access may depend heavily on your current location.

    Should you buy lottery tickets and win the jackpot for an area you are not in, The Lotter will work with you to try and coordinate how to get your money, including helping you figure out any travel plans you might need.

    All in all, we are huge fans of The Lotter and can't recommend it enough for Powerball play.

    >> Buy Powerball tickets online at the Lotter

    2. Lucky99 – Daily Lottery Drawings Like Powerball

    Lucky99 - Daily Lottery Drawings Like Powerball 


  • Better odds than most big lotteries
  • Daily drawings
  • Accepts cryptocurrency deposits
  • Excellent mobile website
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Cons:

  • Payouts are capped at $100,000
  • Website is pretty boring
  • Lucky99 is an exciting online lottery site that offers 2 – 5 number lottery tickets with fantastic odds and great prizes. You might not be able to walk away with a jackpot in the millions-of-dollars range, but Lucky99 offers up to $90,000 in a single jackpot win.

    Lottery Options – 4.7/5

    While Lucky99 doesn't offer Powerball tickets, it is easily one of the best online lottery sites around — and one of the most affordable. Every ticket is $1, and you don't have to worry about any annoying service fees, as Lucky99 isn't acting as any sort of middleman.

    Because of the way this lottery is handled, you won't have any massive half-a-billion-dollar jackpots. In fact, the largest jackpot is the Pick 5 straight-line ticket, where you have to choose five numbers and get them in the exact right order. The grand prize for such a ticket is $90,000.

    The odds of winning are several orders of magnitude better than any Powerball jackpot, making it a great choice for lotto fans who are tired of getting kicked around.

    Lucky99 offers Pick 2, Pick 3, Pick 4, and Pick 5 lottery options in straight (every number has to be in the exact order) or boxed (you just need the right numbers in any order) formats.

    The payout depends on which options you pick, with the lowest payout being the two-number box drawing, which offers you a 45 to 1 payout up to the 90,000 to 1 payout of the five-number straight pick.

    It's also worth noting that while there are no downloadable apps for mobile lottery play, the mobile-ready website looks great on iOS and Android devices, and you'll have no problem at all picking out your winning numbers.

    Banking – 4.9/5

    There's a pleasantly broad range of payment options available at Lucky99, including the ability to deposit Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin directly into your account. If you're a little more conventional, you can also use credit cards, electronic checks, and even money transfers.

    Each option is fee-free, though the amount you can deposit at once varies greatly by payment method, with money transfer being the most strict, starting at a $300 minimum.

    Related: Top Bitcoin casinos

    Customer Service – 4.7/5

    First, most of your questions are likely answered in Lucky99's robust information center, found under the Explore tab. You'll find deposit and payout info, general rules, and more laid out in a fairly easy-to-follow format.

    Should you not find what you're looking for there, you can reach out to the excellent 24/7 customer support team, and they'll get you sorted right out. It's important to note that you will have to have an account before chatting and to have your username and PIN handy.

    Mobile Compatibility – 4.9/5

    We won't lie to you: The Lucky99 main website is not pretty. But it does look and work much better on mobile, so we recommend using your phone for buying your tickets here.

    Overall – 4.8/5

    In addition to Lucky99's lottery options, you'll have access to a wide range of online casino games, sports betting markets, and even horse racing.

    This makes Lucky99 a perfect one-stop shop for players looking to push their luck in all sorts of directions.

    >> Play the lottery at Lucky99

    3. BetAnySports – Top Site to Buy Lotto Tickets Like Powerball With Crypto

    BetAnySports - Top Site to Buy Lotto Tickets Like Powerball With Crypto


  • Daily drawings with excellent odds
  • Great mobile website
  • 2, 3, 4, and 5-number tickets
  • Accepts multiple cryptocurrencies
  • Also offers casino games and sports betting
  • Cons:

  • Dated web design
  • Smaller jackpot prizes than the main competitors
  • BetAnySports is another site like Lucky99 that offers excellent odds on smaller lotteries, rather than the stiff odds you'd get from giants like Powerball.

    This lotto site also accepts crypto deposits, making it a fantastic choice for players looking to put their Bitcoin to work.

    Lottery Options – 4.7/5

    BetAnySports offers players the same lottery setup we saw at Lucky99, meaning you'll have the same Pick 2, 3, 4, and 5 lines with daily drawings.

    There are both straight and boxed ticket options available, with drawings being held every day (except Sunday).

    Players looking to push their luck (with greater rewards) are going to want to go for a straight ticket. This means that regardless of whether you choose the two-number or the five-number ticket, every number you choose has to be drawn in the same order you picked on the ticket.

    If you want to make winning a little easier for you, go for a boxed run ticket. This way, if you guess 12345 and 43251 is drawn, you'll still have it made.

    Plus, BetAnySports lets you buy tickets that span several drawings, so if you are the sort of person who always plays the same numbers, you can queue it up for multiple drawings and not have to worry about it too much.

    We love to set it and forget it.

    Banking – 4.9/5

    We prefer using BetAnySports for our crypto gambling needs. Not only will you be able to load up your account via Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Bitcoin cash, but there are no fees on either deposits or payouts.

    You'll also have much better deposit limits, with a minimum of only $25 and a maximum of $10,000.

    You can claim your crypto payouts via Bitcoin, and unlike all of BetAnySports' other payout methods, there are still no fees.

    If you're not a cryptocurrency enthusiast, this lottery site is still worth checking out and will let you deposit via most major credit cards and electronic checks.

    Customer Service – 4.8/5

    BetAnySports features excellent 24/7 customer service, though the live chat starts you off with Lexi, the AI chatbot. The chatbot is actually fairly useful and makes tracking down basic answers a breeze.

    If Lexi isn't helpful enough, you can just type the word "Human" into chat, and you'll get connected with a real person in just a few minutes.

    Mobile Compatibility – 4.7/5

    There are no downloadable apps for BetAnySports, but that's not a problem because the mobile website runs great on every device we tested it on.

    Overall – 4.75/5

    In addition to being a stellar crypto lottery site, BetAnySports lets players enjoy a wide variety of real money slots and table games like roulette, blackjack, baccarat, keno, and more.

    There's even a surprisingly great sportsbook chock full of competitive odds across a wide range of sports.

    >> Get your online lottery tickets at BetAnySports

    4. Mega Millions – Best Bundle Deals On Lotteries Like Powerball

    Mega Millions - Best Bundle Deals On Lotteries Like Powerball 


  • Massive jackpot prizes
  • Get up to 25% off when you use multi-draw
  • Use the Megaplier to multiply non-jackpot prizes up to 5x
  • Excellent mobile app
  • Cons:

  • No crypto options
  • Heavily geo-restricted
  • Wrapping up our list of top online lotteries is the Mega Millions lottery site. If the Powerball lottery has one true rival, it's got to be Mega Millions. With jackpot prizes that periodically break $1 billion, it's no surprise that players all over are scrambling for tickets.

    Lottery Options – 4.8/5

    Purchasing your Mega Millions lottery ticket online couldn't be easier thanks to The Lotter.

    Depending on where you connect from, you may have to buy at least three tickets, like the Powerball above.

    You can expect your Mega Million tickets to be marked up by 150%, so you'll pay $5 per ticket.

    You'll also have the ability to drastically improve your odds by buying shares in a syndicate or lottery pool. This will let you buy a bunch of tickets with a group of people and split the winnings should one of them win.

    And if you want to save a little money, you can pull up the multi-draw and get up to 25% off your per-ticket pricing, giving you even more chances to win.

    If you want to go the whole nine yards, you can even sign up for one of The Lotter's bundles, which will let you buy Mega Millions tickets and shares in a syndicate, giving you increased odds with massive savings. If you're serious about the online lottery, this is the way to go.

    Banking – 4.7/5

    Thanks to The Lotter's wide range of payment options, you'll be able to buy your Mega Millions tickets with Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller, and Paysafecard, as well as a wide range of other payment methods depending on where you're playing from.

    Withdrawals can be made via Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller, and bank transfer and are generally processed within 1-5 days.

    Not all wins can be handled through The Lotter's payout system, though, and many lotteries will require you to pick up your winnings in person. In cases like these, The Lotter will walk you through the process to ensure you get your big payday.

    Customer Service – 4.8/5

    We love the website's 24/7 live chat and email support options. The support members are fast and friendly, though things can take a little extra time when the big lotteries are sporting bigger jackpots.

    Mobile Compatibility – 4.7/5

    The Lotter offers excellent mobile banking options. Buying tickets through The Lotter's mobile app is fast and easy and works beautifully wherever your phone has data.


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