Yeast Infections Explained: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments - Health Digest

Candida is also naturally present in other parts of the body, such as the mouth, digestive tract, and skin. Therefore, the vagina is not the only place where people can develop yeast infections. Yet, when an infection happens in other parts of the body, it is called thrush (according to the Cleveland Clinic). A Candida overgrowth also causes thrush, and while it can affect anyone, it is more common in newborns, toddlers, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. Because yeast thrives in moist or humid environments, thrush can be developed in the mouth and throat and the nipples or breasts of breastfeeding moms (per the Office on Women's Health).

The Cleveland Clinic explains that a thrush infection in the mouth or throat — also known as oropharyngeal candidiasis — is not a major health problem, and is usually not contagious in healthy people. Some of its most common symptoms include white wounds in the tongue and cheeks, redness and soreness, and loss of taste.

As for thrush during breastfeeding, it can be passed on from the baby to the mom or vice versa. For this reason, both mom and baby should be treated at the same time, even if only one of them presents symptoms. According to the Office on Women's Health, common symptoms of thrush during breastfeeding include sore, flaky, itchy, cracked, dark pink or blistered nipples; achy breast; or a shooting pain during or after feedings.


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