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How Is A Yeast Infection Treated?

A yeast infection is a type of fungal infection that occurs when Candida yeast overgrows on the skin or inside the mouth, throat, or vagina. Depending on where you have an infection, yeast infection symptoms can include inflamed and itchy skin; white patches in the mouth; or thick, white vaginal discharge.

Yeast infections can be cured by using antifungal treatments. These medications can come in the form of prescription or over-the-counter creams, vaginal suppositories, and oral tablets. Yeast infection treatments help kill or reduce yeast overgrowth so your body can get rid of the infection and unpleasant irritation and itchiness. 

Before treating the infection on your own, make sure to see a healthcare provider to confirm you actually have a yeast infection. If you suspect a vaginal yeast infection, a general healthcare provider or gynecologist can perform an examination and help oversee your treatment. A general healthcare provider can help treat other common yeast infections too.

Yeast infection treatments are relatively similar across the different types of yeast infections because the infections always require antifungals. However, the type of antifungal medication and treatment duration can vary depending on the type, area, and severity of your yeast infection.

Vaginal Yeast Infections 

Vaginal yeast infections occur when the natural yeast in the vagina overgrows and causes an infection. Medications typically used to treat vaginal yeast infections are part of the azole drug class of antifungals, including:

  • Lotrimin (clotrimazole)
  • Micatin (miconazole) 
  • Trosyd (tioconazole) 
  • Terazol 7 (terconazole)
  • Gynazole 1 (butoconazole)
  • Diflucan (fluconazole)
  • Lotrimin, Micatin, and Trosyd come in an over-the-counter vaginal cream or suppository. Suppositories are small capsules of medicine you can insert into your vagina with an applicator, then the capsules dissolve and release the treatment. These medications are available in one-, three-, and seven-day treatments.

    Terazol 7 and Gynazole 1 are prescription options that are similar to over-the-counter treatments. However, prescription treatments are typically used longer and are often used to treat more severe vaginal yeast infections. While a reaction isn't usually common, topical azoles like these can cause side effects like rash, irritation, and burning. 

    Diflucan, a single-dose oral medication, is more effective for severe yeast infections or if you're prone to recurrent yeast infections. However, this medication, if used in high dosages for extended periods of time, is unsafe during pregnancy because it may harm a developing baby. Diflucan can also interact with some medications, such as blood thinners like warfarin. Other side effects may include mild headache, rash, or upset stomach.

    If you experience recurring vaginal yeast infections, your healthcare provider may suggest using a boric acid suppository which is inserted into the vagina. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not currently approve the suppositories for this purpose, the research found that combining antifungal treatment and boric acid suppositories twice a week helped treat recurrent yeast infections.

    Skin Yeast Infections 

    Skin-related yeast infections often occur on skin folds since yeast thrives in moist, dark areas. The infections can also occur in the groin area, penis, or fingernails. 

    The first part of treatment is to keep the infected skin as dry and clean as possible. The next step is to apply a cream azole antifungal to the infected area for about two weeks. These medicated creams include:

  • Micatin (miconazole) 
  • Lotrimin (clotrimazole)
  • Nizoral (ketoconazole)
  • Nystop (nystatin)—a different type of antifungal called polyenes—may also be applied if the infection is close to a wetter area like your mouth. Diflucan and Sporanox (itraconazole) oral tablets may also be prescribed for more severe skin infections.

    If you have an uncircumcised penis and are dealing with recurrent yeast infections in that area, your healthcare provider may first suggest certain hygiene practices like cleansing underneath the foreskin daily. Other factors, such as the foreskin being too tight, may be causing the infections. In this case, your healthcare provider can discuss different treatment options with you.

    Oral Thrush

    Yeast that overgrows in your mouth or throat can cause a yeast infection known as oral thrush. This yeast infection causes white patches in the mouth and a sore throat. Oral thrush can be treated with azoles or polyenes like:

  • Micatin (miconazole)
  • Diflucan (fluconazole)
  • Nystop (nystatin)
  • Micatin and Nystop liquids are the most common treatments for thrush and are applied to the mouth or throat for seven to 14 days, about four times a day. Nystop tablets are also approved to treat mouth and throat yeast infections. These are taken three to four times a day. 

    Nystop may cause gastrointestinal side effects like diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain. Serious side effects can include a mouth rash, hives, and trouble breathing or swallowing. 

    Your healthcare provider may also prescribe oral Diflucan tablets to treat severe oral thrush or infections that don't improve with topical liquids. 

    Yeast Diaper Rash

    Sometimes, a diaper rash can actually be a yeast infection. These rashes often appear as scaly yellow or red patches on the diaper area and skin folds that can blister. 

    To treat a yeast diaper rash, you'll need to change diapers often, try to keep the area dry, and apply an antifungal polyene or azole cream like:

  • Nystop (nystatin)
  • Lotrimin (clotrimazole)
  • Micatin (niconazole)
  • Nizoral (ketoconazole)
  • Nystop is a prescription cream that is usually applied four times a day for two weeks. If the infection doesn't resolve in about three days, your healthcare provider may recommend using an azole antifungal instead. 

    Lotrimin and Micatin are available over the counter, and Nizoral is a prescription cream. These are usually applied twice a day for up to 10 days. Nizoral can cause serious side effects, including hives, rash, and difficulty breathing and swallowing.

    If your child has a severe yeast rash, your healthcare provider may also suggest using a topical steroid ointment such as 1% hydrocortisone.

    Esophageal Candidiasis 

    People with a weakened immune system are also susceptible to yeast infections in the esophagus, the tube between the stomach and throat. Since this is considered a more severe yeast infection, treatment is never topical. Instead, esophageal yeast infections are treated with oral or intravenous (IV) medication like:

  • Diflucan (fluconazole) oral tablets or IVs
  • Sporanox (itraconazole) tablets
  • Vfend (voriconazole) tablets
  • Mycamine (micafungin) IVs
  • Diflucan tablets are the most common treatment prescribed to treat the infection. These are typically taken for 14 to 21 days. If it's too uncomfortable to swallow medication, you can also get a daily Diflucan IV until you can tolerate oral medications.

    In some cases, your healthcare provider may treat you with a Mycamine daily IV for about two weeks. They may also prescribe once-daily Sporanox or twice-daily Vfend tablets for 14 to 21 days. 

    Mycamine is part of a newer antifungal drug class called echinocandins. These may help kill the yeast that is immune to azole treatments. They also cause fewer side effects and have fewer drug interactions compared to some azoles.

    Invasive Candidiasis 

    Invasive candidiasis is a yeast overgrowth that invades your bloodstream or internal organs. While severe, this infection is rare among healthy adults. 

    People who are already more susceptible to infection, like people in hospitals, are more at risk for invasive candidiasis like candidemia (a blood yeast infection). Invasive candidiasis is usually treated with IV antifungal treatments like:

  • Echinocandin drug class, such as Cancidas (caspofungin) and Mycamine (micafungin)
  • Diflucan (fluconazole)
  • Abelcet (amphotericin B) 
  • Diflucan is usually the first treatment of choice. Blood yeast infections are treated for about two weeks until symptoms are gone and tests no longer detect Candida yeasts in the blood. Invasive candidiasis that affects the bones, joints, heart, or central nervous system is treated for longer durations.

    Some Candida yeast species have become resistant to common treatments like Diflucan, meaning the infection won't clear as well with this medication. In this case, healthcare providers may choose to use a medication like an echinocandin IV instead. This medication behaves differently than azoles and can destroy some azole-resistant yeasts.

    Abelcet, a polyene antifungal, is only approved to treat life-threatening fungal infections. This is never the first treatment choice because the drug can severely damage your body. Studies have shown about 30% of adults deal with kidney injuries after Abelcet treatment.

    Yeast infections are uncomfortable, but unless left untreated, they typically aren't a health emergency. Your healthcare provider can recommend or prescribe the right antifungal treatment for your symptoms. Your infection, along with any symptoms, should clear up after you finish the treatment.

    In rare cases, yeast infections that become too severe can move inside the body and affect your blood and internal organs. These invasive yeast infections can be life-threatening if not treated. However, people with weakened immune systems and hospitalized patients are more likely to deal with invasive yeast infections. 

    If you experience four or more infections per year, you may be dealing with recurrent yeast infections. Research estimates about 5-9% of women experience recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Sometimes a different type of yeast that doesn't respond well to your treatment may cause these infections.

    Overuse of fluconazole (one of the most effective and used treatments for recurrent vaginal yeast and oral infections) has started to create some resistance to this medication. When the yeast becomes resistant to a medication, that treatment becomes less effective against the infection. This can cause the infection to return more easily. 

    Underlying health conditions like diabetes and diseases that weaken the immune system, like HIV, can also cause recurrent vaginal, oral, and skin yeast infections.

    If you are experiencing recurrent infections, a healthcare provider may suggest certain hygiene practices or lifestyle changes that can help. For example, changing out of sweaty clothes after a workout and avoiding hot baths can help prevent vaginal yeast infections. They may also be able to advise other treatments that can help reduce recurrent yeast infections. 

    Yeast infection treatment depends on the type and severity of your yeast infection. Generally, yeast infections are treated with an over-the-counter or prescription antifungal taken orally as a tablet or applied topically as a cream. In severe cases of invasive yeast infections, people are given antifungal IV treatments. 

    Even though over-the-counter medications are available, contact your healthcare provider if you suspect a yeast infection. They can help you determine the right treatment plan. You should also reach out if your yeast infection doesn't get better after treatment. Your healthcare provider can help you find an alternative medication. 

    10 Best Antifungal Tablets For Yeast Infections

    10 Best Antifungal Tablets For Yeast InfectionsHealth & householdRecombu Product Features
  • 1-Dose Yeast Infection Treatment Combination Pack containing an Ovule insert with the maximum strength dose available over-the-counter along with external itch cream for symptom relief
  • Ready-to-use Ovule insert contains 1200 mg Miconazole Nitrate with a disposable contoured applicator
  • Ovule insert stays in place and can be used day or night, making it a great solution for women who don't want to wait until bedtime to begin treating their yeast infection, or for those who exercise frequently or engage in high levels of activity
  • Relieves yeast infection symptoms 4x faster than the leading prescription pill
  • MONISTAT is the No.1 gynecologist-recommended brand
  • Product Features
  • Vaginal yeast infection treatment: 7 empty disposable applicators, 1 tube of antifungal cream (100 milligrams Miconazole Nitrate cream) and 1 tube of external anti-itch cream
  • Pregnant women and diabetics: The CDC recommends only a 7 day topical yeast infection treatment (consult a doctor before use)
  • Number 1 Doctor and Gynecologist Recommended brand that is a clinically proven vaginal antifungal treatment
  • Low dose option for women who want to treat with smaller doses of the active ingredient evenly throughout the week
  • Relieves associated external itching and irritation caused by yeast infections
  • Product Features
  • ACTIVE INGREDIENT: This product contains miconazole nitrate 2 percent, a vaginal antifungal, which compares to the active ingredient in Monistat 7
  • EXTERNAL ITCH CREAM: This product can also be used to relieve external vulvar itching and irritation due to a vaginal yeast infection. Contains miconazole nitrate 2 percent, a vaginal antifungal
  • 7-DAY TREATMENT: Use this 7-day cream with the disposable applicators to cure most vaginal yeast infections and apply it externally to relieve vaginal itching
  • RELIEF WHEN YOU NEED IT: This vaginal yeast infection cream contains miconazole nitrate 2 percent to relieve external itching and irritation
  • A VAGINAL ANTIFUNGAL cream like Miconazole 7 will help to relieve itching and discomfort due to a vaginal yeast infection
  • hers Miconazole 3 Day Yeast Infection Treatment - Treats Vaginal Itching, Burning, Discharge - Yeast Infection Antifungal Ointment with Applicators - 0.18 oz hers

    36 ratings

    More info 4 Product Features
  • VAGINAL ANTIFUNGAL TREATMENT: "My vagina is on fire" – we've been there too. Miconazole is an over the counter medication that treats those horrendous vaginal yeast infections by controlling the growth of the fungus that causes the infection in the first place. Cute, we know. Each order contains 1 box with 3 applicators
  • ELIMINATES ITCHING & BURNING: When there's a fire, you call in the fire department. When you notice burning "down there," you call in hers Yeast Infection 3 Day Treatment. This antifungal medication cures most vaginal yeast infections and helps treat vaginal itching, burning, and discharge
  • 3 DAY TREATMENT: Yeast infections are no one's idea of a good time, so don't let them linger. Hers Miconazole treats yeast infections and vaginal itching in just 3 days so you can get back to living without "the itch"
  • WHEN TO USE: Noticing a burning, stinging, or itching sensation down there? Perhaps some funky discharge or discomfort and pain during intercourse? This Azole antifungal has compounds that can control and inhibit the growth of most fungi in the body and skin, yeast being one of them
  • HOW TO USE: This treatment comes with three applicators (similar to a tampon). Insert the applicator into your vagina, push the medication out until the device is empty, then remove and discard the applicator. Use Miconazole at night before bed to prevent leakage and use for three nights in a row
  • Product Features
  • EFFECTIVE TREATMENT: Effective treatment for Athletes Foot, Jock Itch, Skin Fungus, Nail Fungus, and ringworm.
  • RELIEVING FORMULA: Relieves Itching, Burning, Cracking & Scaling. Antifungal Cream Skin. Compare to the active ingredients in the leading name brand.
  • FRESH PRODUCT: Our Customers will always receive a fresh product. Globe Clotrimazole is one of the most popular pharmacist recommended brands in the United States.
  • PROVEN TO CURE MOST JOCK ITCH AND RINGWORM: Treat tinea cruris, commonly known as jock itch, with the proven power of Globe clotrimazole cream.
  • BULK BUY: You received five tubes of Globe Clotrimazole 1% Cream for the price if one tube of the leading name brand.
  • AZO Yeast Plus Dual Relief Tablets, Yeast Infection and Vaginal Symptom Relief, Relieves Vaginal Itching & Burning, 60 Count AZO

    13816 ratings

    More info 6 Product Features
  • MULTI-BENEFIT FORMULA for vaginal and yeast infection symptom relief.* Vaginal and yeast infections share similar bothersome symptoms (itching, burning, odor, and discharge).*
  • ONE CONVENIENT PILL. Only AZO Yeast Plus homeopathic medicine combines yeast infection and vaginal symptom relief in one convenient pill.*
  • RELIEVES VAGINAL ITCHING AND BURNING.* 75% of women will experience a vaginal yeast infection in her lifetime, and other vaginal symptoms are even more common.- You can get symptom relief with AZO Yeast Plus.
  • RELIEVES OCCASIONAL VAGINAL DISCHARGE AND ODOR.* AZO Yeast Plus is a unique formula that relieves the symptoms of yeast infections, PLUS other vaginal symptoms like odor and discharge.
  • INGREDIENTS RECOGNIZED by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Stimulates your body's natural defenses to help restore balance.
  • LACTOSE FREE. Safe. Gentle.
  • During the summer months products may arrive warm but Amazon stores and ships products in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations, when provided.
  • Product Features
  • ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: This combo pack contains miconazole nitrate 1200 mg (in vaginal insert) and miconazole nitrate 2 percent (external cream), which are both vaginal antifungals. Compare to the active ingredients in Monistat 1 Combination Pack
  • 1-DAY TREATMENT: Cures most vaginal yeast infections using 1 vaginal softgel insert with 1 flexible applicator plus external cream for itch relief
  • EXTERNAL VULVAR ITCH CREAM: This combo pack also includes an external cream to relieve external vulvar itching and irritation due to a vaginal yeast infection. Contains miconazole nitrate 2 percent, a vaginal antifungal
  • USE the softgel insert with 1 flexible applicator day or night to treat and cure most vaginal yeast infections
  • A VAGINAL YEAST INFECTION treatment like Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Insert (1200 mg) and Miconazole Nitrate Cream (2 percent); 1-Day Treatment for Vaginal Yeast Infection will help to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and cure most vaginal yeast infections
  • Product Features
  • ACTIVE INGREDIENT: This product contains miconazole nitrate 4 percent (200 mg in each applicatorful), a vaginal antifungal to treat yeast infection, which compares to the active ingredient in Monistat 3
  • 3-DAY VAGINAL TREATMENT includes 3 applicators prefilled with 4 percent miconazole nitrate cream to help treat vaginal yeast infection
  • USE one applicator at bedtime for 3 nights in a row and throw the applicator away after each use. Read the enclosed consumer information leaflet for complete directions and information
  • YEAST INFECTION RELIEF: This vaginal antifungal cures most vaginal yeast infections and associated vaginal itching and discomfort
  • Amazon Basic Care MICONAZOLE 3, Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (4 percent) cures most yeast infections
  • Vagistat 1 Day Single-Dose Yeast Infection Treatment for Women, Antifungal Ointment Helps Relieve External Itching and Irritation, 1 Pre-Filled No Touch Vaginal Applicator, by Vagisil Vagisil

    2286 ratings

    More info 9 Product Features
  • Vagisil convenient vaginal antifungal treatment that gets to work in a single dose
  • 1 step application treatment cures most vaginal yeast infections with just 1 dose. Same effective ingredient as Monistat, for less
  • Comes with a no-touch, pre-filled applicator containing tioconazole antifungal (6.5%)
  • For use by adults and children 12 years of age and over: Insert entire contents of applicator into the vagina at bedtime. Throw applicator away after use
  • Before using this product, read the enclosed consumer information leaflet for complete directions and information
  • Product Features
  • One bottle of 60 YeastGard Advanced Homeopathic Remedy Capsules
  • Paraben free alternative vaginal yeast infection treatment helps treat the symptoms of a vaginal infection
  • YeastGard feminine products are an alternative yeast infection treatment for women with calcium carbonate, potassium chloride and stone root aids in relief in a LactoSpore probiotic base
  • If taken daily, this women's health product may help reduce the frequency of recurring yeast infection symptoms for improved vaginal health and reduced vaginal itching

  • Vaginal Yeast Infections

    They're itchy and uncomfortable, and no one really likes to talk about them. But vaginal yeast infections are very common in women. It's estimated that 75% of women will have at least one yeast infection in their lifetime.

    Though yeast infections can happen to anyone at any time, there are certain things that make getting them more likely. Most infections can be cleared up quickly and easily.

    The vagina normally contains a healthy balance of bacteria and yeast. The hormone estrogen helps bacteria called lactobacilli to grow. These bacteria kill harmful organisms in the vagina and keep you healthy. But when something happens to tip that balance, a fungus called candida can grow out of control and cause a yeast infection.

    Itchiness and discomfort are the main symptoms of a yeast infection, but there are others. You may also experience any or all of the following:

  • Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the vulva (the outer part of the female genitals)
  • Pain or burning when you pee
  • Pain during sex
  • A thick, white, odorless discharge, similar to cottage cheese
  • If you think you have a yeast infection, see your doctor before treating yourself. The symptoms of yeast infections are similar to other, more serious conditions, including sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis (bacterial overgrowth in the vagina). An accurate diagnosis is important so you can get the best treatment.

    There are many reasons you could get a yeast infection, including:

  • Hormones: Changes during pregnancy, breast-feeding or menopause (or if you're taking birth control pills) can change the balance in your vagina.
  • Diabetes: If your diabetes is not well-controlled, the increase in sugar in the mucus membranes (moist linings) of your vagina can create a place for yeast to grow.
  • Antibiotics: These drugs can kill off many of the good bacteria that live in your vagina.
  • Douches and vaginal sprays: The use of these products can change the balance in your vagina.
  • A weakened immune system: If you are HIV-positive or have another immune system disorder, the yeast may also grow uncontrolled.
  • Sex: Though a yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, it can be passed from person to person through sexual contact.
  • Over-the-counter antifungal creams, ointments or suppositories (with clotrimazole or miconazole) are the most common ways to treat yeast infections. These can take from 1 to 7 days. Your doctor may also choose to prescribe an oral antifungal medication, such as fluconazole (Diflucan) or ibrexafungerp (Brexafemme). 

    If you're pregnant, it's safe to use creams or suppositories but avoid oral medications. 

    It's important for you to know that some yeast infection medications weaken condoms or diaphragms. That makes it easier for you to get pregnant or contract a sexually transmitted disease. Be sure to read instructions and warnings before using.

    If you have diabetes or a weakened immune system, you may get yeast infections over and over again. It's a condition called recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC). If you get yeast infections at least four times a year, your doctor may recommend that you take a weekly fluconazole pill for 6 months to fight them. Oteseconazole (Vivjoa) has been approved for those with recurring problems with infections who will not be reproducing.

    Some studies have shown that eating probiotic yogurt or taking Lactobacillus acidophilus supplements may slow the growth of yeast in the vagina, lowering the risk for infections. But more research is needed before a clear connection can be made.


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