Bacterial Vaginosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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7 Best Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Treatments, FAQs, And More

Bacterial vaginosis is common in people with a vagina. Although it can clear up on its own, getting treatment can lower your risk of complications and health risks.

A healthy vagina naturally contains both "good" and "bad" bacteria. But if there's an overgrowth of bad bacteria, an infection called bacterial vaginosis (BV) can occur.

BV commonly affects people with a vagina between ages 15 and 44. Typically, it develops in people who are sexually active.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), BV is the most common cause of vaginal symptoms among women ages 14–49 in the United States.

In the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001–2004, prevalence of BV was about 29% of females ages 14–49, or about 21 million individuals. Prevalence means the number of people affected by a condition at a particular time. Although this survey is older, it provides the most current reliable nationwide count.

Research indicates that BV affects about 1 in 3 women worldwide. Global prevalence of BV varies greatly, ranging from 4–74% of women, according to research from 2022. Bacterial vaginosis is most common in parts of Africa and least common in Asia and Europe.

Here are the top causes and treatments for bacterial vaginosis plus tips for how to prevent bacterial vaginosis.


An excess of bad bacteria throws the vaginal environment out of balance, resulting in symptoms like:

  • thin grayish-white discharge, especially after sexual intercourse
  • discharge with a fishlike odor
  • pain during urination
  • pain during or after sexual intercourse
  • vaginal itching
  • In some cases, BV causes no symptoms. Experts don't know exactly what causes BV.


    According to the CDC, BV is more common in people who are sexually active. However, researchers do not understand exactly why.

    A 2023 study suggests that the bacteria causing BV may be transferrable from women to men during sex, and researchers are exploring whether men can transmit it to women.

    One study shows that the bacteria causing BV can live on the penis or in a man's urinary microbiome. In the study, a significant number of women developed BV within 6–12 months after having sex with men, suggesting that bacteria associated with BV were transmitted to the women during sex.

    Factors that may increase your risk of BV include:

  • douching
  • not using condoms
  • having multiple sex partners
  • having new sex partners
  • Although BV can't always be prevented, you can take the following precautions against BV:

    Diagnosing bacterial vaginosis

    To diagnose BV, a healthcare professional will start by taking a medical history and doing a physical pelvic exam. They will take a sample of vaginal secretions and order lab tests analyzing your vaginal cells and checking for vaginal acidity. Sometimes, clinics do these tests in the office.

    Home test kits are available in drugstores, but they are not always accurate. These tests check for symptoms of BV, like changes in vaginal acidity and by-products of a BV infection rather than for BV itself.

    Home test kits might indicate whether you have BV. But you'll want to confirm your results with a healthcare professional. They can help you decide on the best treatment.

  • Potential side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth, other gastrointestinal symptoms, appetite loss, headache, mouth or tongue irritation
  • One of the best prescription treatments for BV is an antibiotic called metronidazole. You can take it as a pill or gel.

    The CDC recommends the following dosages:

  • Pill: 500 milligrams (mg) taken orally twice per day for 7 days
  • Gel: 5 grams (g) inserted into the vagina once per day for 5 days
  • If you have BV that recurs, a doctor may prescribe 500 mg of oral medication for 10–14 days. Another option is to use vaginal gel for 10 days, then twice weekly for 3–6 months.

  • Potential side effects: nausea, vomiting, joint pain, heartburn, pain when swallowing, vaginal discharge, metallic taste in the mouth, itching or burning of the vagina
  • Clindamycin is another effective prescription treatment for BV. It's an antibiotic that you can take as:

  • a pill
  • cream
  • ovule suppository
  • An ovule suppository is a medication membrane that melts inside the vagina.

    According to the CDC, the recommended dosages for clindamycin are:

  • Pill: 300 mg taken orally twice per day for 7 days
  • Cream: 5 g inserted into the vagina at bedtime for 7 days
  • Ovule suppositories: 100 mg inserted into the vagina at bedtime for 3 days
  • Clindamycin cream and ovules contain oil, which may weaken latex products like condoms and diaphragms. This effect can last 72 hours for ovules and 5 days for cream.

  • Potential side effects: metallic taste in the mouth, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, constipation, stomach pain or cramping, tiredness, dizziness, headache
  • It's possible to develop adverse side effects from metronidazole or clindamycin. In this case, the doctor may prescribe tinidazole instead.

    Tinidazole is also an antibiotic that you can take as a pill. For BV, there are two recommended dosages:

  • 2 g orally once per day for 2 days
  • 1 g orally once per day for 5 days
  • Secnidazole
  • Potential side effects: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, metallic taste in the mouth
  • Another option is secnidazole. This is an antibiotic that you can take in one dose.

    Secnidazole is available as granules that you can consume orally. The recommended single dose is 2 g. You can take the granules by mixing them with unsweetened applesauce or yogurt first.

    Secnidazole is significantly more expensive than other treatments. However, it may be a good option if you prefer a single-dose treatment.

  • Potential side effects: mild gastrointestinal side effects
  • Probiotics are good bacteria. Taking probiotic supplements may help introduce healthy bacteria into your body.

    According to a 2019 review of 10 studies, which focused on the effects of probiotics on bacterial vaginosis, there's evidence that taking probiotic supplements daily may help treat and prevent BV.

    And a research review from 2021 suggests that oral and vaginal probiotics may be an effective treatment and prevention option for BV. But researchers note that more studies are needed to determine:

  • correct dose
  • strain
  • length of treatment
  • whether probiotics should be paired with antibiotics
  • If you've been prescribed an antibiotic for BV, bear in mind that antibiotics can kill off the good bacteria as well as the bad. Probiotic supplements and yogurt can help replace good bacteria that are destroyed by antibiotics.

    If you have BV, you could try taking probiotics daily to help treat and prevent future cases of this condition. Probiotics are available in:

    You can buy probiotic supplements from:

  • pharmacies
  • health food stores
  • stores that sell supplements
  • online
  • Garlic
  • Potential side effects: burning if inserted vaginally
  • Garlic has strong antibacterial properties, and it's long been used as a home remedy for BV.

    For BV treatment, take garlic orally. Taking it vaginally has been known to burn vaginal tissue.

    Research from 2020 looked at alternative treatments for BV. It concluded that taking a garlic supplement tablet could be an option for treating BV, although it also noted studies that suggest antibiotic treatment is more effective.

    Boric acid suppository
  • Potential side effects: allergic reaction, vaginal irritation
  • Boric acid vaginal suppositories are commonly used to treat BV, according to a research from 2019. According to the research, boric acid is typically effective at treating both BV and vaginal thrush, and few side effects occur.

    Please note that boric acid is not edible — it's toxic to eat. Store it away from children and animals. It's also not safe to use if you're pregnant. However, it's considered safe to use boric acid in the vagina.

    According to the CDC, experts still don't fully understand how BV spreads. But in general, anything that changes the chemical balance in your vagina can increase your risk of BV.

    For instance, these steps may lower your risk of BV:

    Although BV can clear up on its own, there are times when it can get worse without treatment. Also, it has been associated with other serious health complications.

  • Increased STI risk: If untreated, BV can increase your risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, according to a 2022 research review. BV may also increase the risk of contracting herpes simplex virus type 2 and the human papillomavirus.
  • HIV transmission: Research shows that BV can cause up to six times more HIV shedding in someone who has HIV. Shedding refers to the amount of the virus present in bodily secretions. Increased shedding can put your sexual partner at a greater risk of contracting HIV during sex, even if you take medication for HIV. A 2018 study shows that women with both HIV and BV may be more likely to transmit HIV to their sexual partners than those with HIV.
  • Pregnancy complications: A 2016 study shows that BV can trigger a variety of potential complications for pregnant people. Researchers recommend testing and treatment of pregnant people who have symptoms of BV. Potential complications of BV during pregnancy can include:
  • miscarriage
  • preterm labor
  • infants with low birth weight
  • placenta and amniotic fluid infection (chorioamnionitis)
  • postpartum endometritis
  • pelvic inflammatory disease after abortion
  • Increased risks to sexual partners: Research is still undecided on whether bacteria associated with BV can be transmitted by both men and women to their partners during sex. It appears likely that transmission can occur when people with a vagina have sex, and some researchers say transmission may also occur during heterosexual sex.
  • If your symptoms haven't resolved or started to clear up after a week of treatment, you can make an appointment with a doctor or gynecologist.

    Also, contact a doctor if you have:

    Consider making an appointment on a day when you won't have your period. This allows the doctor to take a swab of your vaginal discharge for testing.

    You can book an appointment with an OB-GYN in your area using our Healthline FindCare tool.

    Recurring BV

    Recurring BV is common. Even with treatment, infections recur in more than 50% of cases within 6 months to 1 year. The reasons for this high recurrence rate are not known.

    Research is divided on whether recurrence can be caused by re-infection from partners during sex. The CDC says that although bacteria associated with BV can be found on male genitalia, treating male sex partners for BV has not helped prevent the recurrence of BV in women.

    When both sex partners have a vagina, and one of them has BV, the infection often develops in the partner, according to the CDC. But research has not yet determined the effectiveness of treating people with a vagina to prevent BV recurrence.

    Other possible causes of recurrence include:

  • antibiotic resistance
  • incomplete or unsuccessful treatment
  • imbalances in the vaginal microbiome
  • If symptoms recur soon after your treatment, you may want to see a healthcare professional to consider alternative treatments. Options include different or extended drug therapies or supplementation to restore normal flora balance in the vaginal microbiome.

    Is bacterial vaginosis contagious?

    BV is not considered to be an STI. But sex increases your risk of developing the infection.

    If a person with BV has sex with a person with a vagina, their partner may need to seek treatment for BV.

    What is the quickest way to treat bacterial vaginosis?

    The fastest way to treat BV is to visit a doctor and get a prescription to treat the condition.

    A prescription treatment will likely clear up your symptoms in 2–3 days. If you're pregnant or undergoing any medical procedures, it's especially important to have your BV taken care of sooner rather than later.

    The doctor may prescribe an oral or vaginal antibiotic, like:

  • clindamycin
  • metronidazole
  • tinidazole
  • Can bacterial vaginosis go away on its own?

    BV might go away on its own, but it's usually not worth the wait.

    If it does go away on its own, it may take around 2 weeks to resolve, and then keep coming back. During that time, you might experience unpleasant symptoms.

    How long does BV take to go away?

    After seeing a doctor and starting treatment with a prescribed medication, your symptoms will likely improve within 2–3 days.

    However, it's important to continue taking your medication for the prescribed period of time, even if your symptoms have gone away. This will help ensure that the infection has completely cleared up, which typically takes about 7 days.

    Should you be treated for bacterial vaginosis if you're pregnant?

    If you're pregnant, it's wise to get treatment for BV as soon as possible. That's because BV can increase the risk of early delivery and other complications.

    It's safe to take antibiotics for BV while you're pregnant. A vaginal suppository antibiotic is typically prescribed to avoid side effects like nausea, vomiting, metallic taste, heartburn, and others.

    What is the difference between a yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis?

    BV and vaginal yeast infections have similar symptoms but different causes and treatments. Both cause inflammation of the vagina, also known as vaginitis. Both can also cause itchiness, but yeast infections do this more.

    One of the differences between BV and a yeast infection is that BV produces a foul-smelling, "fishy" odor, while a yeast infection produces a slight "yeasty" aroma to no vaginal odor at all.

    Additionally, a yeast infection may cause redness and inflammation of the vulva, and white, "cottage-cheese-like" discharge, while BV doesn't produce such symptoms.

    To determine whether a vaginal infection is BV or a yeast infection, a doctor may:

  • ask about your medical history, including previous vaginal infections
  • perform an exam to look for signs of infection and vaginal discharge
  • take a sample of the discharge for analysis, to see whether an overgrowth of harmful bacteria or fungi is present
  • test the pH of the vagina; according to a research from 2018, a pH of 4.5 or above can be an indication of BV
  • Can I really treat BV with alternative home remedies?

    If you can't use or access antibiotics, certain home remedies — namely probiotics, garlic, and boric acid suppositories — could treat BV. However, some studies indicate that these home remedies aren't as effective as antibiotic treatment.

    The CDC reports that while some studies have evaluated supplementing Lactobacillus and other probiotics vaginally to treat BV, research does not support this to replace or add to standard BV therapy.

    A 2018 study suggests other potential alternatives to antibiotic treatment, though these need to be done under a healthcare professional's care:

    A 2023 study points to the development of antimicrobial resistance worldwide and calls for development of new alternative non-antimicrobial therapies for BV.

    Although mild cases of BV may resolve on their own, treatment can help lower the risk of complications. The most effective options are prescription antibiotics. These include metronidazole and clindamycin, which you may take as a pill or cream.

    In some cases, a doctor might prescribe tinidazole or secnidazole. These medications are also antibiotics. Taking probiotics, garlic capsules, and boric acid may also help.

    Though your symptoms might improve within a few days, be sure to take all your medication as directed. This will help make sure that your infection has completely resolved. If you have recurring BV, you can work with a doctor to find long-term solutions.

    10 Best Bv Treatments

    10 Best Bv TreatmentsHealth & householdRecombu Product Features
  • FINALLY, SAFE & EFFECTIVE NATURAL SUPPORT FOR VAGINAL DISCOMFORT! Our feminine Boric suppositories capsules support vaginal health by balancing your pH level. It's time you take care of your wellbeing, once and for all!
  • FEEL REFRESHED! These tablets are made with the best ingredients and are also considered the best feminine wash, hygiene odor-reducing, and pH balancing!
  • RELIEF THAT PROMOTES A HEALTHY pH BALANCE! Simply insert 1 Suppository capsule per day into the vagina using an applicator or your finger before bedtime for 7 consecutive days.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! When it comes to women's health and well-being, we don't take any chances. We confidently back our tested and approved Boric acid suppository with a hassle-free.
  • LEGAL DISCLAIMER - These statements have NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • Product Features
  • Lightweight jersey cotton blend with stretch
  • Bikini-style panties
  • Moderate coverage
  • Tag-free
  • An Amazon brand
  • Colors may vary
  • Product Features
  • RESTORE YOUR NATURAL PH BALANCE: Our boric acid suppositories restore your natural pH levels to support a healthy vagina
  • GET RELIEF FROM BURNING & ITCHING: Soothe and eliminate unpleasant symptoms of vaginal odor, itching, burning and discharge
  • RECEIVE MEDICAL GRADE QUALITY: Our boric acid pills contain 600 mg of 100% pure boric acid powder completely free of fillers or unnatural chemicals.
  • GET PEACE OF MIND: This feminine care product is proudly made in the USA in an FDA registered GMP facility and backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee return policy.
  • LEGAL DISCLAIMER - These statements have NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any of the following conditions, contagious diseases, treatments or infections: Bacterial vaginosis treatment, bv treatment, bacterial infection treatment, bacteriosis treatment, fertility treatment
  • Product Features
  • Everything You Need In 1 Kit: Contains 30 vaginal suppositories and 7 plastic applicators for vaginal insertion (do not swallow); vegan capsules dissolve faster than gelatin.
  • Fast Acting: pure Boric Acid suppository capsules effectively prevent odors and discharge from BV and changes vaginal pH; reduce vaginial itching in as little as 24 hours; feel fresh, clean, and confident.
  • Backed By Science: Many alternative feminine hygiene products are ineffective, but Intimate Rose Boric Acid is proven to quickly restore that fresh feeling.
  • 100% Purity Guaranteed: Our pharmaceutical grade Boric Acid is a natural solution for yeast and other issues, made in a facility right here in the USA to ensure a safe and effective formula for BV.
  • Use In Comfort: Insert using applicator, does not hurt or burn, gentle solution to restore vaginal health; stay clean and dry (unlike with gel or cream). PH balance for women is critical for your health.
  • *Safety Warning: Do not use near open wounds. Do not use on already irritated or broken skin. Discontinue use immediately if any irritation, redness, rash or itching worsens. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Do not use if pregnant.
  • *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • Product Features
  • CLINICALLY PROVEN pH BALANCE FOR BV TREATMENT - In a study involving 48 women, 83% experienced significant improvements in recurrent BV symptoms like vaginal odor, pH balance, itching, and discharge compared to commercial-grade probiotics!
  • PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS FOR DIGESTIVE HEALTH: We paired the most researched prebiotic, PREFORPRO, with the a patented Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium to optimize gut health! PreforPro has been clinically shown to make probiotics 6x more effective!
  • GOES WELL WITH BORIC ACID SUPPOSITORIES: Taking a BV Suppository? Pair them up with They say priobiotics form in the gut, so we need to tackle the digestion of foods. Happy V Pre Pro includes a Clinical Blend of 5 digestive enzymes supplements to ensure the proper breakdown of food and support gut health
  • HIGHEST QUALITY GUARANTEE: 7 patented and trademarked probitoic strains that are shelf-stable, NONGMO, Vegan Friendly, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Gluten Free and Made in the USA. 20 Billion Live Probiotic Cultures Gauranteed
  • ACID RESISTANT VEGAN CAPSULES - Our gluten and filler free vegetable capsules are shown to pass the digestive system and make it to the vaginal flora. This allows for the biotics to work as an antibacterial supplement for balanced pH for the prevention of chronic vaginitis issues
  • Product Features
  • FAST, EASY TO USE ODOR RELIEF – Balance Activ's fast acting and easy to use Odor Relief solutions are for women who want to quickly address vaginal odor
  • NATURAL DEFENSE – Balance Activ's Odor Relief is formulated with glycogen which provides nutrients that encourage the growth of lactobacilli which provide a natural and effective way to maintain a healthy pH balance
  • CLINICALLY PROVEN RELIEF FOR SYMPTOMS – Balance Activ is clinically proven to neutralize vaginal odor and restore feminine freshness
  • FRESHENS & RESTORES NORMAL pH and VAGINAL FLORA – For when you need a restorative rebound after your period, sex, exercising, perspiring, or anytime vaginal balance is desired
  • MORE INFORMATION – Read included leaflet before use. Do not use if you have a shellfish allergy, vaginal infection, or yeast infection. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not labeled as a treatment in the United States. It should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent: vaginal diseases, vaginitis, BV or infections
  • Product Features
  • MONITOR YOUR VAGINAL HEALTH- Check for vaginal disease or ph imbalances.
  • QUICK AND EASY RESULTS- Add your sample to the ph pad, wait 15 seconds, and compare your strip to color chart for results.
  • SEALED POUCHES-50 strips in two sealed pouches to maintain freshness
  • EASY TO READ COLOR CHART-Normal v.S Abnormal results on the color chart are easy to distinguish and interpret. PH values 3.0 to 6.5.
  • DETAILED GUIDE- Detailed Instructions on how to test with info about vaginal diseases and prevention.
  • Product Features
  • FEMININE ISSUES GUARANTEE - Balance Complex is backed by AFT (Advanced Formulation Technology) and is the only product manufactured with such a strong guarantee. If you don't see the difference with Balance Complex for any reason we will refund you all your money including shipping costs. Made in the USA in a FDA registered laboratory and GMP certified facility. COVERED by Amazon Guarantee and Worry Free Return Policy.
  • VAGINAL PROBIOTICS to help to help with vaginal itching relief, vaginal discharge, vaginosis treatment, support healthy intestinal function, bladder support and helps support vaginal health. All-Natural Supplement formula that is the ultimate women's probiotic. For restoration and maintenance of vaginal acidity. Perfect before/after intimacy - supports vaginal odor.
  • Promotes OPTIMAL VAGINAL HEALTH and candida support with candida balance and candida cleanse by method of balancing ph. No more female odor, female smell, vaginal discharge and bv with this daily supplement for women.
  • FLORA IMBALANCE SUPPORT with vaginal flora support supplement. Balance complex for women is the quality vaginal natural supplement for vaginal hygiene treatment to maintain feminine wellness and freshness. Dietary supplement pills that could complement a feminine wash, feminine soap, vaginal cream, or douche to restore feminine balance and ph control.
  • MAXIMUM STRENGTH feminine hygiene supplement consists of Oregano Extract (1.75% volatile oils), Caprylic Acid (magnesium caprylate), Protease , L.Acidophilus, Cellulase , Aloe Vera Gel, Arabinogalactan (FiberAid) , Anise Seed , Reishi Mushroom, Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood (artemisia). Ingredients can be considered a prebiotic and probiotic rebalance feminine hygiene
  • Product Features
  • Complete Vaginal Care Kit - Alleviate your unwanted vaginal issues quickly and efficiently with our medical-grade boric acid suppositories, pH Test Strips, and Applicator.
  • Restore Your Natural pH Balance - Maintain your vaginal pH to a healthy range, eliminating vaginal odors and supporting vaginal health.
  • Perfect for Vaginal Health - The perfect solution to balance your vaginal environment after sex, at the end of your period, or when experiencing odor.
  • Fast, Safe, and Effective - Proud to provide you the highest quality 100% pure boric acid powder (600mg) made in the USA in an FDA registered GMP facility.
  • Legal Disclaimer - These statements have NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any conditions.

  • 25 Best Oral Flea Treatments For Dogs

    This article contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

    Our team went out into the field looking for the best canine nutrition products in the world. Our winner for this year is Pupper, which topped our charts in terms of ingredient quality as well as science backed claims.

    Looking for the best oral flea treatments for your dog? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss 25 best oral flea treatments for dogs that can help get rid of those pesky fleas. We'll cover a variety of different treatments, including oral medications, shampoos, and topical applications.

    So whether your dog is plagued by fleas or you just want to be proactive and prevent them from appearing, we have the solution for you.

    Pupper Omega

    NexGard Flea and Tick Chewables

    Capstar Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs

    Bravecto Chewable

    PetArmor Plus Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs

    Advantus (Imidacloprid) 30-Count Chewable Flea Treatment for Large Dogs

    PetArmor CAPACTION (nitenpyram) Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs

    PetHonesty Flea & Tick Defense Supplement

    Flea Away All Natural Supplement for Fleas

    Simparica Trio Chewable Tablets for Dogs

    Bayer Advantus Large Dogs' Oral Flea Treatment

    Beloved Pets Flea and Tick Control Treats for Dogs

    Chewable Flea and Tick Treats for Dogs

    Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs

    Natural Flea and Tick Chews for Dogs

    NaturVet Brewers Dried Yeast Formula with Garlic Flavoring Plus Vitamins for Dogs and Cats

    EcoFlea by ColoradoDog

    Flea and Tick Natural Flea and Tick Solution - Bacon Flavor

    Jack&Pup Dog Allergy Chews

    PetHonesty Dog Allergy Relief Chews

    Mighty Petz MAX Dog Allergy Relief

    Ready Pet Go! Omega 3 for Dogs

    Dog Allergy Relief Immune Supplement 170 Chews

    Texas Pet Company Flea Defender Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs

    Comfortis Chewable Tablets for Dogs

    Why does my dog have fleas?

    There are a few reasons why your dog may have fleas. One reason is that they are exposed to other animals who have fleas. Another reason is that the environment around them has fleas. Lastly, it could be due to genetics or health problems.

    The good news is that there are many oral treatments available for dogs with fleas. This means that you can easily treat your dog's fleas without much hassle.

    How can I keep fleas from getting in my yard?

    There are a few things you can do to help keep fleas from getting into your yard in the first place. First, make sure that your grass is cut short. Fleas love hiding in long grass, so keeping your lawn trimmed will help to reduce their numbers.

    Secondly, consider using a natural insecticide like diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your yard. This will help to keep fleas and other insects from getting inside.

    Finally, make sure to keep your pets clean and free of fleas. If your dog or cat has fleas, treat them immediately so that they don't have a chance to lay eggs in your yard.

    What are the signs that my dog has fleas?

    The most common sign that your dog has fleas is if they are scratching themselves more than usual. This is because the fleas are biting them and causing irritation. Other signs include bald spots, hot spots, and red skin. If you see any of these signs, it's important to take action right away.

    How do I choose the best oral flea treatment for my dog?

    There are a few things to consider when choosing an oral flea treatment for your dog. The first thing is to make sure that the product is safe for dogs. The second thing is to choose a product that is effective against fleas.

    Lastly, you want to choose a product that is easy to use and that your dog will not mind taking.

    What are oral flea treatments for dogs?

    Oral flea treatments for dogs are medications that are given to dogs orally, usually in the form of a pill or tablet, to kill fleas. The active ingredient in most oral flea treatments is an insecticide called spinosad.

    Spinosad works by causing paralysis and death in fleas. It is safe for dogs and is effective at killing fleas within 24 hours of administration.

    There are many oral flea treatments available for dogs, and choosing the right one can be overwhelming. That's why we've created this list of the best oral flea treatments for dogs, we want to make the process less stressful.

    Oral flea treatments are a convenient and effective way to protect your dog from fleas, and they can be used alongside other flea control products, such as spot-on treatments, shampoos, and collars.

    Is an oral flea treatment better than a flea collar?

    Some people swear by oral flea treatments, while others find them to be ineffective. There is no definitive answer, as each dog is different. Some dogs may respond well to an oral treatment, while others may not. It really depends on the individual dog.

    If you're considering an oral flea treatment for your dog, it's important to do your research and consult with your veterinarian to find the best option for your pet.

    There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing an oral flea treatment for your dog. First, you want to make sure the product is safe and effective. Second, you'll need to decide if you want a monthly or yearly treatment. And third, you'll need to consider the cost.

    How do you give a dog a pill?

    Some dogs will take pills willingly, while others may need a little help. The best way to give your dog a pill is to hide it in their food. You can also try wrapping the pill in cheese or peanut butter, which may make it more palatable for your dog.

    If your dog is still resistant to taking pills, you can try crushing the pill and mixing it with a small amount of water. Once the pill is dissolved, you can syringe the mixture into your dog's mouth.

    Oral flea treatments are an easy and effective way to protect your dog from fleas, and with so many products on the market, you're sure to find one that's right for your pet.

    Are there any particular foods that your dog can eat to deter fleas?

    There are a few foods that can help to deter fleas, including garlic, cloves, and apple cider vinegar. Adding these ingredients to your dog's food may help to keep fleas away.

    You can also try making a Flea repellent spray by mixing equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. This can be sprayed on your dog's fur and will help to keep fleas away.

    If your dog is suffering from flea allergies, there are a few oral treatments that can help to relieve their symptoms. These include antihistamines, corticosteroids, and omega-fatty acids.

    Oral flea treatments are an easy and effective way to protect your dog from fleas, and with so many products on the market, you're sure to find one that's right for your pet.

    What are the side effects of oral flea treatments?

    The most common side effect of oral flea treatments is vomiting. If your dog vomits within two hours of taking the medication, it is important to contact your veterinarian. Other side effects may include diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

    It is important to read the label of any oral flea treatment before giving it to your dog, as some products may not be suitable for dogs with certain medical conditions.

    What other flea treatments are there for dogs instead of oral options?

    There are many other flea treatments available for dogs, including spot-on treatments, shampoos, collars, and sprays. You can also try making a Flea repellent spray by mixing equal parts water and apple cider vinegar.

    This can be sprayed on your dog's fur and will help to keep fleas away. If your dog is suffering from flea allergies, there are a few oral treatments that can help to relieve their symptoms.

    These include antihistamines, corticosteroids, and omega-fatty acids. It is important to read the label of any oral flea treatment before giving it to your dog, as some products may not be suitable for dogs with certain medical conditions.

    How to Choose the Best Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs

    When choosing an oral flea treatment for your dog, it is important to consider your pet's individual needs. Some products may not be suitable for dogs with certain medical conditions. It is also important to read the label of any oral flea treatment before giving it to your dog, as some products may have side effects.

    If you are unsure which product is best for your dog, you can always ask your veterinarian for advice.

    Oral flea treatments are a convenient and effective way to protect your dog from fleas, and with so many products on the market, you're sure to find one that's right for your pet.

    How does an omega supplement help with dog fleas?

    Omega supplements help with dog fleas by reducing inflammation and itchiness. They can also help to reduce the number of flea bites your dog gets. Omega supplements are available in both pill and liquid form, and can be given to your dog either orally or topically.

    What is the best way to give my dog an oral flea treatment?

    The best way to give your dog an oral flea treatment is to follow the instructions on the label. Most products will need to be given once a day, although some may need to be given more or less often. It is important not to miss a dose, as this can make the product less effective.

    Now that we covered the above questions about oral flea treatment for dogs, let's discuss the top 25 options below:

    Image courtesy Pupper

    The suggested dosage of long-chain omega-3s EPA and DHA for dogs is 10 to 20 mg per pound of body weight, which is similar to the amounts typically present in manufactured fish oils.

    The Pupper Omega supplement for dogs is a proactive approach to keep fleas off your dog.

    When evaluated, this supplement can help decrease inflammation in your dog's skin, making it less appealing to fleas. When you maintain your dog's fatty acid levels at an adequate level, you'll observe that they are less prone to be infested with fleas and ticks.

    2.     NexGard Flea and Tick Chewables

    Image courtesy Chewy

    NexGard Flea and Tick Chewables are one of the best oral flea treatments for dogs. They are easy to give and offer protection against both fleas and ticks. NexGard is also available in a beef-flavored chewable, making it a good choice for picky eaters.

    3.     Capstar Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs

    Image courtesy Chewy

    Capstar Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs is an affordable and effective oral flea treatment. Capstar works quickly to kill fleas and is safe for dogs of all ages.

    4.     Bravecto Chewable

    Image courtesy Chewy

    Bravecto Chewable Tablet for Dogs is a long-lasting oral flea treatment. Bravecto offers protection against both fleas and ticks for up to 12 weeks. This chewable tablet is also available in a beef-flavored option, making it a good choice for picky eaters.

    5.     PetArmor Plus Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs

    Image courtesy Chewy

    PetArmor Plus Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs is a monthly oral flea treatment. PetArmor Plus offers protection against both fleas and ticks. This affordable option is easy to give and is safe for dogs of all ages.

    6.     Advantus (Imidacloprid) 30-Count Chewable Flea Treatment for Large Dogs

    Image courtesy Chewy

    Advantus (Imidacloprid) 30-Count Chewable Flea Treatment for Large Dogs is a monthly oral flea treatment. Advantus is safe for dogs of all ages and offers protection against fleas.

    7.     PetArmor CAPACTION (nitenpyram) Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs

    Image courtesy Chewy

    PetArmor CAPACTION (nitenpyram) Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs is an affordable and effective oral flea treatment. Capaction offers protection against fleas and is safe for dogs of all ages.

    8.     PetHonesty Flea & Tick Defense Supplement

    Image courtesy PetHonesty

    PetHonesty Flea & Tick Defense Supplement is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. PetHonesty is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    9.     Flea Away All Natural Supplement for Fleas

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Flea Away All Natural Supplement for Fleas is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Flea Away is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    10.  Simparica Trio Chewable Tablets for Dogs

    Image courtesy Chewy

    Simparica Trio Chewable Tablets for Dogs is a monthly oral flea treatment. Simparica offers protection against both fleas and ticks. This chewable tablet is also available in other flavor options, making it a good choice for picky eaters.

    11.  Bayer Advantus Large Dogs' Oral Flea Treatment

    Image courtesy Chewy

    Bayer Advantus Large Dogs' Oral Flea Treatment is a monthly oral flea treatment. Advantus offers protection against fleas and is safe for dogs of all ages. This affordable option is easy to give and has a beef-flavored chewable option, making it a good choice for picky eaters.

    12.  Beloved Pets Flea and Tick Control Treats for Dogs

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Beloved Pets Flea and Tick Control Treats for Dogs is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Beloved Pets is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    13.  Chewable Flea and Tick Treats for Dogs

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Chewable Flea and Tick Treats for Dogs is an affordable and effective oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Chewable Flea and Tick Treats for Dogs is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for an affordable flea treatment option.

    14.  Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs

    Image courtesy Elanco

    Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs is a long-lasting flea and tick treatment. Seresto offers protection against both fleas and ticks for up to eight months. This collar is also available in a smaller size for puppies, making it a good choice for those who are looking for a long-lasting flea and tick treatment option.

    15.  Natural Flea and Tick Chews for Dogs

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Natural Flea and Tick Chews for Dogs is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Natural Flea and Tick Chews for Dogs is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    16.  NaturVet Brewers Dried Yeast Formula with Garlic Flavoring Plus Vitamins for Dogs and Cats

    Image courtesy Amazon

    NaturVet Brewers Dried Yeast Formula with Garlic Flavoring Plus Vitamins for Dogs and Cats is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. NaturVet is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    17.  EcoFlea by ColoradoDog

    Image courtesy Amazon

    EcoFlea by ColoradoDog is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. EcoFlea is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    18.  Flea and Tick Natural Flea and Tick Solution - Bacon Flavor

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Flea and Tick Natural Flea and Tick Solution - Bacon Flavor is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Flea and Tick Natural Flea and Tick Solution - Bacon Flavor is also safe for dogs of all ages.

    19.  Jack&Pup Dog Allergy Chews

    Image courtesy Amazon

    These best oral flea treatments for dogs are an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Jack&Pup is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    20.  PetHonesty Dog Allergy Relief Chews

    Image courtesy PetHonesty

    PetHonesty Dog Allergy Relief Chews is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. PetHonesty is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    21.  Mighty Petz MAX Dog Allergy Relief

    Image courtesy Mighty Petz

    Mighty Petz MAX Dog Allergy Relief is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Mighty Petz is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    22.  Ready Pet Go! Omega 3 for Dogs

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Ready Pet Go! Omega-three for Dogs is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Ready Pet Go! Is also safe for dogs of all ages.

    23.  Dog Allergy Relief Immune Supplement 170 Chews

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Dog Allergy Relief Immune Supplement 170 Chews is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Dog Allergy Relief is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    24.  Texas Pet Company Flea Defender Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs

    Image courtesy Amazon

    Texas Pet Company Flea Defender Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Texas Pet Company is also safe for dogs of all ages and is a good choice for those who are looking for a natural flea treatment option.

    25.  Comfortis Chewable Tablets for Dogs

    Image courtesy Chewy

    Comfortis Chewable Tablets for Dogs is an all-natural oral flea treatment. This supplement offers protection against both fleas and ticks. Comfortis is also safe for dogs of all ages.

    How long do oral flea treatments for dogs work?

    Most oral flea treatments work for around 24 hours. However, some might last up to 48 hours. It is important to follow the instructions on the product packaging to determine how often you need to give your dog the treatment.

    What are the side effects of oral flea treatments for dogs?

    The most common side effect of oral flea treatments is vomiting. If your dog vomits within two hours of taking the treatment, you should contact your veterinarian. Other side effects may include diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

    What are the best oral flea treatments for dogs?

    There are many different oral flea treatments available on the market. Some of the most popular brands include Pupper Omega, Bravecto, and Nexgard.

    Which oral flea treatment is best for my dog?

    The best oral flea treatment for your dog will depend on a number of factors, including your dog's age, weight, and health condition. You should always consult with your veterinarian before choosing a flea treatment for your dog.

    There are many different oral flea treatments available on the market, but not all of them are created equal. So, how do you know which one is best for your dog? The answer might surprise you.

    The truth is, there is no single "best" oral flea treatment for dogs. The best flea treatment for your dog will depend on a number of factors, including your dog's age, weight, and health condition. You should always consult with your veterinarian before choosing a flea treatment for your dog.

    How often should I give my dog an omega fatty acid supplement for fleas?

    Most omega fatty acid supplements need to be given once or twice a day. However, some products may only need to be given once a week. It is important to follow the instructions on the product packaging.

    Can I give my dog too many oral flea treatments?

    It is important to follow the instructions on the packaging, as well as any recommendations from your veterinarian.

    Typically, oral flea treatments are given once a month. If you have questions about giving your dog an oral flea treatment, always ask your veterinarian.

    Side effects of oral flea treatments are typically mild and may include vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy. If you notice any of these side effects, stop giving the treatment and contact your veterinarian.

    As with any medication, it is always important to speak with your veterinarian before starting your dog on an oral flea treatment. Your veterinarian can help you choose the best oral flea treatment for your dog, based on their individual needs.

    Final Thoughts on 25 Best Oral Flea Treatments for Dogs

    These are the best oral flea treatments for dogs that we could find. We hope you have found the perfect fit for your pup! If you have any further concerns about which option is best for dog, just read the website details on each of the featured brands and discuss options with your vet.


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