Treating yeast infections - Truth, for its own sake. - New Era

There are many misconceptions about the vagina and how to take care of it.
Honestly, ladies, trust me, besides soap and water, there is nothing that qualifies to go down there. Nothing at all.
There really isn't anything that would make it smell better – nothing that will make it tighter, perhaps surgery, but that is not the topic for today.
Yeast infections – If you are someone who is prone to these, I am sure you just cringed at reading that word. So, what is a yeast infection and how do we cure it?
Yeast infections are many things: aggravating, itchy, kinda gross – but one thing they shouldn't be is mysterious. These incredibly common infections are caused by a fungus that is naturally present in your body.
When that fungus level rises, which can happen due to increased estrogen levels, antibiotics or pregnancy, it can lead to an infection. With this, symptoms are often a white discharge – sometimes cottage cheese-like, vulvovaginal itching, and/or burning.
Other symptoms can include a burning sensation when you pee or pain during sex – all of which should point you straight to a doctor to get checked out.
What you need to know about yeast infections is that it is not caused by sex. Yeast infections are not considered a sexually transmitted disease but they do occur more in sexually active women.
There can be sexual transmission of yeast to a partner, and both partners can be colonised with the same kind of yeast, but the number of yeast infections is not related to the number of partners a woman has. It is not contagious.
They are triggered by an imbalance of the vagina's natural bacteria and cannot be contracted. They cannot be acquired by casual contact and items like towels, toilet seats, etc.
However, just because a yeast infection isn't considered to be a sexually transmitted disease, there is a small chance your guy could wind up with an itchy rash if you have unprotected sex while infected.
Plus, if you already have a yeast infection, getting busy can make it feel much worse, since the vaginal tissue is already irritated. So, it is best to just avoid getting busy.
You cannot really prevent yeast infections because, sometimes, they are recurrent.
However, some of the things to do would be to avoid tight clothes, and avoid sweating and using bathrooms that aren't clean.
Yeast infections are also very easy to treat. No, yoghurt isn't the trick ladies.
Please do not apply yoghurt to your labia or inside your vagina, or wash it with soap because you think it is dirty. No, if you have a yeast infection, there is over the counter medication you can use: bio or antibiotics from your nearest clinic.
However, if they are recurrent, here are a few tips to remember.
There are some natural remedies to curb the reoccurrence of yeast infection:
1. Garlic: Add more garlic to your diet, and you can determine if the yeast infection clears faster and stays away.
2. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, which means it has antimicrobial properties. Rather than burning your skin with a suppository, increase the amount of Vitamin C you eat and drink.
3. Greek yoghurt: Eating this live bacterium can create a healthy vaginal environment, as it treats an overgrowth caused by C. Albicans. Plain Greek yoghurt is ideal because it does not contain added sugars, which can fuel the growth of Candida fungus. The word is EATING.
4. Apple cider vinegar: This is a popular at-home remedy for multiple ailments. It can also help with yeast infections. Add a half-cup to warm bath water and soak your body for about 20 minutes. The acid can help eliminate harmful microorganisms from your vagina.
5. You can also take in large amounts of cranberry. Chronic yeast infection reoccurrence is a cause for concern; please contact your doctor for more professional help as soon as you can if you are battling this.
• Frieda Mukufa's lifestyle section concentrates on women-related issues and parenting every Friday in the New Era newspaper. She also specialises in editing research proposals, proofreading as well as content creation.

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