Vaginal Infection: Warning Signs of Bacterial Vaginosis You Should Never Ignore - TheHealthSite

Suffering from itchy and sore vagina? here are some of the warning signs of Bacterial Vaginosis that you should never ignore.

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Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): What Is It?

A woman can suffer from various types of vaginal infections. One of the most common among them is bacterial vaginosis. This infection is usually caused by abnormal bacterial growth in the vagina. The main cause behind this unusual bacterial growth in the vagina is abnormal vaginal discharge that occurs during the reproductive-age of a woman.

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How Dangerous Is The Infection?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common vaginal infection. The condition is associated with poor obstetrics and gynecologic outcomes, which may include — infections post surgeries, preterm delivery, etc. This serious condition can also lead to other serious health issues in women such as — the woman can become more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections (SITs).

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Who Can Get Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial Vaginosis is most common among women between the age group 15 to 44 (before a woman hits her menopause). When it comes to who are at risk of developing this kind of vaginal condition — it can be anyone in the above mentioned age group.


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Who Is At Higher Risk?

The risk of developing Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) depends on the lifestyle of the woman, the hygiene the lady is following to keep the genitals clean. One may have a higher risk of getting BV during pregnancy, involving into unprotected sex, having an intrauterine device (IUD), involving in sexual activities with multiple partners, etc.

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What Are The Warning Symptoms?

Up to 84% of women in India suffers from Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). If not treated on time, this condition can lead to some other serious health issues — which my not be a good thing to experience. Here are some of the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) that you should never ignore.

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Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

You may notice a thick vaginal discharge which is often Off-white, grey or greenish in colour. This is not a good sign. If not Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), this sudden vaginal discharge can also mean that your vaginal health has been compromised and it needs immediate care.

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Smelly Vaginal Discharge

Other than the colour, one who is suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) may also find the vaginal discharge quite smelly — a toxic odour or something that smells like rotten fish.

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Itchy Or Sore Vaginal Walls

Its rare but one of the warning sign of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). If you find yourself at a place where it is very common that your vagina doesn't feel normal and its always itchy and sore, you should immediately visit a doctor and get yourself checked for Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).

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Redness Or Bumps In The Vaginal Wall

Your vagina can tell a lot about the health issues you are suffering. If you notice sudden pimple like bumps in the wall of your vagina, you should understand that it is a sign of something serious happening under there. Seek immediate doctor's attention and follow the safety ideas for healthy and happy vagina.


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How To Keep Your Vagina Healthy And Happy?

There are many ways to keep your vagina healthy and happy some of them are — Eat right, control your weight and exercise. Eating right is very important not just for your weight loss, it is also important for your vaginal health. Always indulge in protected sex, never forget to use condoms, do not ignore post-menopausal bleeding or any kind of unusual bleeding. Also, to keep the vagina healthy, drink lots of fluid, wash your vagina with mild soap everyday, do not keep it unclean.

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