Know All About Using Natural Home Remedies For Dry Cough - Femina

Symptoms of Dry Cough Infographic

With dry cough being one of the main symptoms of COVID-19, it certainly makes sense to understand it and make note of home remedies for dry cough. For starters, to keep your airways clear of irritating or obstructing substances, your body creates a defensive reflex in the form of a cough, which expels the obstruction, leading you to breathe effectively.

There are two kinds of cough – non-productive and productive. A non-productive cough is usually known as dry cough; it doesn't produce mucus, while a productive cough produces mucus or phlegm to clear the lungs. Generally, dry coughs linger for weeks post your flu or the cold.

Symptoms of Dry Cough Infographic
Image: Shutterstock

1. Effective Home Remedies
2. Raw Honey
3. Turmeric
4. Ginger
5. Steam
6. Salt Water Gargles
7. Thyme Tea
8. FAQs:

Effective Home Remedies

A dry cough can have a huge impact on your day-to-day life; besides, it can make your sleep unpleasant at night. There are plenty of home remedies for dry cough which are passed on from generation to generation. However, they are considered safe for short-term use only. Apart from environmental factors like smoke, dust, pollution, mold, pollen and other allergies, asthma, pneumonia, sinusitis, tuberculosis, Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and Interstitial Lung Disease are some of the causes of dry cough, so don't be negligent.
Are Home Remedies For Dry Cough Effective?
Image: Shutterstock

Tip: Keep experimenting with home remedies for dry cough; it may take time but you will surely find one that suits your body and treats you the best. However, remember that if home remedies are not effective, then it is always advisable to visit your doctor, especially if the cough gets severe with other symptoms like chills and high fever.

Raw Honey

Raw Honey For Dry Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Honey is one of the oldest home remedies for dry cough; it is natural, anti-inflammatory, and coats your throat. It has antimicrobial effects that can temper minor bacterial or viral infections. It is the best alternative for adults as well as children, but it should not be given to children under the age of two years. Honey triggers the salivary glands to produce more saliva, which in turn lubricates your airways and eases your cough.

Tip: Take a tablespoon of honey daily one to three times a day for controlling your dry cough. You can also take honey by adding it to a cup of hot water or herbal tea and drink it twice a day.


Turmeric For Dry Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Another multifunctional remedy is turmeric, which contains curcumin. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, so all these are beneficial for several issues including dry cough. Turmeric is a centuries-old Ayurvedic medicine that can treat arthritis to respiratory diseases.

Tip: You can add a teaspoon of turmeric to hot milk or any other hot beverage and have it before sleeping at night to avoid irritation in the throat. Also, you can take 500 mg of turmeric powder directly twice a day.


Ginger For Dry Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that boost immunity as well as help in relieving discomfort. It is one of the effective home remedies for dry cough as it is an expectorant that will expel mucus and reduce the intensity of coughing bouts.

You can opt for teas that have ginger as an ingredient. You can also have half a teaspoon of ginger powder added to a cup of hot water, thrice daily. Alternatively, mix a tablespoon of ginger juice and raw honey and have it twice daily. Note that too much ginger can upset your stomach.


Steam For Dry Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Breathing in steam is one of the best home remedies for dry cough as it helps in loosening the mucus. You can also add varied essential oils for added healing. Even without an additive, warm steam can help moisturize dry and irritated nasal passages, ease throat pain, and reduce the severity of the cough.

To make steam, simply take a large bowl full of hot water; add a couple of drops of essential oils like nilgiri oil (eucalyptus oil), rosemary oil, tea tree oil. Lean over the bowl with a towel over your head and inhale the vapors for five minutes. If the steam feels too hot on your skin, then quickly discontinue it.

Tip: You can also turn on a hot shower and allow the bathroom to fill up with steam. Stay in this steam for a while till you feel the symptoms have subsided.

Salt Water Gargles

Salt Water Gargles For Dry Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Doctors always advise the patient to do saltwater gargles when it comes to adopting home remedies for dry cough due to its effectiveness in easing a sore throat. Saltwater is osmotic, which changes the directions of fluids; it draws moisture away from the area of soreness which helps in reducing swelling as well the irritation caused by dry cough.

Take a glass full of warm water and stir in a half tablespoon of salt. Allow it to cool down before gargling. The saltwater needs to stay for a few seconds at the back of your throat before you spit it out. Repeat and do it for a few days for proper effect.

Tip: Gargle salt water multiple times a day until the cough improves. Avoid giving younger children saltwater to gargle as they may swallow it which might be harmful.

Thyme Tea

Thyme Tea For Dry Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Thyme has been in medicinal use since the Black Plague in Europe. It contains a compound that is antispasmodic, helping relax the muscles of the throat. Apart from being a good home remedy for dry cough and sore throat, thyme also contains antioxidant properties that relieve digestive issues.

Tip: Drink some thyme tea a couple of times each day. You can sweeten it using honey or add lemon juice for taste.


Q. Apart from using home remedies for dry cough, how can I prevent a sore throat?

A. Follow these preventive tips:
  • Try to stay as hydrated as you can by having varied herbal teas, enough water and other healthy beverages.
  • Avoid close contact with people having colds and coughs; maintain distance.
  • Get an air purifier if the indoor air is full of dust and pollen.
  • If you have acid reflux, avoid having high-fat food and acidic foods like tomatoes, caffeine, spicy foods and chocolates.
  • Do not smoke because it increases irritation and is very harmful to your lungs.

Herbal Teas For Dry Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Q: Can irregular sleep cycles and high stress cause cough?

A: They surely can, if this unhealthy routine is consistent in your life. You need to have at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Also, high levels of stress can hamper your immunity, increasing your chances of getting sick. So make sure you exercise regularly and adopt the practice of meditation to reduce stress.
Sleep Cycles and High Stress Cause Cough
Image: Shutterstock

Q: Which foods should be avoided during dry cough?

A: You need to avoid the following foods if you have a cold and cough:
  • Histamine dense items like strawberries, mushrooms, avocados, fermented foods, dry fruits, alcohol, and matured cheese
  • Dairy products
  • Beverages high in caffeine like coffee, tea and soft drinks
  • Fried foods
  • Foods high in sugar
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